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8 articles
A sartorial portrait of Ottaviano Ubaldini della Carda by Piero della Francesca
07/2023 | 1444 | 165
Pages: 720–737
related names
Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt (Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt)
Attributed works:
1. Flagellation of Christ with figures here identified as Joseph of Arimathea and an assistant asking Pilate for the body of Christ, by Piero della Francesca. c.1456–57. Egg tempera and oil on panel, 67.5 by 91 cm. (Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
10. Detail of the Communion of the Apostles, by Justus of Ghent, showing the donor figures. 1473–74. Oil on panel. (Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino; Scala Archives; courtesy the Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali e del Turismo).
Attributed works:
11. Horsewoman of Coins, by the workshop of Bonifacio Bembo. Before 1447. Paint and tooled gold on paper, 18.9 by 9 cm. (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University Library, New Haven CT).
Attributed works:
12. Detail from St Gregory the Great and St Matthias, by Masolino, showing the cope of St Gregory the Great. c.1428–29. Tempera and oil on panel, transferred to fibreboard. (National Gallery, London; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
2. Ottaviano Ubaldini della Carda and Federico di Montefeltro, by Ambrogio Barocci. 1470s. Cesane stone, 50 by 110 cm. (Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino).
Attributed works:
3. Detail of Fig.4, showing the donor figures, Guidubaldo di Montefeltro, Count Federico di Montefeltro and Ottaviano Ubaldini della Carda.
Attributed works:
4. The Lamentation of Christ, by Francesco di Giorgio. c.1473. Bronze, 85 by 58 cm. (S. Maria del Carmelo, Venice; Scala Archives).
Attributed works:
5. Medal of Duke Filippo Maria Visconti (obverse), by Pisanello. c.1441. Bronze, diameter 10.3 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Attributed works:
6. Detail of an altar frontal with the Visconti device of the dove and motto ‘à bon droit’. Italy, c.1450–60. Red velvet with a single-height pile with a design in gold pattern wefts and silver brocaded wefts, 98 by 241 cm. (Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan; Scala Archive).
Attributed works:
7. Federico di Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, and his son Guidubaldo, by Pedro Berruguete. c.1476. Oil on panel, 138 by 82.5 cm. (Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino).
Attributed works:
8. Luca Pacioli and Guidubaldo di Montefeltro, attributed to Jacopo de’ Barbari. 1495. Oil on panel, 99 by 120 cm. (Museo di Capodimonte, Naples; Photo Scala, Florence).
Attributed works:
9. Detail of Fig.1, showing the figures here identified as Joseph of Arimathea and an assistant asking Pilate for the body of Christ.
Western art unattributed:
13. Detail of a cope with the Medici coat of arms and devices. Italy, 1470s or 1480s. Red velvet with single-height cut pile with a design in gold bouclé pattern wefts and allucciolato effect, 278 by 152 cm. (Museo d’arte sacra dell’Abbazia di Vallombrosa).
Western art unattributed:
14. Detail of the cope shown in Fig.13 with the motif of the Medici coat of arms covered by a roundel of St Giovanni Gualberto embroidered in silk and gold. Italy, c.1494.
Short Notice
The ‘sovrapporta’ of the studiolo in Urbino
09/2019 | 1398 | 161
Pages: 744-747
related names
Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt (Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt)
Attributed works:
1. The north wall of the studiolo in the Palazzo Ducale, Urbino, showing the beginning of the series of Learned Men by Justus of Ghent and ‘Petrus Hispanus’, as briefly reunited in an exhibition in 2015. (Photograph Amanda Lillie).
Attributed works:
2. Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, and his son Guidobaldo, by ‘Petrus Hispanus’. c.1476. Oil on fir panel. 138.5 by 82.5 cm. (Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino; su concessione del Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo; Archivio fotografico).
Attributed works:
3. Reconstruction of the entrance from the Sala delle Udienze to the studiolo in the Palazzo Ducale, Urbino, as it would have appeared c.1476, showing the painting illustrated at Fig.2 above the door. (Photograph Scala; montage the author).
Short Notice
The first known record of Piero della Francesca’s ‘Flagellation of Christ’ and the question of its inscription
06/2019 | 1395 | 161
Pages: 488-491
related names
Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt (Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt)
Attributed works:
1. Flagellation of Christ, by Piero della Francesca. c.1456–57. Panel, 67.5 by 91.0 cm. (Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino; photograph courtesy Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo; Archivio fotografico).
