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4 articles
Sodoma, the Chigi and the Vatican Stanze
09/2001 | 1182 | 143
Pages: 544-553
related names
Bartalini, Roberto (Bartalini, Roberto)
Attributed works:
17. Vault of the Stanza della Segnatura, by Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, Called Il Sodoma, and Raphael. After Cleaning. Fresco. (Vatican Palace).
Attributed works:
18. Detail of Fig.17 Showing the Central Octagon.
Attributed works:
19. Detail of Fig.17 with the Judgment of Solomon, by Raphael.
Attributed works:
20. Detail of Fig.17, with a Scene of Roman Sacrifice and Vulcan at His Forge by Sodoma.
Attributed works:
21. Detail of Fig.17, with a Hunting and a Mythological Scene by Sodoma.
Attributed works:
22. Detail of a Decorative Section of a Fresco by Sodoma with Fictive Plasterwork. 1505-08. (Cloister, Monte Oliveto Maggiore).
Attributed works:
23. Detail of a Painted Pier with Grotteschi and the Baptism of Christ, by Sodoma. 1505-08. Fresco. (Cloister, Monte Oliveto Maggiore).
Attributed works:
24. Vault of the Sala del Credo by Bernardo Pinturicchio. 1494. Fresco. (Appartamento Borgia, Vatican Palace).
Attributed works:
25. Vault of the Choir of S. Maria del Popolo, by Bernardo Pinturicchio. 1509. Fresco. (S. Maria del Popolo, Rome).
Attributed works:
26. Detail of Fig.25 with the Delphic Sibyl.
Attributed works:
27. Vault of the Cappella dei Priori, by Sodoma and Workshop. 1526. Fresco. (Palazzo Pubblico, Massa Marittima).
Attributed works:
28. Cupola of the Carafa Chapel, by Pedro Fernández, the 'Pseudo-Bramantino'. ?1507-08. (S. Domenico Maggiore, Naples).
Attributed works:
29. Deposition, by Sodoma. Before 1513. Panel, 414 by 264 cm. (With Predella). (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena).
Attributed works:
30. Detail of Fig.17 with Theology, by Raphael.
Attributed works:
31. Detail of the Left Hand Side of the Disputa, by Raphael. Fresco. (Vatican Palace).
Short Notice
A Pair of Pendant Pictures by Claude Lorrain and Salvator Rosa from the Chigi Collection
08/1991 | 1061 | 133
Pages: 543-546
related names
Fredericksen, Burton B. (Fredericksen, Burton B.; Fredericksen, Burton)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
61. Argus, Io and Mercury, by Salvator Rosa. 109.9 by 139 cm. (Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City).
Attributed works:
62. Argus, Io and Mercury, by Salvator Rosa. 112 by 185 cm. (Formerly in the Collection of Lyndon G. Harris).
Attributed works:
63. David at the Cave of Adullam, by Claude. 1658. 111.8 by 185.4 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Short Notice
Guglielmo Cortese's Paintings of the Assumption and Some Preliminary Drawings
01/1973 | 838 | 115
Pages: 24-31+33
related names
Graf, Dieter (Graf, Dieter)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
16. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. (San Tommaso di Villanova, Castelgandolfo.)
Attributed works:
17. Study for the San Tommaso di Villanova Assumption (Fig. 16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, 24 by 22 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale Delle Stampe, Rome, No.126861r.)
Attributed works:
18. Copy of Lanfranco's Lunette Fresco of Apostles around the Tomb of Mary (Fig. 21), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 20 by 26.6 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale Delle Stampe, Rome, No.126830.)
Attributed works:
19. Head and Hand Sketches for the Madonna (Fig.16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Black and Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 40.8 by 26.8 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8183v.)
Attributed works:
20. Sketch for the Apostle in Left Foreground (Fig.16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 41.9 by 27.1 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8172v.)
Attributed works:
21. Apostles around the Tomb of Mary, by Giovanni Lanfranco. Lunette Fresco. (Cappella Buongiovanni, S. Agostino, Rome.)
Attributed works:
22. Seated Man (Top) and Sketch of St John (Fig.16), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk on Pencil, Heightened with White, 41.9 by 27.1 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8172r.)
Attributed works:
23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)
Attributed works:
24. Sketch for the Apostles around the Tomb of Mary (Fig.25), by Guglielmo Cortese. Brown Ink and Wash on Pencil, 12.6 by 34 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 352.)
Attributed works:
25. Detail from the Assumption Illustrated in Fig.23. [23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)]
Attributed works:
26. Sketch for Two of the Apostles in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 36.8 by 25.1 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7890v.)
Attributed works:
27. Sketch for Second Apostle from the Left in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 26.7 by 40 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8111r.)
