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4 articles
Short Notice
The Ludovisi Collection of Paintings in 1623
08/1992 | 1073 | 134
Pages: 515-523
related names
Wood, Carolyn H. (Wood, Carolyn H.)
Attributed works:
32. Susanna and the Elders, by Domenichino. c.1606-08. 263 by 329 cm. (Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich).
Attributed works:
33. Susanna and the Elders, by Artemisia Gentileschi. 1610. 170 by 119 cm. (Schönborn Collection, Schloss Weissenstein, Pommersfelden).
Attributed works:
34. Adoration of the Shepherds, by Ludovico Carracci. Copper, 37 by 51 cm. (Musée national du château, Fontainebleau).
Attributed works:
35. St Cecilia, by Domenichino. c.1617-18. 159 by 117 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Contributions to Girolamo Curti
06/1975 | 867 | 117
Pages: 342+344-353
related names
Feinblatt, Ebria (Feinblatt, Ebria)
Attributed works:
10. Ceiling Fresco, by Girolamo Curti. (Villa Malvasia, Trebbo).
Attributed works:
11. Ceiling Fresco, by Girolamo Curti. (Villa Paleotti, San Marino).
Attributed works:
12. Ceiling Fresco, by Girolamo Curti. (Villa Paleotti, San Marino).
Attributed works:
13. Ceiling Fresco, by Girolamo Curti. (Villa Paleotti, San Marino).
Attributed works:
14. Ceiling Fresco, by Girolamo Curti. (Villa Malvasia, Trebbo).
Attributed works:
15. Eighteenth-century drawing after Girolamo Curti's stairwell fresco, S. Francesco, Bologna.
Attributed works:
16. Ceiling Fresco, by Girolamo Curti and Angelo Michele Colonna. (Sala Urbana, Palazzo Comunale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
17. Ceiling Fresco, Begun by Girolamo Curti, Completed by Angelo Michele Colonna and Agostino Mitelli. (Sacristry, S. Biagio del Carmine, Modena).
Attributed works:
18. Eighteenth-Century Drawing after a Ceiling Fresco by Girolamo Curti.
Attributed works:
19. Detail of Ceiling Fresco after Tommaso Laureti, Palazzo Vizzani, Bologna. From Le due regole della prospettiva pratica..., 1583.
Attributed works:
20. Wall Fresco, by Girolamo Curti and Lucio Massari. (Library, S. Martino, Bologna (Destroyed)).
Attributed works:
21. Frescoes, by Girolamo Curti, Francesco Brizio and Domenico degli Ambrogi. (Palazzo Paleotti, Bologna).
The Ludovisi Collection of Pictures in 1633 - II
06/1967 | 771 | 109
Pages: 339-349
related names
Garas, Klára (Garas, Klára)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
17. Combat between Hercules and Acheloüs, by Domenichino. Canvas, 121 by 149 cm. (Ludovisi Inventory No. 14; Musée du Louvre.)
Attributed works:
18. Hercules and Cacus, by Domenichino. Canvas, 121 by 149 cm. (Ludovisi Inventory No.14; Musée du Louvre.)
Attributed works:
19. Landscape with the Flight into Egypt, by Domenichino. Canvas, 165 by 212 cm. (Ludovisi Inventory No.6; Musée du Louvre.)
Attributed works:
20. St Jerome and the Angel, by Guercino. Canvas, 42 by 48 cm. (Probably Ludovisi Inventory No.97; Musée du Louvre.)
Attributed works:
21. Deposition and Thieves on the Cross, after Robert Campin. Triptych. Central Panel, 59 by 60.2 cm; Side Panels, Each 59 by 26.5 cm. (Ludovisi Inventory No.60(?); Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.)
Attributed works:
22. Pope Gregory XV Seated, with Cardinal Ludovico Ludovisi in Attendance, by Domenichino. Canvas, 220 by 147 cm. (Ludovisi Inventory No.120; Museum, Béziers.)
Attributed works:
23. Portrait of a Man with Death's Head, by Bernardino Licinio. (Ludovisi Inventory No.276(?); Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.)
Attributed works:
25. St Roch and the Angel, by Annibale Carracci. Canvas, 62.2 by 81.3 cm. (Ludovisi Inventory No.196; Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.) Reproduced by Permission of the Syndics of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
Attributed works:
27. Adoration of the Shepherds, by Annibale Carracci. Canvas, 103 by 83 cm. (Ludovisi Inventory No.279; Museum, Orléans.)
Western art unattributed:
24. Annunciation. Engraving after Annibale Carracci. Original on Copper. (Probably Ludovisi Inventory No.150; Musée du Louvre.)
Western art unattributed:
26. Madonna and Infant St John. Engraving after Guido Reni. Original on Copper. (Ludovisi Inventory No.214; Musée du Louvre.)
Western art unattributed:
A. Nos.27-31 from the Ludovisi Inventory of 1633.
The Ludovisi Collection of Pictures in 1633-I
05/1967 | 770 | 109
Pages: 287-289+291
related names
Garas, Klára (Garas, Klára)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
23. Presentation in the Temple, Copy after Paolo Veronese. (Ludovisi Inventory No.33; Galleria Pallavicini, Rome.)
Attributed works:
24. Double Portrait, Attributed to Giorgione. (Ludovisi Inventory No.43; Palazzo Venezia, Rome.)
Attributed works:
25. Madonna with St Catherine and Infant St John, by Titian. (Ludovisi Inventory No.44; National Gallery, London.)