Attributed works:
2. Tracing of the three foregroud figures in Fig.1 by Johann Anton Ramboux. c.1833–43. Pencil on oiled vellum, 57.3 by 36.5 cm. (© Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main; inv. no.Bib. 2472 VII, Sammlung von Umrissen und Durchzeichnungen, dienend zur Geschichte der bildenden Künste des Mittelalters in Italien, VII, fol.49r).
Attributed works:
3. Detail of Fig.2, showing the inscription.
Borromini in Siena
09/2016 | 1362 | 158
Pages: 702-714
related names
Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt (Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt)
Connors, Joseph (Connors, Joseph)
Attributed works:
10. Crucifix Chapel, S. Martino, Siena. 1660-64. The frame and altar based on a design by Francesco Borromini. c.1664, with Christ on the cross with mourning Virgin and St John, by Giovanni di Stefano. 1480s (Photograph: Fabio and Andrea Lensini)
Attributed works:
11. The Gori Chapel, S. Martino, Siena, with the coloured marble frame and altar by Ascanio Cavoni da Cortona, c.1620, and the Circumcision by Guido Reni (Photograph: Fabio and Andrea Lensini)
Attributed works:
12. Detail of the pedestals flanking the altar in the Crucifix Chapel in S. Martino showing the Landucci arms (Photograph: Fabio and Andrea Lensini)
Attributed works:
16. Portrait of Ambrogio Landucci, from A. Landucci: Sacra Leccetana Selva, Rome 1657, designed and etched by Guillaume Valet (Florence, Berenson Library)
Attributed works:
17. Frontispiece and title page of A. Landucci: Sacra Leccetana Selva, Rome 1657, designed by Raffaello Vanni and etched by Guillaume Château (Florence, Berenson Library)
Attributed works:
18. Plan of the Eremo di Lecceto, designed by Benedetto Giovannelli Orlandi. 1651. From A. Landucci: Sacra Leccetana Selva, Rome 1657.
Attributed works:
8. Design for the Crucifix Chapel in S. Martino, Siena, by Francesco Borromini. Early 1660s (Albertina, Vienna)
Attributed works:
9. Design for the chapel in the sacristy in S. Martino, Siena, by Francesco Borromini. Early 1660s (Albertina, Vienna)
Western art unattributed:
13. Façade of S. Martino, Siena, the lower storey built in 1613 and the upper storey in 1656-69
Western art unattributed:
14. Detail of Fig.13 showing the Landucci heraldry in the pediment surmounted by the Lecceto emblem
Western art unattributed:
15. The sacristy of S. Martino, Siena. Architect unknown. c.1664 (Photograph: Fabio and Andrea Lensini)
Western art unattributed:
19. Baptismal font, by an unknown sculptor. c.1660 (S. Agostino, Rome. Photograph: Alessandro Vasari)
Western art unattributed:
20. Epitaph of Ambrogio Landucci, bust by an unknown sculptor. c.1669 (S. Agostino, Rome)
Sassetta and the Guglielmi Piccolomini altarpiece in Siena
03/2010 | 1284 | 152
Pages: 162-171
related names
Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt (Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt)
Attributed works:
30. Map of Siena, by Francesco Vanni, printed by Pieter de Jode the Elder. c.1595. Key: I. S. Pietro in Castelvecchio; II. via del Casato; III. Palazzo Guglielmi; IV. Palazzo Bichi; V. S. Agostino.
Attributed works:
32. (Left). St Catherine of Siena, by Liberale da Verona. 1470s. Fresco, c.280 by 90 cm. (S. Pietro in Castelvecchio, Siena).
Attributed works:
33. (Centre). St Bartholomew, by Sassetta. 1449–50. Tempera and traces of gold on panel, 139.5 by 45.5 cm. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena).
Attributed works:
34. (Right). St Francis, by Sano di Pietro. c.1451–55. Tempera and traces of gold on panel, 138.8 by 45 cm. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena).
Attributed works:
35. Annunciation to the shepherds, by Sano di Pietro, perhaps following a design by Sassetta. c.1451–55. Tempera and gold on panel, 54.5 by 69 cm. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena).
