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5 articles
Book Review
Les Dessins du Fonds Robert de Cotte de la Bibliotheque Nationale de France. Architecture et Decor
05/1998 | 1142 | 140
Pages: 328-329
related names
Middleton, Robin (Middleton, Robin)
Reviewed Items
Les Dessins du Fonds Robert de Cotte de la Bibliotheque Nationale de France. Architecture et Decor | author: Fossier, François
Book Review
Robert de Cotte and the Perfection of Architecture in Eighteenth Century France
10/1997 | 1135 | 139
Pages: 700-702
related names
Middleton, Robin (Middleton, Robin)
Reviewed Items
Robert de Cotte and the Perfection of Architecture in Eighteenth Century France | author: Neuman, Robert
John Thorpe and the Hôtel Zamet in Paris
11/1982 | 956 | 124
Pages: 671-679+681
related names
Coope, Rosalys (Coope, Rosalys)
Attributed works:
14. Plan of the Hôtel Zamet, by John Thorpe. (Sir John Soane's Museum, London).
Attributed works:
15. Plan of the Hôtel Zamet, Showing Upper Flight of the Principal Staircase, by John Thorpe. (Sir John Soane's Museum, London).
Attributed works:
16. Plan of Sir Henry Neville's House, Billingbear, Berks., by John Thorpe. (Sir John Soane's Museum, London).
Attributed works:
17. Plan of Basement, Hôtel Zamet, by Robert de Cotte. (Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris).
Attributed works:
18. Plan of Ground Floor, Hôtel Zamet, by Robert de Cotte. (Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris).
Attributed works:
19. Garden Front, Hôtel Zamet. Project for Alteration, by Robert de Cotte. 1714. (Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris).
Attributed works:
20. Place des Vosges (Begun 1605), Paris. [possibly designed by Baptiste de Cerceau]
Attributed works:
22. Plan of First Floor, Hôtel Zamet, by Robert de Cotte. (Cabinet d'Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris).
Attributed works:
24. Detail from a Plan of Paris (1649-52), Showing Site of the Hôtel Zamet (Desdiguières) on the rue de la Cerisaie, by Gomboust.
Attributed works:
25. An Exterior Bay, Hôtel Zamet. c. 1600., by Jacques Gentilhâtre. (R. I. B. A., London).
Western art unattributed:
21. Plan Showing the Plots Nos 11-16, on the Site of the Former Hotel d'Estampes. (Archives Nationales, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
23. Remains of the Hôtel Zamet, rue de la Cerisaie, in 1865. Engraving.
Book Review
Le 'Voyage d'Italie' de Robert de Cotte. Etude, edition et catalogue des dessins
06/1969 | 795 | 111
Pages: 394+397
related names
Reuterswärd, Patrik (Reuterswärd, Patrik)
Reviewed Items
Le 'Voyage d'Italie' de Robert de Cotte. Etude, edition et catalogue des dessins | author: Jestaz, Bertrand
Philip V and the Alcázar at Madrid
03/1956 | 636 | 98
Pages: 68-75
related names
Bottineau, Yves (Bottineau, Yves)
Attributed works:
10. Drawing for the North Wall of the Pièce de l'Hyménée, by Robert de Cotte.
Attributed works:
11. Drawing for the South Wall of the Pièce de l'Hyménée, by Robert de Cotte.
Attributed works:
12. Drawing for the Side Wall of the Pièce de l'Hyménée, by Robert de Cotte. Figs. 3 - 15 are Reproduced by Permission of the Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.
Attributed works:
13. Above: Drawing for Fire-Place in the Pièce de l'Hyménée. Below: Drawing for Fire-Place for Unknown Destination. Figs. 3 - 15 are Reproduced by Permission of the Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.
Attributed works:
14. Above: Drawing for Fire-Place in the Pièce des Furies. Below: Drawing for Fire-Place in the Chambre de la Reine. Figs. 3 - 15 are Reproduced by Permission of the Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.
Attributed works:
15. Drawing for the North Wall of the Chambre de la Reine, by Robert de Cotte. Figs. 3 - 15 are Reproduced by Permission of the Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.
Attributed works:
2. Plan of Part of the First Floor of the Alcázar, Madrid, Early Eighteenth Century, Here Described as the 'Justi Plan'.
Attributed works:
3. Plan of the First Floor of the Alcázar at Madrid, Here Described as the 'Carlier plan', Attributed to René Carlier, 1712-13.
Attributed works:
4. Section Showing Rooms I, K, L, Here Described as 'Section C', Here Attributed to René Carlier.
Attributed works:
5. Section Showing Guard-Room and Antechambers, Here Described as 'Section A', Attributed to René Carlier.
Attributed works:
6. Section Showing Antechambers and Grand Salon, Here Described as 'Section B', Attributed to René Carlier.
Attributed works:
7. Section Showing Galerie des Dames and Chambre de la Toilette, Here Described as 'Section E', Attributed to René Carlier.
Attributed works:
8. Section Showing Rooms G, R, S, T, Y, Z, Here Described as 'Section D', Attributed to René Carlier.
Attributed works:
9. Drawing for the North Wall of the Chambre du Roi, by Robert de Cotte.