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13 articles
Book Review
Dosso Dossi. La pittura a Ferrara negli anni del ducato di Alfonso I
02/1997 | 1127 | 139
Pages: 125-126
related names
Nova, Alessandro (Nova, Alessandro)
Reviewed Items
Dosso Dossi. La pittura a Ferrara negli anni del ducato di Alfonso I | author: Ballarin, Alessandro , author: Pattanaro, Alessandra , author: Romani, Vittoria
The Rediscovery of Ferrarese Renaissance Painting in the Risorgimento
08/1993 | 1085 | 135
Pages: 539-549
related names
Anderson, Jaynie (Anderson, Jaynie)
Attributed works:
22. Giovanni Battista Costabili Containi. Engraving from Elogio storico del Marchese Giambattista Costabili Containi ferrarese scritto dall'avvocato Giuseppe Petrucci, Novi 1841. (Biblioteca Communale, Ferrara).
Attributed works:
23. Nativity, by Ludovico Mazzolino. Panel, 39.4 by 34.3 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
25. The Virgin Annunciate, by Cosmè Tura. Panel, 45.1 by 34 cm. (National Gallery, London). See Note 25.
Attributed works:
26. Muse, by Cosmè Tura. Panel, 116.2 by 71.1 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
27. Altar-Piece with Sts Sebastian, Roch and Demetrius, by Ortolano. Panel, Transferred to Canvas, 230.4 by 154.9 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
30. St Francis, by a Follower of Botticelli. [now attributed to Botticelli] Panel, 49.5 by 31.8 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
32. Virgin and Child with Sts George and Anthony Abbot, by Pisanello. Panel. 47 by 29.2 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
33. Madonna and Child with Sts John the Baptist and Jerome, by Sano di Pietro. Centre Panel 44 by 32 cm.; Wings 44 by 16 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
34. Detail of Fig.33, during Restoration. [Madonna and Child with Sts John the Baptist and Jerome, by Sano di Pietro. Centre Panel 44 by 32 cm.; Wings 44 by 16 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).]
Attributed works:
35. Portrait of Alessandro Manzoni, by Giuseppe Molteni. (Villa Manzoni, Lecco).
Western art unattributed:
21. Sir Austen Henry Layard. Carte-de-visite. (Zavaritt Collection, Bergamo).
Western art unattributed:
24. Mystic Figure of Christ. Ferrarese School. Panel, 50.8 by 33.3 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Western art unattributed:
28. Story of Moses: The Israelites Gathering Manna, by a Follower of Lorenzo Costa. Tempera (?) on Linen, 119.3 by 78 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Western art unattributed:
29. Story of Moses: The Dance of Miriam, by a Follower of Lorenzo Costa. Tempera (?) on Linen, 119.3 by 78.7 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Western art unattributed:
31. Virgin and Child with Sts Dominic and Catherine of Siena. Ferrarese School. Panel, 46.3 by 34.8 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Exhibition Review
Le Muse e il Principe. Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli
12/1991 | 1065 | 133
Pages: 860-864
related names
Elam, Caroline (Elam, Caroline; E., C.; E., C. M.)
Strehlke, Carl Brandon (Strehlke, Carl Brandon; S., C. B.; Strehlke, C. B.; Strehlke, Carl Brandos)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
58. Terpsichore, by Angelo Maccagnino (?), Cosmè Tura and Assistants. Tempera on Panel, 117.5 by 81 cm. (Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Attributed works:
59. Thalia, by Michele Pannonio. Tempera and Oil on Panel, 136.5 by 82 cm. (Szćpmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest; Exh. Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Attributed works:
60. Erato, by Angelo Maccagnino (?) and the Workshop of Cosmè Tura. Tempera on Panel, 123.5 by 72.1 cm. (Strozzi-Sacrati Estate, Florence; Exh. Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Attributed works:
61. Urania, by Angelo Maccagnino (?) and the Workshop of Cosmè Tura. Tempera on Panel, 123 by 71.9 cm. (Strozzi-Sacrati Estate, Florence; Exh. Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Attributed works:
63. Seated Muse (?), by Cosmè Tura. Tempera and Oil on Panel, 115 by 71.3 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
64. X-Radiograph of Fig.58. [Terpsichore, by Angelo Maccagnino (?), Cosmè Tura and Assistants. Tempera on Panel, 117.5 by 81 cm. (Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).]
Attributed works:
65. Frontispiece of Livy's De Bello Punico Libri Decem, Written by Giovanni di Magonza and Illuminated by Marco dell'Avogaro. 1449-50. 39 by 27.5 cm. (Private Collection; Exh. Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Attributed works:
66. Detail of Folio 190v. from Virgil's Opera, cum commentario Servii Donati. 1458-59. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris MS Lat.7939A; Exh. Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Attributed works:
67. Folios 14v. and 15r. from Bonifacio di Calabria's Trattato anonimo. Verona (?), 1440-45. Each Folio 33 by 24 cm. (Biblioteca Estense, Modena, MS Ital.464; Exh. Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Western art unattributed:
62. Polyhymnia. Ferrara. Tempera on Panel, 115 by 71 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin).
Exhibition Review
Ferrara at Matthiesen. London
09/1984 | 978 | 126
Pages: 568+584-585
related names
Gilbert, Creighton (Gilbert, Creighton; Gilbert, Creighton E.; Gilbert, C. E.)