Attributed works:
36. God the Father blessing, by Sassetta. 1449–50. Tempera, silver and traces of gold on panel, 62.2 by 39.8 cm. (Museo Diocesano d’Arte Sacra, Oratorio di S. Bernardino, Siena).
Attributed works:
37. Back of the panel in Fig.36.
Attributed works:
38. Sts Hugh (of Cluny or Lincoln?) and John the Baptist and Sts Peter and John the Evangelist, by Sano di Pietro. 1450s. Tempera and traces of gold on panel, each panel c.135.5 by 73 cm. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena).
Attributed works:
39. Angel of the Annunciation, by Sano di Pietro. 1450s. Tempera and gold on panel, diameter 41.5 cm. (Museo Diocesano d’Arte Sacra, Oratorio di S. Bernardino, Siena).
Western art unattributed:
29. S. Pietro in Castelvecchio, Siena.
Western art unattributed:
31. Memorial plaque of Giovanni di Bartolomeo Guglielmi with the Piccolomini coat of arms. 1453. White marble, 60.5 by 44 cm. (S. Pietro in Castelvecchio, Siena).
Sassetta, Fra Angelico and their patrons at S. Domenico, Cortona
11/2003 | 1208 | 145
Pages: 760-776
related names
Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt (Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt)
Attributed works:
Annunciation, by Fra Angelico. Early 1430s. Tempera and gold on panel, 218.5 by 227 cm. (Museo Diocesano, Cortona).
Attributed works:
Chasuble of St Nicholas of Bari, detail of Fig.1.
Attributed works:
Coronation of the Virgn with angels and saints, by Lorenzo di Niccolò. 1402. Tempera and gold on panel, 517 by 325 cm. (S. Domenico, Cortona).
Attributed works:
Detached paint layer of Sassetta's triptych (Fig.1) seen from the reverse during the 1945-55 restoration.
Attributed works:
Early twentieth-century photograph of the Cortona triptych, by Fra Angelico (Fig.2).
Attributed works:
Madonna and Child with Sts Matthew, John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene, the Annunciation and the Crucifiction, by Fra Angelico. c.1432. Tempera and gold on panel, 218 by 237.5 cm. (Museo Diocesano, Cortona).
Attributed works:
Madonna of humility between Sts Dominic and Peter Martyr, the four Evangelists, by Fra Angelico. c.1438. Fresco, 144 by 238 cm. (Lunette of the portal of S. Domenico, Cortona).
Attributed works:
Madonna of humility with Sts Nicholas, Michael, John the Baptist and Margaret of Hungary, the Annunciation and the Lamb of God, by Sassetta. c.1434. Tempera and gold on panel, 172 by 257 cm. (Museo Diocesano, Cortona).
Attributed works:
Madonna of humility, by Sassetta. c.1440-45. Tempera and gold on panel, 72 by 54.5 cm. (Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican City)
Attributed works:
Sinopia of the Madonna of humility, by Fra Angelico (Fig.13). (Museo Dicesano, Cortona).
Western art unattributed:
Coat of arms of the Dell Peccia family (?), pietra serena, above the Gospel-side chapel in S. Domenico, Cortona.
Western art unattributed:
Exterior of S. Domenico, Cortona, constructed c.1411-38.
Western art unattributed:
Hypothetical reconstruction of the ground-plan of S. Domenico, Cortona as it may have appeared c.1440: 1) Chapel of St Nicholas, patron Niccolò di Angelo, Sasseta triptych; 2) High altar, Lorenzo di Niccolò Coronation; 3) Chapel of St John the Evangelist, patron Giovanni di Tommaso, Fra Angelico triptych; 4) Rood-screen with altar of St Domenic? and the Annunciation; 5) Altar of the Annunciation, patron Giovanni di Cola Annunciation (hypothetical position); 6) Lunette above the door, Fra Angelico Madonna of humility.
Western art unattributed:
Interior of S. Domenico, Cortona
Sassetta's Arte della Lana Altar-Piece and the Cult of Corpus Domini in Siena
09/2001 | 1182 | 143
Pages: 532-543
related names
Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt (Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt)
Attributed works:
1. The Church of S. Pellegrino, Siena, with the Annex Chapel of the Arte della Lana, by Girolamo Macchi. 1708-50. Pen and Ink, c.6 by 12 cm. (From Macchi's Memorie, Siena, Archivio di Stato, MS D107, fol.120r).
