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6 articles
The kingdom of a mistress to the Sun King: Madame de Montespan’s apartment at Saint-Germain-en-Laye
04/2018 | 1381 | 160
Pages: 299-304
related names
Faisant, Étienne (Faisant, Étienne)
art literature:
Attributed works:
1. Elevation of Madame de Montespan’s alcove bedchamber and grand cabinet at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, here attributed to François d’Orbay and Nicolas Loir. 1673. Ink, wash and watercolour on paper, 25 by 61.5 cm. (Archives nationales, Paris).
Attributed works:
3. Plan of Madame de Montespan’s alcove bedchamber, cabinets and small bedroom at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, with added sketches for ceiling paintings, here attributed to François d’Orbay and Nicolas Loir. 1673. Ink, wash and watercolour on paper, 54 by 59.5 cm. (Archives nationales, Paris).
Attributed works:
4. Detail of Fig.1.
Attributed works:
6. Madame de Montespan’s apartment at Saint-Germain-en-Laye. A: antechamber; B: bedchamber; C: Grand Cabinet; D: Petit Cabinet; E: small bedroom; F: secondary areas; 1: courtyard. Plan by the author.
Western art unattributed:
2. Plan of the first floor of the Château-Vieux, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, by an anonymous artist. c.1681. Ink and wash on paper, 48 by 75 cm. (Archives départementales des Yvelines, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, 7 Q 1.14). Madame de Montespan’s apartment is in the southern range, at the top centre of this plan; see Fig.6.
Western art unattributed:
5. A bed, probably from the Trianon de Porcelaine, by an anonymous artist. c.1687. Grey ink with grey and red wash, heightened with gold, on paper, 41 by 28 cm. (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, THC 1063).
Western art unattributed:
7. Portrait miniature of a lady, probably Madame de Montespan, in a rich interior. France, 1690. Gouache on vellum heightened with gold and silver, 27.5 by 47.5 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Book Review
Jules Hardouin-Mansart, 1646–1708
12/2011 | 1305 | 153
Pages: 828-829
related names
Higgott, Gordon (Higgott, Gordon)
Reviewed Items
Jules Hardouin-Mansart, 1646–1708 | editor: Gady, Alexandre
Book Review
Jules Hardouin-Mansart: vie et œuvre
07/2010 | 1288 | 152
Pages: 477-479
related names
Higgott, Gordon (Higgott, Gordon)
Reviewed Items
Jules Hardouin-Mansart: vie et œuvre | author: Jestaz, Bertrand
Attributed works:
34. Detail of elevation from the preliminary design for the hôtel de Fieubet, Paris, by Jules Hardouin-Mansart as draughtsman(?) and designer. c.1678. Pencil on paper. (Stockholm Nationalmuseum, THC 6752).
Book Review
J. H. Mansart, Sir Christopher Wren and the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral
01/1990 | 1042 | 132
Pages: 32-36
related names
Summerson, John (Summerson, John; Summerson, John Newenham; Summerson, J. N.)
Reviewed Items
Sir Christopher Wren: The Designs of St. Paul's Cathedral | author: Downes, Kerry
Attributed works:
26. Jules Hardouin-Mansart. First Published Design for the Domed Church of the Hôtel des Invalides, Paris. Engraving by J. Marot in L. J. de Boullencourt, Description Générale... des Invalides, Paris, 1683. (Sir John Soane's Museum, London).
Attributed works:
27. Sir Christopher Wren. Drawing of St Paul's Cathedral, South Elevation (W. S. I pl. 19). One of a Set of Drawings of the 'Definitive' Design, Incorporating the First Version of Wren's Mansartesque Dome. 1683 or Later. (All Souls College, Oxford).
Attributed works:
28. Detail from Fig.26. [ Jules Hardouin-Mansart. First Published Design for the Domed Church of the Hôtel des Invalides, Paris. Engraving by J. Marot in L. J. de Boullencourt, Description Générale... des Invalides, Paris, 1683. (Sir John Soane's Museum, London).]
Attributed works:
29. Sir Christopher Wren's Second Version of a Mansartesque Dome for St Paul's Cathedral. A Composite Drawing, Parts of Which Are Probably in Wren's Hand. The Upper Attic Storey Shown in Fig.27 Has Been Omitted and Oval Windows Have Been Introduced in the Podium. (Dean and Chapter of St Paul's).
Attributed works:
30. Sir Christopher Wren. Engraving (in the trophy room of St Paul's) after the drawing of the side elevation at All Soul's (Fig.27), but with the second version of the Mansartesque drum and dome and other changes. Inset are cut-outs from a late state (c.1710) of Kip's engraving of 1702-03 showing the drum and dome as executed for comparison. (Dean and Chapter of St Paul's).
Attributed works:
31. Sir Christopher Wren. Engraving (Sir John Soane's Museum, London) of the St Paul's Cathedral, east-west section of the 'Definitive design', accompanying the second version of the Mansartesque dome (Fig.29). An earlier state (Downes 94, not in W. S.) has no scale or title and carries instructions to the engraver in an unidentified hand. (Dean and Chapter of St Paul's).
Three French Architectural Drawings
06/1961 | 699 | 103
Pages: 264-269
related names
Holland, Ralph (Holland, Ralph; Holland, R.)
Attributed works:
87. Design for the Château of Versailles, by François d'Orbay. Pen and Wash, 35.7 by 58 cm. (Collection Mr Ralph Holland.)
Attributed works:
88. Façade of the Palazzo Senatorio, Rome, by Michelangelo and Others. From an Engraving by Falda.
Attributed works:
89. Château de Versailles, by Israel Silvestre. Detail from Engraving of 1674.
Attributed works:
90. Château de Versailles, by Israel Silvestre. Detail from Engraving of 1682.
Attributed works:
91. Project for the Modification of La Perspective at Marly, by Jules Hardouin Mansart. Pen and Wash, 24.5 by 42 cm. (Collection Mr Ralph Holland.)
Attributed works:
92. Design for the Modification of La Perspective at Marly, by Jules Hardouin Mansart. Pen and Wash. (Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.)
Attributed works:
93. Project for the façade of the Theatre at Lyons, by J. G. Soufflot. Pen and Wash, 27.7 by 46.4 cm. (Collection Mr Ralph Holland.)
Attributed works:
D. Courtyard of Palace of Conte Giuseppe da Porto, by Palladio. From I Quattro Libri dell' Architettura, Venice, 1570.
Book Review
Two French Architects of the late Seventeenth Century: Mansart and D'Orbay [Jules Hardouin Mansart; François D'Orbay]
05/1961 | 698 | 103
Pages: 190-191
related names
Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B) (Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B); Blunt, Anthony Frederick; Blunt, Professor; Blunt, A. F.; A. F. B.; B., A.)
Reviewed Items
François D\'Orbay | author: Laprade, Albert
Jules Hardouin Mansart | author: Bourget, Pierre , author: Cattaui, G. , author: Laprade, Albert