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3 articles
Publication Received
Il Palazzo Apostolico di Castel Gandolfo al tempo di Benedetto XIV (1740–1758). Pitture e arredi (Musei Vaticani, Monumenta Sanctae Sedis, 3)
07/2010 | 1288 | 152
Pages: 483
related names
Montagu, Jennifer (Montagu, Jennifer)
Reviewed Items
Il Palazzo Apostolico di Castel Gandolfo al tempo di Benedetto XIV (1740–1758). Pitture e arredi (Musei Vaticani, Monumenta Sanctae Sedis, 3) | author: Angelis, Maria Antonietta De
Short Notice
Guglielmo Cortese's Paintings of the Assumption-II: Catalogue of the Related Drawings
02/1973 | 839 | 115
Pages: 113-114
Short Notice
Guglielmo Cortese's Paintings of the Assumption and Some Preliminary Drawings
01/1973 | 838 | 115
Pages: 24-31+33
related names
Graf, Dieter (Graf, Dieter)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
16. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. (San Tommaso di Villanova, Castelgandolfo.)
Attributed works:
17. Study for the San Tommaso di Villanova Assumption (Fig. 16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, 24 by 22 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale Delle Stampe, Rome, No.126861r.)
Attributed works:
18. Copy of Lanfranco's Lunette Fresco of Apostles around the Tomb of Mary (Fig. 21), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 20 by 26.6 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale Delle Stampe, Rome, No.126830.)
Attributed works:
19. Head and Hand Sketches for the Madonna (Fig.16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Black and Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 40.8 by 26.8 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8183v.)
Attributed works:
20. Sketch for the Apostle in Left Foreground (Fig.16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 41.9 by 27.1 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8172v.)
Attributed works:
21. Apostles around the Tomb of Mary, by Giovanni Lanfranco. Lunette Fresco. (Cappella Buongiovanni, S. Agostino, Rome.)
Attributed works:
22. Seated Man (Top) and Sketch of St John (Fig.16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk on Pencil, Heightened with White, 41.9 by 27.1 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8172r.)
Attributed works:
23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)
Attributed works:
24. Sketch for the Apostles around the Tomb of Mary (Fig.25), by Guglielmo Cortese. Brown Ink and Wash on Pencil, 12.6 by 34 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 352.)
Attributed works:
25. Detail from the Assumption Illustrated in Fig.23. [23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)]
Attributed works:
26. Sketch for Two of the Apostles in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 36.8 by 25.1 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7890v.)
Attributed works:
27. Sketch for Second Apostle from the Left in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 26.7 by 40 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8111r.)
Attributed works:
28. Sketch for the Rear View of the Apostle on the Right in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.9 by 26 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8188r.)
Attributed works:
29. Sketch for the Rear View of the Apostle on the Right in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 42.1 by 27 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8113r.)
Attributed works:
30. Sketch for the Kneeling Apostle on the Extreme Right of Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 42.1 by 27 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8113v.)
Attributed works:
31. Sketch for an Assumption, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, 21.3 by 21 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7744.)
Attributed works:
32. Sketch for the Assumption with Angels on Clouds (cf. Fig.34), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, 38 by 24.9 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7892.)
Attributed works:
33. Sketch for a Cherub below the Madonna (cf. Fig.36), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red and Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.1 by 25 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 14114r.)
Attributed works:
34. Modello for the Upper Part of the Assumption Fresco, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.3 by 53.1 cm. (Albertina, Vienna, No.14229.)
Attributed works:
35. Detail from the Ariccia Assumption (Fig.23.) [23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)]
Attributed works:
36. Detail from the Ariccia Assumption (Fig.23.) [23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)]
Attributed works:
37. Leg Sketches for an Angel (cf. Fig.36), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.1 by 25 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, FP 14114v.)
Attributed works:
38. Sketch for a Rear View of the Cherub on the Left of the Fresco (cf. Fig.36), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.9 by 26 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8188v.)
Attributed works:
39. Sketch for an Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 38 by 27 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7858r.)
Attributed works:
40. Sketch for Virgin Kneeling on Clouds (cf. Fig.39), by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 38.7 by 25.8 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8186r.)