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1 articles
In his father’s workshop: Giovanni Bellini’s paintings for the Scuola di S. Giovanni Evangelista, Venice
04/2018 | 1381 | 160
Pages: 283-290
related names
Mazzotta, Antonio (Mazzotta, Antonio)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Birth of the Virgin, here attributed to Giovanni Bellini. c.1452–53. Tempera on canvas, 112 by 152 cm. (Galleria Sabauda, Turin).
Attributed works:
10. Portrait of Jacopo Antonio Marcello, by Giovanni Bellini. 1453, from Jacopo Antonio Marcello, Passio Mauritii et sotiorum eius, 1453. Tempera on parchment, 18.7 by 13 cm. (Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Paris, MS 940).
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Fig.1.
Attributed works:
12. Detail of St James before Herod Agrippa, by Andrea Mantegna, c.1451–52. Fresco. Formerly in the Eremitani Church, Padua, destroyed 1944.
Attributed works:
13. Detail of The wedding at Cana, here attributed to Giovanni Bellini. c.1452–53. Tempera on canvas, 112 by 152 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
14. Equestrian statue of Gattamelata (detail) by Donatello. c.1446–52. Bronze, 340 by 390 cm. (S. Antonio, Padua).
Attributed works:
15. The Adoration of the Magi (detail) here attributed to Giovanni Bellini. c.1452–53. Tempera on canvas, 111 by 151 cm. (Stanley Moss, New York).
Attributed works:
16. Detail of Fig.1.
Attributed works:
17. Woman at the Mirror (detail), by Giovanni Bellini. 1515. Oil on panel, 62.9 by 78.3 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Attributed works:
18. Annunciation (detail), by Giovanni Bellini. c.1465. Panel, 67 by 72 cm. (SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice).
Attributed works:
19. Detail of Fig.2.
Attributed works:
2. Annunciation, here attributed to Giovanni Bellini. c.1452–53. Tempera on canvas, 113 by 152 cm. (Galleria Sabauda, Turin).
Attributed works:
20. Detail of Fig.1.
Attributed works:
21. The Potenziani Madonna (detail), by Giovanni Bellini. c.1458–60. Tempera and oil on panel, 54 by 40 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
22. Imago pietatis (detail), by Giovanni Bellini. c.1455. Tempera on panel, 50.5 by 40.4 cm. (Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Attributed works:
23. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (detail), here attributed to Giovanni Bellini. c.1452–53. Tempera on canvas, 112 by 152 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
3. Birth of the Virgin, by Jacopo Bellini and workshop. c.1444. Tempera on panel, 35 by 40 cm (S. Alessandro, Brescia).
Attributed works:
4. Madonna of the cherubim, by Jacopo Bellini. c.1455. Oil on panel, 77 by 60 cm. (Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice).
Attributed works:
5. Birth of the Virgin (detail), after a design by Giambono, c.1440. Mosaic. (Cappella dei Mascoli, S. Marco, Venice).
Attributed works:
6. The Presentation in the Temple (detail), by Andrea Mantegna. Early 1450s. Tempera on canvas, 69 by 86.3 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.1.
Attributed works:
8. St Maurice (detail), by Giovanni Bellini, from Jacopo Antonio Marcello, Passio Mauritii et sotiorum eius. 1453. Tempera on parchment, 18.7 by 13 cm. (Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Paris, MS 940),
Attributed works:
9. Detail of Fig.1.