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13 articles
Donatello, musical sculpture, and the shock of sound
11/2019 | 1400 | 161
Pages: 904-915
related names
Bloch , Amy R. (Bloch , Amy R.)
Attributed works:
1. Detail of Fig.6.
Attributed works:
10. Detail of Fig.6.
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Fig.6, showing Head of a man, by Donatello and workshop. c.1439 (gilded 1456). Bronze with traces of gilding, 45 by 35 by 30 cm. (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Florence).
Attributed works:
12. Detail of Fig.6, showing Head of a man, by Donatello and workshop, with Michelozzo (?). c.1439 (gilded 1456). Bronze with traces of gilding, 45 by 35 by 33 cm. (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Florence).
Attributed works:
13. Martyrs’ door of the Old Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence, by Donatello. c.1437–43, bronze, 235 by 109 cm. (Alinari Archives, Florence).
Attributed works:
14. Apostles’ door of the Old Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, Florence, by Donatello. c.1437–43, bronze, 235 by 109 cm. (Alinari Archives, Florence).
Attributed works:
15. Detail of Fig.13
Attributed works:
16. Detail of Fig.14, with one handle rotated.
Attributed works:
2. Winged trumpeter from the font in the baptistery of Siena Cathedral, by Donatello. 1429. Bronze, height 36 cm. (Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
3. Detail of the tomb of Rainaldo Brancacci in Sant’Angelo a Nilo, Naples, by Donatello and Michelozzo. c.1426–28. Marble. (Scala).
Attributed works:
4. Feast of Herod from the font in the baptistery of Siena Cathedral, by Donatello. 1423–27. Bronze with gilding, 60 by 60 cm. (Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
5. Cantoria, by Luca della Robbia. 1431–38. Marble, 328 by 560 cm. (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
6. Cantoria, by Donatello. 1433–39. Marble, glass, ceramic, gold, bronze, 348 by 570 cm. (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
7. Pulpit of the Cathedral of Santo Stefano, Prato, by Donatello and Michelozzo. 1428–38 (figural reliefs by Donatello, 1433–38). Marble, ceramic, gold, each relief 73.5 by 79 cm. (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Prato; photographed post-restoration).
Attributed works:
8. The Cavalcanti Annunciation in S. Croce, Florence, by Donatello. c.1428–33. Partially gilded sandstone (macigno), height 420 cm.; width at base 248 cm.; width at top 274 cm. (Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
9. Detail of Fig.6. (Alinari Archives, Florence).
Francesco Botticini's Palmieri Altar-Piece
05/1996 | 1118 | 138
Pages: 308-314
related names
Bagemihl, Rolf (Bagemihl, Rolf)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Fig. 12, Showing the Donor Matteo Palmieri, by Francesco Botticini. [Assumption of the Virgin, by Francesco Botticini. 1475-1477. Tempera on Wood, 228.6 by 377.2 cm. (National Gallery, London).]
Attributed works:
12. Assumption of the Virgin, by Francesco Botticini. 1475-1477. Tempera on Wood, 228.6 by 377.2 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Book Review
Le Triomphe de la Vierge-Eglise
07/1986 | 1000 | 128
Pages: 510
related names
Coldstream, Nicola (Coldstream, Nicola; C., N.)
Reviewed Items
Le Triomphe de la Vierge-Eglise | author: Thérel, Marie-Louise
A Source for Rubens's Modello of the Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin: A Case Study in the Response to Images
07/1978 | 904 | 120
Pages: 432-441
related names
Freedberg, David (Freedberg, David)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
2. The Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin. By Peter Paul Rubens. Panel Transferred to Canvas, 106 by 78 cm. (Hermitage, Leningrad).
Attributed works:
3. The Assumption of the Virgin. By Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 458 by 297 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Attributed works:
4. Madonna and Child with Saints. By Gregorio Pagani. Signed and Dated 1592. (Hermitage, Leningrad).
Attributed works:
5. The Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin. By Hieronymus Wierix after Bernardo Passeri. Engraving, 23 by 14.5 cm. (From H. Natalis, Adnotationes et Meditationes in Evangelia, Antwerp, 1607).
Attributed works:
6. The Reception of the Virgin into Heaven. By Hieronymus Wierix after Bernardo Passeri. Engraving, 23 by 14.5 cm. (From H. Natalis, Adnotationes et Meditationes in Evangelia, Antwerp, 1607).
Palma Vecchio's 'Assumption of the Virgin'
04/1977 | 889 | 119
Pages: 244-250
related names
Rylands, Philip (Rylands, Philip)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
25. Assumption of the Virgin, by Palma Vecchio. Panel, 191 by 137 cm. (Accademia, Venice, No.315).
Attributed works:
26. Marriage of the Virgin (Fragment), by Palma Vecchio. Panel, 61 by 85 cm. (Formerly Giovanelli Collection, Venice).
Attributed works:
27. Assumption of the Virgin, by Lorenzo Lotto. Panel, 27 by 56 cm. (Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, No.186).
