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1 articles
Borromini in Siena
09/2016 | 1362 | 158
Pages: 702-714
related names
Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt (Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt)
Connors, Joseph (Connors, Joseph)
Attributed works:
10. Crucifix Chapel, S. Martino, Siena. 1660-64. The frame and altar based on a design by Francesco Borromini. c.1664, with Christ on the cross with mourning Virgin and St John, by Giovanni di Stefano. 1480s (Photograph: Fabio and Andrea Lensini)
Attributed works:
11. The Gori Chapel, S. Martino, Siena, with the coloured marble frame and altar by Ascanio Cavoni da Cortona, c.1620, and the Circumcision by Guido Reni (Photograph: Fabio and Andrea Lensini)
Attributed works:
12. Detail of the pedestals flanking the altar in the Crucifix Chapel in S. Martino showing the Landucci arms (Photograph: Fabio and Andrea Lensini)
Attributed works:
16. Portrait of Ambrogio Landucci, from A. Landucci: Sacra Leccetana Selva, Rome 1657, designed and etched by Guillaume Valet (Florence, Berenson Library)
Attributed works:
17. Frontispiece and title page of A. Landucci: Sacra Leccetana Selva, Rome 1657, designed by Raffaello Vanni and etched by Guillaume Château (Florence, Berenson Library)
Attributed works:
18. Plan of the Eremo di Lecceto, designed by Benedetto Giovannelli Orlandi. 1651. From A. Landucci: Sacra Leccetana Selva, Rome 1657.
Attributed works:
8. Design for the Crucifix Chapel in S. Martino, Siena, by Francesco Borromini. Early 1660s (Albertina, Vienna)
Attributed works:
9. Design for the chapel in the sacristy in S. Martino, Siena, by Francesco Borromini. Early 1660s (Albertina, Vienna)
Western art unattributed:
13. Façade of S. Martino, Siena, the lower storey built in 1613 and the upper storey in 1656-69
Western art unattributed:
14. Detail of Fig.13 showing the Landucci heraldry in the pediment surmounted by the Lecceto emblem
Western art unattributed:
15. The sacristy of S. Martino, Siena. Architect unknown. c.1664 (Photograph: Fabio and Andrea Lensini)
Western art unattributed:
19. Baptismal font, by an unknown sculptor. c.1660 (S. Agostino, Rome. Photograph: Alessandro Vasari)
Western art unattributed:
20. Epitaph of Ambrogio Landucci, bust by an unknown sculptor. c.1669 (S. Agostino, Rome)