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4 articles
Exhibition Review
Philip Guston. Rome and Washington
09/2010 | 1290 | 152
Pages: 636-637
related names
Anfam, David (Anfam, David)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Philip Guston, Roma | institution: Museo e Galleria Borghese , institution: Phillips Collection
Attributed works:
83. Farnesina Garden Rome, by Philip Guston. 1971. Oil on paper, 73.7 by 102.9 cm. (Collection of Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London CT; exh. Museo Carlo Bilotti–Aranciera di Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
84. Rome, by Philip Guston. 1971. Oil on paper, 45.1 by 54.6 cm. (Estate of Philip Guston, courtesy of McKee Gallery, New York; exh. Museo Carlo Bilotti–Aranciera di Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
85. Untitled, by Philip Guston. 1971. Oil on paper mounted on canvas, 76.2 by 99.7 cm. (Private collection, Woodstock NY; exh. Museo Carlo Bilotti–Aranciera di Villa Borghese, Rome).
Exhibition Review
Antonio Canova. Rome
01/2008 | 1258 | 150
Pages: 58-59
related names
Padiyar, Satish (Padiyar, Satish)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Canova e la Venere Vincitrice | institution: Museo e Galleria Borghese
Attributed works:
69. Head of Helen, by Antonio Canova. 1811. Marble, 64 cm. high. (Private collection; exh. Villa Borghese, Rome)
Attributed works:
70. The Hope Venus, by Antonio Canova. 1817–20. Marble, 177 cm. high. (City Art Gallery, Leeds; exh. Villa Borghese, Rome)
Attributed works:
71. The La Touche Amorino, by Antonio Canova. 1789–91. Marble, 142 cm. high. (National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin; exh. Villa Borghese, Rome)
Short Notice
An unknown drawing by Domenico De Angelis for the Casino Borghese
07/2007 | 1252 | 149
Pages: 488-490
related names
Cesareo, Antonello (Cesareo, Antonello)
Attributed works:
36. Flora, by Domenico De Angelis. 1785. Pencil on paper, 52 by 39.4 cm. (Hunterian Art Museum, Glasgow).
Attributed works:
37. Flora, by Domenico De Angelis. 1785. Canvas. (Casino Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
38. Self-portrait, by Domenico De Angelis. 1790. Canvas, 66 by 50 cm. (Accademia Nazionale di S. Luca, Rome).
The Stanza di Apollo e Dafne in the Villa Borghese
08/1995 | 1109 | 137
Pages: 529-549
related names
González-Palacios, Alvar (González-Palacios, Alvar; Palacios, Alvar González-)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
61. Apollo and Daphne, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. 1622-25. Marble, 243 cm. High (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
64. Ground-Plan of the Sala IV (Stanza di Apollo e Dafne) of the Villa Borghese, by Pierre-Adrien Pâris. c. 1808 (Bibliothèque Municipale, Besançon). The Numbers Refer to the Fig. References Given in This Article.
Attributed works:
65. Ceiling of the Stanza di Apollo e Dafne Frescoed by Giovanni Battista Marchetti (1786); The Central Canvas of Apollo and Daphne and the Grisailles of the Four Seasons (1785) by Pietro Angeletti. (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
66. Perspective View of the Stanza di Apollo e Dafne, Looking towards the Chapel, by Charles Percier. c. 1786-91. Water-Colour and Pencil, 19.5 cm. diam. (Institut de France, Paris).
Attributed works:
67. View of the Wall towards the Chapel in the Stanza di Apollo e Dafne, by Charles Percier. c. 1786-91. Pencil and Chalk, 36.5 by 53.4 cm. (Institut de France, Paris).
Attributed works:
68. Various Objects in the Stanza di Apollo e Dafne, by Charles Percier. c. 1786-91. Pencil, 36.9 by 53 cm. (Institut de France, Paris).
Attributed works:
69. Various Objects in the Stanza di Apollo e Dafne, by Charles Percier. c. 1786-91. Pencil, 19.5 by 30 cm. (Institut de France, Paris).
