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3 articles
Unknown Works by Baldassare Franceschini, Called Il Volterrano (1611-1689)
05/1973 | 842 | 115
Pages: 272-283
related names
Ewald, Gerhard (Ewald, Gerhard)
Attributed works:
1. Angelo Galli and His Wife Maddalena Carnesecchi, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Fresco. (Palazzo Galli Tassi, Florence.)
Attributed works:
10. Orpheus and Euridice, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Canvas, c. 220 by 170 cm. (Collection Marchese Emilio Pucci, Florence.)
Attributed works:
11. Venus Caressing Cupid, by Volterrano. Red Chalk and Pencil, 21.9 by 16.6 cm. (Gabinetto di Disegni, Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence No. 3186s.)
Attributed works:
12. Venus Caressing Cupid, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Panel, 94 by 71 cm. (Collection Fielding and Elizabeth Marshall, Raleigh, N. C.).
Attributed works:
13. Perseus with the Shield, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Canvas, c.94 by 70 cm. (London Art Market, 1962).
Attributed works:
14. Portrait of a Cavalier, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Fresco, 51 by 34 cm. (National Gallery, London, No. 3589.)
Attributed works:
15. Guardian Angel, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Canvas, 111.5 by 77.5 cm. (Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.)
Attributed works:
16. Male Head, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Fresco. (Palazzo Della Gherardesca, Florence.)
Attributed works:
17. Head of a Boy, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Fresco. (Palazzo Della Gherardesca, Florence.)
Attributed works:
18. Head of a Youth, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Fresco. (Palazzo Della Gherardesca, Florence.)
Attributed works:
19. Flight into Egypt, by Volterrano. Canvas, 220 by 173 cm. (Palazzo Gerini, Florence.)
Attributed works:
2. Servant of the Galli Family, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Fresco. (Palazzo Galli Tassi, Florence.)
Attributed works:
20. Way to Calvary, by Volterrano. Canvas, 220 by 173 cm. (Palazzo Gerini, Florence.)
Attributed works:
21. Portrait of a Gentleman, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Canvas, 96.5 by 73 cm. (London Art Market, 1968.)
Attributed works:
22. Portrait of a Boy, Here Attributed to Volterrano. Canvas. (Villa Medicea di Poggio a Caiano, near Florence.)
Attributed works:
3. 'La Vigilanza e 'l Sonno', by Volterrano. Fresco. (Villa Medicea di Castello, near Florence.)
Attributed works:
4. King David, by Volterrano. Fresco. (Palazzo Taddei, Florence.)
Attributed works:
5. Angels Ministering to Christ in the Wilderness, by Volterrano. Red Chalk, 34.1 by 48.5 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Musée du Louvre, No.1196.)
Attributed works:
6. Angels Ministering to Christ in the Wilderness, by Volterrano. Monogrammed and Dated 1650. Fresco. (From the Ex-Convento di S. Teresa, Florence; at Present in Deposit of the Florentine Galleries.)
Attributed works:
7. Time Tearing out the Wings of Beauty, by Volterrano. Red Chalk on Blue Paper, 43.5 by 28 cm. (Gabinetto di Disegni, Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence, No.34.15s.)
Attributed works:
8. Time Tearing out the Wings of Beauty, by Volterrano. Fresco. (Palazzo Lanfredini, Florence.)
Attributed works:
9. Woman Reading (?Mary Magdalen), Here Attributed to Volterrano. Canvas, 80 by 62 cm. (Museo Civico e Gallerie d'Arte, Udine.)
Documents Relating to Some Portraits in the Uffizi and to a Portrait at Knole
06/1960 | 687 | 102
Pages: 256-261
related names
Crinò, Anna Maria (Crinò, Anna Maria)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
33. Self-portrait, by Sir Peter Lely. Canvas, 71 by 56 cm. (Uffizi, Florence.)
Attributed works:
34. Portrait of Sir Isaac Newton, by David Paton. Canvas, 58 by 45 cm. (Uffizi, Florence.)
Attributed works:
35. Portrait of John Baron Somers, by Sir Godfrey Kneller. 1709. Canvas, 100 by 73 cm. (Pitti, Florence.)
Attributed works:
36. Self-Portrait, by Sir Godfrey Kneller. 1706. Canvas, 120 by 101 cm. (Uffizi, Florence.)
Attributed works:
39. Portrait of an Unknown Man, Attributed to Francesco Salviati. Canvas. (Collection Lord Sackville, Knole.)
Attributed works:
40. Self-Portrait, by Godfried Schalcken, Canvas, 90 by 80 cm. (Uffizi, Florence.)
Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
08/1933 | 365 | 63
Pages: 57-59+62-64
related names
Wittgens, Fernanda (Wittgens, Fernanda; Wittgens, F.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-The Return and Death of Agamemnon. Scene from "The Tragedies of Seneca," a Codex Attributed to Nicholas of Bologna. Fourteenth Century. 5 by 11 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-The Attic Nights of Aulo Gellio, from the Codex "Scotti," Illuminated by Geraldi. Ferrarese School. 1448. 21 by 16 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-Symbolical Scene, from "The Gift to the Free," Written by the Poet Giami. Persian School. Sixteenth Century. 21 by 14 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-The Faithful and Their Teacher, from the Book of Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzen. Byzantine School. Ninth Century. 17 by 18 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. C-The Adoration of the Magi, from "The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary." Ferrarese School. Fifteenth Century. 9.50 by 13.50 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. D-Initial in the Book of Exodus, from a Pentateuch of the Thirteenth Century. Hebrew Work. 10 by 18 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-The Crucifixion, from a Missal from Bobbio. Byzantine School. Tenth Century. 23 by 20 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Christ's Agony in the Garden. Pen-Drawing from a "Gospel Book." French School. End of Fourteenth Century. 15 by 18 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana