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8 articles
Book Review
Mezzaratta: Vitale e altri pittori per una confraternita Bolognese
09/2008 | 1266 | 150
Pages: 617-619
related names
Gibbs, Robert (Gibbs, Robert; Gibbs, Robert J.)
Reviewed Items
Mezzaratta: Vitale e altri pittori per una confraternita Bolognese | author: Volpe, Alessandro
Francesco da Rimini. Bologna, Lapidario del Museo Civico Medievale
01/1991 | 1054 | 133
Pages: 50-52
related names
Strehlke, Carl Brandon (Strehlke, Carl Brandon; S., C. B.; Strehlke, C. B.; Strehlke, Carl Brandos)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
67. Detail of the Fragment of the Healing of a Youth from Lerida, by Francesco da Rimini. c. 1314-71. Detached Fresco from the Refectory of San Francesco, Bologna, 71 by 98 cm. (Whole). (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna; Exh. Lapidario del Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
68. Crucifixion, by the Pseudo-Jacopino di Francesco. Detached Fresco, 57 by 71 cm. (Formerly in the Giorgio Morandi Collection, Bologna; Exh. Lapidario del Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
70. Illumination from the Matricola dell'Arte dei Merciai, by the Master of 1328 (Pietro?). 1328. 38 by 26 cm. (Lapidario del Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
71. Illumination from the Matricola e Statuti della Compagnia delle Laudi, Attributed to Lando di Antonio. 1329. 33 by 24 cm. (Biblioteca dell' Archiginnasio, Bologna; Exh. Lapidario del Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
72. Detail from the Last Supper and Saints, by Vitale da Bologna. c.1340. Detached Fresco from the Former Foresteria, San Francesco, Bologna, 211 by 937 cm. (Whole). (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna; Exh. Lapidario del Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna).
Western art unattributed:
69. Detail of Virgin and Child. Bolognese, Early Fourteenth Century. Panel, 106 by 70 cm. (Whole). (S. Niccolò degli Albari, Bologna; Exh. Lapidario del Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna).
Western art unattributed:
73. Matrix for Punch-Work. Italian (?), Late Thirteenth or Early Fourteenth Century. Stone, 27 by 79 cm. (Exh. Lapidario del Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna).
Cristoforo da Bologna, Jacopo di Biondo and the Mezzaratta frescoes in Bologna
07/1989 | 1036 | 131
Pages: 460-467
related names
Gibbs, Robert (Gibbs, Robert; Gibbs, Robert J.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
10. Joseph Installed as Pharaoh's Governor, by Jacopo di Biondo and Cristoforo da Bologna. Fresco from Mezzaratta. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
12. Joseph and Benjamin, by Jacopo di Biondo and Cristoforo da Bologna. Fresco from Mezzaratta. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
13. Moses Striking the Rock, Attributed to Cristoforo da Bologna. Fresco from Mezzaratta. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
14. The Conversion of Mary of Egypt, by Cristoforo da Bologna. Fresco. (S. Giacomo Maggiore, Bologna).
Attributed works:
15. Christ and the Samaritan Woman, by Cristoforo da Bologna. Panel, 36 by 40 cm. (Museo Civico, Pesaro).
Attributed works:
16. Crucifixion and Entombment, by Cristoforo da Bologna. Signed. Panel, 57 by 29 cm. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Ferrara).
Attributed works:
5. Circumcision, by Jacopo and Simone dei Crocefissi. Fresco from Mezzaratta, Signed. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
6. Joseph Sold by His Brothers, by Jacopo (Here Attributed to Jacopo di Biondo and Cristoforo da Bologna). Fresco from Mezzaratta, Signed. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
7. Jacopo di Biondo's Signature, Detail of Fig.6. [Joseph Sold by His Brothers, by Jacopo (Here Attributed to Jacopo di Biondo and Cristoforo da Bologna). Fresco from Mezzaratta, Signed. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).]
Attributed works:
8. The Brothers Show Jacob Joseph's Coat, by Jacopo di Biondo and Cristoforo da Bologna. Fresco from Mezzaratta. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
9. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, by Jacopo di Biondo and Cristoforo da Bologna. Fresco from Mezzaratta. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).
Western art unattributed:
1. Schematic Reconstruction of the Frescoes at S. Apollonia, Mezzaratta.
Western art unattributed:
11. The Frescoes of the South Wall in S. Apollonia, Mezzaratta, the Lower Two Rows Restored and Detached, the Top Row Still in Situ, 1952.
Western art unattributed:
2. Pictorial Reconstruction of the Frescoes at S. Apollonia, Mezzaratta.
Western art unattributed:
3. Isaac and Jacob with the Returning Esau. Fresco from Mezzaratta. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).
Western art unattributed:
4. Joseph Put in the Well. Fresco from Mezzaratta. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna).
Book Review
Vitale da Bologna
11/1986 | 1004 | 128
Pages: 830
related names
Gibbs, Robert (Gibbs, Robert; Gibbs, Robert J.)
Reviewed Items
Vitale da Bologna | author: D'Amico, Rosalba , author: Medica, Massimo
A Group of Trecento Bolognese Painters Active in the Veneto
02/1982 | 947 | 124
Pages: 77-86+89
related names
Gibbs, Robert (Gibbs, Robert; Gibbs, Robert J.)
Attributed works:
26. Detail from Apse Frescoes, by Vitale da Bologna. 1351. (Basilica of Pomposa).
Western art unattributed:
12. S. Agostino, Vicenza (View from North East).
Western art unattributed:
13. S. Agostino, Vicenza (View from North West).
Western art unattributed:
14. S. Agostino, Vicenza (Interior from West Door).
Western art unattributed:
15. S. Agostino, Vicenza (Inscription over West Door).
Western art unattributed:
16. Frescoes in Sanctuary, by a Fourteenth-Century Bolognese Workshop. (S. Agostino, Vicenza).
Western art unattributed:
17. Frescoes on Sanctuary Vault. (S. Agostino, Vicenza).
Western art unattributed:
18. Crucifixion. Fresco. (S. Agostino, Vicenza).
Western art unattributed:
19. Annunciation, Adoration of the Shepherds, Adoration of the Magi. Fresco. (S. Agostino, Vicenza).
Western art unattributed:
20. Annunciation and Visitation. Fresco. (Nave, Basilica of Pomposa).
Western art unattributed:
21. Nativity and Annunciation to the Shepherds. Fresco. (Basilica of Pomposa).
Western art unattributed:
22. Adoration of the Magi. Fresco. (Basilica of Pomposa).
Western art unattributed:
23. Last Supper, Agony in the Garden, Arrest of Christ. Fresco. (S. Agostino, Vicenza).
Western art unattributed:
24. Centre of the Vault of the Sanctuary. Fresco. (S. Agostino, Vicenza).
Western art unattributed:
25. Detail from Saints Gregory and Jerome. Fresco. (S. Agostino, Vicenza).
Western art unattributed:
27. Detail from Adoration of the Shepherds. Fresco. (S. Agostino, Vicenza).
Western art unattributed:
28. Detail from Vault Fresco. (Tempietto, Cividale).
Western art unattributed:
29. Stigmatisation of St Francis. Fresco. (First Column of Nave, S. Nicolo, Treviso).
Western art unattributed:
30. Madonna. Fresco. (Reverse of Triumphal Arch, S. Agostino, Vicenza).
Western art unattributed:
31. St Dominic and Madonna. Fresco. Left-Hand Section of Fig.29.
The 'Annunciation' from the Collection of Moscow's Pushkin Museum and Certain Aspects of Simone dei Crocefissi's Later Works
01/1978 | 898 | 120
Pages: 2+4-6+9
related names
Markova, Viktoria (Markova, Viktoria; Markova, Victoria; Markova, Vittoria)
art literature:
art literature:
Attributed works:
1. Annunciation, Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).
Attributed works:
2. Detail from the Annunciation Illustrated in Fig.1. [Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).]
Attributed works:
3. Reverse of the Annunciation Illustrated in Fig.1. [Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).]
Attributed works:
4. Detail of the Angel in the Annunciation Illustrated in Fig.1. [Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).]
Attributed works:
5. Detail of the Virgin in the Annunciation Illustrated in Fig.1. [Here Attributed to Simone dei Crocefissi. Poplar Panel, 55.6 by 34.5 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).]
Book Review
Vitale da Bologna
06/1965 | 747 | 107
Pages: 326
related names
Smart, Alastair (Smart, Alastair; Smart, Alistair)
Reviewed Items
Vitale da Bologna | author: Gnudi, Cesare
Short Notice
A Madonna by Vitale da Bologna
03/1947 | 528 | 89
Pages: 78+80-81
related names
Servolini, Luigi (Servolini, Luigi)
Attributed works:
A-Madonna Della Pace. By Vitale de Bologna. Panel, 19 by 13 cm. Shorter Notices: A Madonna by Vitale da Bologna