Attributed works:
71. Detail of a Drawing Showing the 'Venus Pudica', Attributed to Antonio Asprucci. Pencil, Pen and Ink, 19.5 cm. High (Detail) (Gabinetto disegni e stampe, Rome).
Attributed works:
72. Jupiter. Greco-Roman with Post-Renaissance Additions (Including Head), Possibly by Agostino Penna. Marble, 147 cm. High (Louvre, Paris; On Loan to the National Museum, Warsaw).
Attributed works:
73. Aeneas and Anchises, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. 1619. Marble, 220 cm. High (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
75. Boxer. Greco-Roman, with Restorations Perhaps by Vincenzo Pacetti. (Photographed in 1922, before Being Dismembered).
Attributed works:
76. Torso of the Boxer in Fig. 75. Pentelic Marble 125 cm. High (Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
80. Jupiter with the Goat Amalthea and Faun, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. c. 1615. Marble, 41 cm. High (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
85. Altar. Antique Marble Reworked by Giuseppe Giacomo in 1619. (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
88. Two-Handled Vase with Spring, by Massimiliano Laboureur, Lorenzo Cardelli and Vincenzo Pacetti. 1783-85. Marble, 100 cm. High (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
89. Two-Handled Vase with Summer, by Massimiliano Laboureur, Lorenzo Cardelli and Vincenzo Pacetti. 1783-85. Marble, 100 cm. High (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
90. Two-Handled Vase with Autumn, by Massimiliano Laboureur, Lorenzo Cardelli and Vincenzo Pacetti. 1783-85. Marble, 100 cm. High (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
91. Two-Handled Vase with Winter, by Massimiliano Laboureur, Lorenzo Cardelli and Vincenzo Pacetti. 1783-85. Marble, 100 cm. High (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
94. A Bacchanal of Putti, by Giovanni Campi (And Unknown Bronze Caster) after a Model by François Duquesnoy. 1649-51. Black Marble, Lapis-Lazuli and Gilt Bronze, 100 by 80 cm. (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Attributed works:
95. Two Black Warriors, by Giovanni Campi (Presumably after a Model by François Duquesnoy). 1651-53. Black and Coloured Marbles, 65 cm. High (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Western art unattributed:
62. View of the Stanza di Apollo e Dafne, Villa Borghese, Rome, Looking towards the Wall with Asprucci's Columns.
Western art unattributed:
63. View of the Stanza di Apollo e Dafne Looking towards the Chapel.
Western art unattributed:
70. 'Venus pudica'. Greco-Roman. Marble, 108 cm. High (Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
74. Philosopher. Greco-Roman, with Head of Chrysippus Added in the 19th Century. Marble, 116 cm. High (Without the Head) (Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
77. Minerva. Greco-Roman, with Post-Renaissance Head. Marble, 112 cm. High (Louvre, Paris; On Loan to French Embassy, Washington).
Western art unattributed:
78. Ceres. Greco-Roman, with Post-Renaissance Head. Marble, 105 cm. High (Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
79. Bacchus and Silenus. Greco-Roman, Much Restored in the 16th Century. Marble, 75 cm. High (Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
81. Augustus. Greco-Roman, with Restored Hand and Ancient, but Not Original, Head. Greek Marble, 196 cm. High (Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
82. Satyr Extracting a Thorn from a Faun's Foot. Greco-Roman. Parian Marble, 66 cm. High (Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
83. Nymph with a Shell. Greco-Roman, the Shell a Post-Renaissance Addition. Marble, 60 cm. High (Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
84. Three Sleeping Putti. 17th-Century Italian. Marble, Paragone and Giallo Antico, 90 by 65 cm. (Villa Borghese, Rome).
Western art unattributed:
86. Venus Vulgaris. Greco-Roman, the Cupid Possibly a Post-Renaissance Addition. Marble, 114 cm. High (Louvre, Paris; On Loan to the Secrétariat d' Etat aux Affaires Culturelles, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
87. The Three Graces. Greco-Roman. Parian Marble, 105 cm. High (Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
92. Triangular Altar. Greco-Roman. Pentelic Marble, 100 by 28 by 35 cm. (Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
93. Triangular Altar. Greco-Roman. Pentelic Marble, 100 by 28 by 35 cm. (Louvre, Paris).