Attributed works:
28. The Virtues, by Tullio Lombardo. Detail of the Tomb of Andrea Vendramin. (Church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice).
Attributed works:
29. Madonna of the Girdle, by Jacopo Bellini. Page from the SketchBook. Lead Point, 41.5 by 33.6 cm. (British Museum, No.1855-8-11.86).
Attributed works:
30. Immaculate Conception, by Giovanni Bellini and Workshop. Panel, 350 by 190 cm. (Church of S. Pietro Martire, Murano).
Attributed works:
31. Death of the Virgin, by Bartolomeo Vivarini. Panel, 190 by 149.9 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Gift of Robert Lehman, 1950).
Attributed works:
32. Madonna with St Roch and Mary Magdalen, by Palma Vecchio. Panel, 67.6 by 90.5 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich, No.505).
Attributed works:
33. Madonna with St John the Baptist and Mary Magdalen, by Palma Vecchio. Panel, 71 by 99 cm. (Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, No.63).
Attributed works:
34. Head of a Young Man, by Tullio Lombardo. (Church of S. Stefano, Venice).
Short Notice
Guglielmo Cortese's Paintings of the Assumption-II: Catalogue of the Related Drawings
02/1973 | 839 | 115
Pages: 113-114
Short Notice
Guglielmo Cortese's Paintings of the Assumption and Some Preliminary Drawings
01/1973 | 838 | 115
Pages: 24-31+33
related names
Graf, Dieter (Graf, Dieter)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
16. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. (San Tommaso di Villanova, Castelgandolfo.)
Attributed works:
17. Study for the San Tommaso di Villanova Assumption (Fig. 16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, 24 by 22 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale Delle Stampe, Rome, No.126861r.)
Attributed works:
18. Copy of Lanfranco's Lunette Fresco of Apostles around the Tomb of Mary (Fig. 21), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 20 by 26.6 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale Delle Stampe, Rome, No.126830.)
Attributed works:
19. Head and Hand Sketches for the Madonna (Fig.16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Black and Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 40.8 by 26.8 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8183v.)
Attributed works:
20. Sketch for the Apostle in Left Foreground (Fig.16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 41.9 by 27.1 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8172v.)
Attributed works:
21. Apostles around the Tomb of Mary, by Giovanni Lanfranco. Lunette Fresco. (Cappella Buongiovanni, S. Agostino, Rome.)
Attributed works:
22. Seated Man (Top) and Sketch of St John (Fig.16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk on Pencil, Heightened with White, 41.9 by 27.1 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8172r.)
Attributed works:
23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)
Attributed works:
24. Sketch for the Apostles around the Tomb of Mary (Fig.25), by Guglielmo Cortese. Brown Ink and Wash on Pencil, 12.6 by 34 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 352.)
Attributed works:
25. Detail from the Assumption Illustrated in Fig.23. [23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)]
Attributed works:
26. Sketch for Two of the Apostles in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 36.8 by 25.1 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7890v.)
Attributed works:
27. Sketch for Second Apostle from the Left in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 26.7 by 40 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8111r.)
Attributed works:
28. Sketch for the Rear View of the Apostle on the Right in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.9 by 26 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8188r.)
Attributed works:
29. Sketch for the Rear View of the Apostle on the Right in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 42.1 by 27 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8113r.)
Attributed works:
30. Sketch for the Kneeling Apostle on the Extreme Right of Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 42.1 by 27 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8113v.)
Attributed works:
31. Sketch for an Assumption, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, 21.3 by 21 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7744.)
Attributed works:
32. Sketch for the Assumption with Angels on Clouds (cf. Fig.34), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, 38 by 24.9 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7892.)
Attributed works:
33. Sketch for a Cherub below the Madonna (cf. Fig.36), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red and Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.1 by 25 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 14114r.)
Attributed works:
34. Modello for the Upper Part of the Assumption Fresco, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.3 by 53.1 cm. (Albertina, Vienna, No.14229.)
Attributed works:
35. Detail from the Ariccia Assumption (Fig.23.) [23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)]
Attributed works:
36. Detail from the Ariccia Assumption (Fig.23.) [23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)]
Attributed works:
37. Leg Sketches for an Angel (cf. Fig.36), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.1 by 25 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, FP 14114v.)
Attributed works:
38. Sketch for a Rear View of the Cherub on the Left of the Fresco (cf. Fig.36), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.9 by 26 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8188v.)
Attributed works:
39. Sketch for an Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 38 by 27 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7858r.)
Attributed works:
40. Sketch for Virgin Kneeling on Clouds (cf. Fig.39), by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 38.7 by 25.8 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8186r.)