Attributed works:
43. Madonna and Child with Saints, by Amico Aspertini. Panel, 89 by 72 cm. (Collection Viscount Coke, Holkham Hall; Exh. Matthiesen Fine Art, London).
Attributed works:
44. Portrait of a Collector, by Parmigianino. Panel, 89.5 by 63.8 cm. (National Gallery).
Attributed works:
45. Portrait of a Man, Here Attributed to Parmigianino. Panel, 75 by 58 cm. (Bergsten Collection; Exh. Matthiesen Fine Art, London).
Ferrarese Painting about 1450: Some New Arguments
06/1978 | 903 | 120
Pages: 370+372-385
related names
Boskovits, Miklós (Boskovits, Miklós; Boskovits, M.)
Attributed works:
16. Crucifixion, Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Formerly Collection F. M. Perkins, Lastra a Signa, Florence).
Attributed works:
17. A Muse, by Cosmè Tura. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
18. Thalia, by Michele Pannonio. (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest).
Attributed works:
19. Madonna with Child and Saints, by Cosmè Tura. (Musée Fesch, Ajaccio).
Attributed works:
20. Terpsychore, Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Attributed works:
21. Detail from St Christopher, by Cosmè Tura. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin-Dahlem).
Attributed works:
22. Detail from Terpsychore Illustrated in Fig.20. [Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).]
Attributed works:
23. Detail from Madonna and Child Illustrated in Fig.19. [by Cosmè Tura. (Musée Fesch, Ajaccio).]
Attributed works:
24. St Sebastian, by Cosmè Tura. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin-Dahlem).
Attributed works:
25. Detail from Crucifixion, by Cosmè Tura. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
26. Detail from Crucifixion Illustrated in Fig.16. [Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Formerly Collection F. M. Perkins, Lastra a Signa, Florence).]
Attributed works:
27. Detail from Crucifixion illustrated in Fig.16. [Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Formerly Collection F. M. Perkins, Lastra a Signa, Florence).]
Attributed works:
28. Detail from Crucifixion, by Cosmè Tura. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
29. Detail from St George and the Dragon, by Cosmè Tura. (Museo del Duomo, Ferrara).
Attributed works:
30. Detail from St Sebastian Illustrated in Fig.24. [by Cosmè Tura. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin-Dahlem).]
Attributed works:
31. Detail from Crucifixion Illustrated in Fig.16. [Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Formerly Collection F. M. Perkins, Lastra a Signa, Florence).]
Attributed works:
32. Crucifixion, Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).
Attributed works:
33. Trinity, Detail from a Cut-Out Miniature, Here Attributed to Taddeo Crivelli. (Formerly Drey Collection, Munich).
Attributed works:
34. Madonna and Child with Saints, Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection Count Cini, Venice).
Attributed works:
35. St Louis of Toulouse, by Michele Pannonio. (Pinacoteca, Ferrara).
Attributed works:
36. St Anthony of Padua, by Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).
Attributed works:
37. St Bernardino, by Michele Pannonio. (Pinacoteca, Ferrara).
Attributed works:
38. St George and the Dragon, Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection The Earl of Oxford, Manor House, Mells, Frome, Somerset).
Attributed works:
39. Detail from Madonna and Child with Saints Illustrated in Fig.34. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection Count Cini, Venice).]
Attributed works:
40. Detail from Thalia Illustrated in Fig.18. [by Michele Pannonio. (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest).]
Attributed works:
41. Detail of St Anthony Illustrated in Fig.36. [by Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).]
Attributed works:
42. Detail from Madonna with Child and Saints Illustrated in Fig.34. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection Count Cini, Venice).]
Attributed works:
43. Detail of St Louis of Toulouse Illustrated in Fig.35. [by Michele Pannonio. (Pinacoteca, Ferrara).]
Attributed works:
44. Detail from Crucifixion Illustrated in Fig.32. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).]
Attributed works:
45. Detail from Crucifixion Illustrated in Fig.32. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).]
Attributed works:
46. Detail of Madonna with Child and Saints Illustrated in Fig.34. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection Count Cini, Venice).]
Attributed works:
47. Detail of Thalia Illustrated in Fig.18. [by Michele Pannonio. (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest).]
Ferrarese Miniatures at Turin
08/1957 | 653 | 99
Pages: 259-263+265
related names
Bovero, Anna (Bovero, Anna)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
Pliny Naturalis Historia, Here Attributed to the Ferrarese School (? Galasso or His Circle), c.1460-70. (Biblioteca Nazionale, Turin.). 14. (f.18v) Bk.XXI 'In hortis seri el coronamenta iussit Cato'. 15. (f.26r) Bk.V 'Africam Graeci Lybiam appellavere...' 16. (f.11r) Bk.XXXIII 'Metalla nunc.. dicentur'. 17. (f.23v) Bk.VIII 'Ad reliqua transeamus animalia et primum terrestria. Maximum est elephas, proximumque humanis sensibus'. 18. (f.13v) Bk.XXIII 'Peracta cerealium in medendo quoque natura est...' 19. (f.31r) Bk.XIII 'Hactenus in odoribus habent pretia sylvae' (chs.I-III: De unguentis).