Attributed works:
28. Sketch for the Rear View of the Apostle on the Right in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.9 by 26 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8188r.)
Attributed works:
29. Sketch for the Rear View of the Apostle on the Right in Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 42.1 by 27 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8113r.)
Attributed works:
30. Sketch for the Kneeling Apostle on the Extreme Right of Fig.25, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 42.1 by 27 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8113v.)
Attributed works:
31. Sketch for an Assumption, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, 21.3 by 21 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7744.)
Attributed works:
32. Sketch for the Assumption with Angels on Clouds (cf. Fig.34), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, 38 by 24.9 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7892.)
Attributed works:
33. Sketch for a Cherub below the Madonna (cf. Fig.36), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red and Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.1 by 25 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 14114r.)
Attributed works:
34. Modello for the Upper Part of the Assumption Fresco, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.3 by 53.1 cm. (Albertina, Vienna, No.14229.)
Attributed works:
35. Detail from the Ariccia Assumption (Fig.23.) [23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)]
Attributed works:
36. Detail from the Ariccia Assumption (Fig.23.) [23. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Fresco. (Santa Maria del l'Assunzione, Ariccia.)]
Attributed works:
37. Leg Sketches for an Angel (cf. Fig.36), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.1 by 25 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, FP 14114v.)
Attributed works:
38. Sketch for a Rear View of the Cherub on the Left of the Fresco (cf. Fig.36), by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 39.9 by 26 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8188v.)
Attributed works:
39. Sketch for an Assumption of the Virgin, by Guglielmo Cortese. Red Chalk, Heightened with White, 38 by 27 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 7858r.)
Attributed works:
40. Sketch for Virgin Kneeling on Clouds (cf. Fig.39), by Guglielmo Cortese. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 38.7 by 25.8 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, No. FP 8186r.)
Some Drawings by Carlo Maratti
02/1959 | 671 | 101
Pages: 62-73
related names
Dowley, Francis H. (Dowley, Francis H.)
Attributed works:
21. Study for St Peter, Here Attributed to Andrea Sacchi. Red Chalk, 29 by 22.5 cm. (Ambrosiana Library, Milan.)
Attributed works:
22. St Peter, by Andrea Sacchi. Before 1644. Canvas. (Pinacoteca, Forlì.)
Attributed works:
23. Immaculate Conception, by Carlo Maratti. Begun 1665. Canvas. (S. Agostino, Siena.)
Attributed works:
24. Study for the Immaculate Conception, by Carlo Maratti. Pen and Bistre Wash (Squared), 39.8 by 24.9 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Louvre.)
Attributed works:
25. Immaculate Conception, by Carlo Maratti. c. 1663. Canvas. (Cappella della Concezione, S. Isidoro Agricola, Rome.)
Attributed works:
26. Copy of Part of Maratti's Immaculate Conception Reproduced in Fig.23, by Jean-Honoré Fragonard. 1761. Black Chalk. (British Museum.)
Attributed works:
27. Madonna and Child, Saints and Angels, by Carlo Maratti. c. 1672. Canvas. (Pinacoteca, Ancona.)
Attributed works:
28. St Bonaventura, by Giovanni Lanfranco. c. 1629. Cartoon for Pendentive in Cupola of Cappella della Colonna, S. Pietro in Vaticano, Rome. (Palazzo Barberini, Rome.)
Attributed works:
29. Primavera or Flora, by Carlo Maratti. Canvas. (Formerly Earl of Jersey Collection, Osterley Park.)
Attributed works:
30. Allegory of Religion, by Carlo Maratti. Red Chalk, 30.9 by 37.5 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.)
Attributed works:
31. Study for Primavera or Flora Reproduced in Fig.29, by Carlo Maratti. Red Chalk on White Paper, Diameter, 17.5 cm. (Ambrosiana Library, Milan.)
Attributed works:
32. Death of the Virgin. Engraving after Maratti's Painting (c. 1686) in the Villa Albani Torlonia, Rome.
Attributed works:
33. Study for S. Ambrogio in Altar-Piece Reproduced in Fig.27, by Carlo Maratti. Red Chalk on Grey-Blue Paper, 29.7 by 19.6 cm. (Uffizi, Florence.)
Attributed works:
34. Study for a youth in the Composition of the Death of the Virgin Reproduced in Fig.32, by Carlo Maratti. Red Chalk on Grey-Blue Paper, Heightened with White, 33.1 by 22.8 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Louvre.)
Attributed works:
35. Allegory of Evangelical Truth, by Carlo Maratti. Pen, Red Chalk, Wash, Heightened with White, 40 by 37.1 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Louvre.)