Attributed works:
10. S. Bernardino Preaching on the Campo, by Sano di Pietro. Tempera on Panel, 162 by 101.5 cm. (Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena).
Attributed works:
11. The Burning at the Stake of the Heretic Nicolaus, by Sassetta. 1425. Part of the Predella of the Arte della Lana Altar-Piece. Tempera on Panel, 24.6 by 38.7 cm. (National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne).
Attributed works:
12. A Bishop Advises the Founders of a Church to Ask a Certain Hermit for Its Dedication, by Ugolino di prete Ilario and Assistants. 1364. Fresco, c.190 by 75 cm. (Chapel of the Holy Corporal, Orvieto Cathedral).
Attributed works:
13. Nicolaus Is Accused in Front of a Bishop, by Ugolino di prete Ilario and Assistants. 1364. Fresco, c.190 by 75 cm. (Chapel of the Holy Corporal, Orvieto Cathedral).
Attributed works:
14. The Hermit Nicolaus Proposes That a New Church Be Dedicated to the Devil, by Ugolino di prete Ilario and Assistants. 1364. Fresco, c.190 by 250 cm. (Chapel of the Holy Corporal, Orvieto Cathedral).
Attributed works:
15. Nicolaus at the Stake Invokes the Devil, Who Douses the Fire, by Ugolino di prete Ilario and Assistants. 1364. Fresco, c.190 by 260 cm. (Chapel of the Holy Corporal, Orvieto Cathedral).
Attributed works:
16. At the Elevation of the Host, the Flames of Nicolaus's Stake Flare up, by Ugolino di prete Ilario and Assistants. 1364. Fresco, c.190 by 260 cm. (Chapel of the Holy Corporal, Orvieto Cathedral).
Attributed works:
2. Author's Hypothetical Reconstruction of Sassetta's Arte della Lana Altar-Piece.
Attributed works:
3. Institution of the Eucharist, by Sassetta. 1425. Part of the Predella of the Arte della Lana Altar-Piece. Tempera on Panel, 24.6 by 38.7 cm. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena).
Attributed works:
4. Miracle of the Eucharist, by Sassetta. 1425. Part of the Predella of the Arte della Lana Altar-Piece. Tempera on Panel, 24.1 by 38.2 cm. (Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle).
Attributed works:
5. Madonna and Child with St Nicholas, St Anthony Abbot (formerly Elijah) and angels (the Carmine altar-piece), by Pietro Lorenzetti. Tempera on panel, 165 by 50 cm. (main panel). Predella overpainted in the later sixteenth century. Photograph of c.1887 (formerly S. Ansano a Dofana, Montaperti, now Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena; photo Frick Art Reference Library).
Attributed works:
6. Coronation of the Virgin, by Filippo Lippi. 1439-47. Tempera on Panel, 200 by 287 cm. (Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
7. Side View of the Pinnacle with Elisha, by Sassetta. (Pinacoteca, Siena).
Attributed works:
8. Private Chapel-Cupboard. Eighteenth Century. Closed State (Palazzo Chigi Zondadari, Siena).
Attributed works:
9. Fig.8 in Open State.
New Documents for Sassetta and Sano di Pietro at the Porta Romana, Siena
07/1998 | 1144 | 140
Pages: 436-444
related names
Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt (Brüggen Israëls, Machtelt)
Attributed works:
1. Coronation of the Virgin (Before Restoration), by Sassetta and Sano di Pietro. Fresco, c.676 by 502 by 222 cm. (Porta Romana, Siena).
Attributed works:
2. Detail of One of Sassetta's Angels in Fig.3 with Spolvero Marks.
Attributed works:
3. Detail of the Choir of Angels at the Left in the Soffit of the Arch in Fig.1 (After Restoration), by Sassetta. Fresco, c.222 cm. Wide (S. Francesco, Siena).
Attributed works:
4. Detail of the Choir of Angels at the Top and Right in the Soffit of the Arch in Fig.1 (After Restoration), by Sassetta. Fresco, c.222 cm. Wide (S. Francesco, Siena).
Attributed works:
5. Fragment with Angels and Saints of the Coronation of the Virgin in Fig.1 (After Restoration), by Sano di Pietro. Fresco. (S. Francesco, Siena).
Attributed works:
6. Sinopia by Sano di Pietro Underlying Part of the Fresco Shown in Fig.5. (S. Francesco, Siena).