Attributed works:
Pliny Naturalis Historia, Here Attributed to the Ferrarese School (? Galasso or His Circle), c.1460-70. (Biblioteca Nazionale, Turin.). 2. (f.4r) Bk.XIV 'Externae arbores...' (Vine-Growing). 3. (f.8v) Bk.XI 'Restant immensae subtilitatis animalia...' (chs.V-XX: Bee-Keeping). 4. (f.25v) Bk.III 'Hactenus de situ el miraculis terrae aquarumque ac siderum...' (Europe). 5. (f.19v) Bk.XXXII 'Ventum est ad summa...' (Therapeutic Value of Creatures of the Sea). 6. (f.28r) Bk.XXXIV 'Proxime dicantur aeris metalla...' (Copper-Mining). 7. (f.14r) Bk.XVIII 'Sequitur natura frugum...' (Agriculture).
Attributed works:
Pliny Naturalis Historia, Here Attributed to the Ferrarese School (? Galasso or His Circle), c.1460-70. (Biblioteca Nazionale, Turin.). 8. (f.15v) Bk.XX 'Maximum hinc opus naturae ordiemur...' (Aromatic Herbs). 9. (f.21v) Bk.IV 'Tertius Europae situs ab Acrocerauniis incipit montibus...' (Greece). 10. (f.11r) Bk.XXXIII (Emblem of the Hind). 11. (f.30r) Bk.X 'Sequitur natura avium...' (ch.I: De phoenice; chs.II-VII: De aquilis). 12. (f.5r) Bk.IX 'Animalium, quae terrestria appellavimus...' (ch.V: De Tritonum et Nereidum... figura). 13. (f.12r) Bk.VI 'Pontus Euxinus...'
Book Review
Officina Ferrarese
03/1936 | 396 | 68
Pages: 150-151
related names
Waterhouse, Ellis K. (Waterhouse, Ellis K.; Waterhouse, Ellis Kirkham; Waterhouse, E. K.; W., E. K.; Waterhouse, Ellis)
Reviewed Items
Officina Ferrarese | author: Longhi, Roberto
Quattrocento Painting in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum
01/1934 | 370 | 64
Pages: 29-31+34-36
related names
Boeck, Wilhelm (Boeck, Wilhelm)
art literature:
art literature:
museums and institutions:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-The Assumption of the Virgin; SS. Julian and Miniato, by Andrea del Castagno. Panel, 1.50 by 1.58 m. B-Madonna and Child, by the Master of the Gardner Annunciation (Antoniazzo Romano?). 1481. Panel, 1.44 by 0.66 m. C-The Feast of Herod, by a Central Italian Master Under the Influence of Perugino. Panel, 0.29 by 0.45 m. Quattrocento Painting in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-The Healing of the Lame Man, by Girolamo da Cremona. Panel, 31 by 55 cm. B-Judith. Workshop of Ghirlandajo. Panel, 41 by 29 cm. C-Portrait of a Young Girl. School of Lorenzo di Credi (Cianfannini?). 45 by 29 cm. D-The Dead Christ between Mary and St. John, by Jacopo Bellini. Panel, 80 by 109 cm. E-the Virgin Enthroned with Four Saints, by a Ferrarese Contemporary of Ercole Roberti. Panel, 1.60 by 1.65 m. Quattrocento Painting in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum
Book Review
Catalogo della Esposizione della Pittura Ferrarese del Rinascimento
11/1933 | 368 | 63
Pages: 239-240
Reviewed Items
Catalogo della Esposizione della Pittura Ferrarese del Rinascimento | :
Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
08/1933 | 365 | 63
Pages: 57-59+62-64
related names
Wittgens, Fernanda (Wittgens, Fernanda; Wittgens, F.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-The Return and Death of Agamemnon. Scene from "The Tragedies of Seneca," a Codex Attributed to Nicholas of Bologna. Fourteenth Century. 5 by 11 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-The Attic Nights of Aulo Gellio, from the Codex "Scotti," Illuminated by Geraldi. Ferrarese School. 1448. 21 by 16 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-Symbolical Scene, from "The Gift to the Free," Written by the Poet Giami. Persian School. Sixteenth Century. 21 by 14 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-The Faithful and Their Teacher, from the Book of Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzen. Byzantine School. Ninth Century. 17 by 18 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. C-The Adoration of the Magi, from "The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary." Ferrarese School. Fifteenth Century. 9.50 by 13.50 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. D-Initial in the Book of Exodus, from a Pentateuch of the Thirteenth Century. Hebrew Work. 10 by 18 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-The Crucifixion, from a Missal from Bobbio. Byzantine School. Tenth Century. 23 by 20 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Christ's Agony in the Garden. Pen-Drawing from a "Gospel Book." French School. End of Fourteenth Century. 15 by 18 cm. Illuminated Manuscripts at the Ambrosiana
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