Short Notice
'The Assumption of the Virgin'-A Hitherto Unknown 'Modello' by Rubens
12/1967 | 777 | 109
Pages: 666+704-706
related names
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert (Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert; Begemann, E. Haverkamp; Haverkamp-Begemann, E.; Begemann, E. H.; Begemann, Egbert Haverkamp-)
Attributed works:
1. The Assumption of the Virgin, by Sir Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 140 by 102.9 cm. (Yale University Art Gallery, Gift of Henry Sage Goodwin, B. A. 1927, New Haven, Connecticut.)
Attributed works:
64. The Assumption of the Virgin, by Sir Peter Paul Rubens and Assistants. Canvas, 504 by 352 cm. (Liechtenstein Collection, Vaduz.)
Attributed works:
65. The Assumption of the Virgin, by Sir Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 49 by 36.5 cm. (Collection Count Antoine Seilern, London.)
Attributed works:
66. The Assumption of the Virgin, by Hans Witdoeck, Probably Corrected by Rubens. Drawing. (Uffizi, Florence.)
Attributed works:
67. The Assumption of the Virgin, by Hans Witdoeck. Engraving. (Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam.)
Short Notice
The Assumption of the Virgin by Pierre Jollain
06/1964 | 735 | 106
Pages: 285-287
related names
Ellis, Tony (Ellis, Tony)
Attributed works:
36. Study for a Ceiling Decoration, by Pierre Jollain. Signed and Dated 1752. Canvas, 112 by 144.5 cm. (Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle.)
Andrea del Sarto's Two Paintings of the Assumption
04/1959 | 673 | 101
Pages: 122+124-134
related names
Shearman, John (Shearman, John)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. St Margaret, Detail from the Assunta Passerini (Fig. 3), by Andrea del Sarto. (Palazzo Pitti, Florence.) Photo: Soprintendenza alle Gallerie, Florence.
Attributed works:
10. Study for the Head of St Thomas in the Assunta Passerini (Fig.3), by Andrea del Sarto. Verso of Fig.8. Red Chalk. (Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe, Rome.)
Attributed works:
11. Studies for the Hands of the Apostle behind St Margaret in the Assunta Passerini (Fig.3), by Andrea del Sarto. Verso of Fig.13. Red Chalk, 22 by 15 cm. (Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich, No.11123.)
Attributed works:
12. Life-Study for the Kneeling Apostle in the Assunta Panciatichi (Fig.2), by Andrea del Sarto. Red Chalk, 27.4 by 19.8 cm. (Present Whereabouts Unknown.). 13. Action-Study of a garzone in the Pose for the St Margaret in the Assunta Passerini (Fig.3), by Andrea del Sarto. Recto of Fig.11. Red Chalk. (Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich.). 15. Study for the Apostle on the Extreme Left of the Assunta Passerini (Fig.3), by Andrea del Sarto. Red Chalk, 32 by 15.5 cm. (Uffizi, No.319f Recto.).
Attributed works:
2. The Assunta Panciatichi, by Andrea del Sarto. Panel, 350 by 209 cm. (Palazzo Pitti, Florence, No.191.)
Attributed works:
3. The Assunta Passerini, by Andrea del Sarto. Panel, 379 by 222 cm. (Palazzo Pitti, Florence, No.225.)
Attributed works:
4. Studies for the Grouping of the Apostles in the Assunta Panciatichi, by Andrea del Sarto. Verso of Fig.6. Black Chalk (The Dragon-Studies in Red Chalk), 25.3 by 18 cm. (Frits Lugt Collection.) Copyright F. Lugt.
Attributed works:
5. Further Studies for the Assunta Panciatichi, by Andrea del Sarto. Verso of Fig.7. Red and Black Chalk (And the Dragon again in Red Chalk), 25.5 by 20 cm. (British Museum 1910-2-12-37.) Reproduced by Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum.
Attributed works:
6. Life-Studies for a Putto in the Assunta Panciatichi, by Andrea del Sarto. Recto of Fig.4. Red Chalk, the Arm upper Right in Black Chalk. Copyright F. Lugt.
Attributed works:
7. Studies for Putti in the Assunta Panciatichi, and for the Christ Child in the Madonna della Scala, Madrid, by Andrea del Sarto. Recto of Fig.5. Black and Red Chalk. Reproduced by Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum.
Attributed works:
8. Study for the Head of St Thomas in the Assunta Panciatichi (Fig.9), by Andrea del Sarto. Red Chalk, 27 by 21 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe, Rome, No.124156 Recto.)
Attributed works:
9. St Thomas, Detail from the Assunta Panciatichi (Fig.2), by Andrea del Sarto. (Palazzo Pitti, Florence.) Photo: Suprintendenza alle Gallerie, Florence.
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