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3 articles
The 'Annunciation' from the Collection of Moscow's Pushkin Museum and Certain Aspects of Simone dei Crocefissi's Later Works
01/1978 | 898 | 120
Pages: 2+4-6+9
related names
Markova, Viktoria (Markova, Viktoria; Markova, Victoria; Markova, Vittoria)
art literature:
art literature:
Attributed works:
1. Annunciation, Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).
Attributed works:
2. Detail from the Annunciation Illustrated in Fig.1. [Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).]
Attributed works:
3. Reverse of the Annunciation Illustrated in Fig.1. [Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).]
Attributed works:
4. Detail of the Angel in the Annunciation Illustrated in Fig.1. [Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).]
Attributed works:
5. Detail of the Virgin in the Annunciation Illustrated in Fig.1. [Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).]
Lippo Vanni versus Lippo Memmi
07/1970 | 808 | 112
Pages: 437-441
related names
Vertova, Luisa (Vertova, Luisa; Vertova, Luisa Felicita)
art literature:
art literature:
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
10. Feast of All Souls, with St Peter as Leader of Saints. Florentine School, Second Half of the Fourteenth Century. Miniature on f. CII Recto of a Coral. (S. Lorenzo Martire, Santa Croce sull'Arno (Pisa).)
Attributed works:
12. St Peter, by Lippo Vanni. (Lehman Collection, New York.)
Attributed works:
13. St John the Evangelist, by Lippo Vanni. Miniature on f. XXVIII of Coral 'In Medio Ecclesiae Aperuit os Eius'. (Parish Church, Casole d'Elsa.)
Attributed works:
15. Madonna and Child Holding a Pelican; Redeemer in Roundel above, by Lippo Vanni. Panel, 73 by 35 cm. Including Old Frame; Height to Top of Cusp, 55 cm. (Collection Paolo Volponi, Milan.)
Attributed works:
16. St Peter as a Pope; Evangelist. in Roundel above, by Lippo Vanni. Panel, 61 by 25 cm. Including Old Frame; Height to Top of Cusp, 44 cm. (Gambier-Parry Collection; University Art Galleries, London.)
Attributed works:
17. Redeemer. Detail Showing Roundel above Madonna Illustrated in Fig.15. [Madonna and Child Holding a Pelican; Redeemer in Roundel above, by Lippo Vanni. Panel, 73 by 35 cm. Including Old Frame; Height to Top of Cusp, 55 cm. (Collection Paolo Volponi, Milan.)]
Attributed works:
18. Triptych: Madonna Enthroned with Saints, and Annunciation, by Niccolò di Buonaccorso. (Castle of Konopist.)
Western art unattributed:
11. St Peter as a Pope, Florentine School, Second Half of the Fourteenth Century. Miniature on f. LXXXV Recto of a Coral. (San Niccolò Vescovo, Cecina, near Larciano (Pistoia))
Western art unattributed:
14. St Peter, Sienese School, Fourteenth Century. (Lehman Collection, New York.)
Western art unattributed:
19. St John the Baptist. Detail from a Polyptych. Sienese School, Fourteenth Century. (Pinacoteca, Siena.)
Mrs Evelyn Sandberg-Vavala
11/1961 | 704 | 103
Pages: 466+469
related names
Pope-Hennessy, John (Pope-Hennessy, John; Hennessy, John Wyndham Pope-; Pope-Hennessy, J.; P.-H., J.)
art literature: