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1 articles
Pieter Bruegel's 'Dulle Griet' and Dante
04/1973 | 841 | 115
Pages: 209-219
related names
Graziani, René (Graziani, René)
Attributed works:
10. Detail from Dulle Griet: The Fortunes of Women, with the Wrathful. Copyright A. C. L. Brussels.
Attributed works:
11. 'The Large Fortune', by Albrecht Dürer. Engraving.
Attributed works:
12. Detail from Dulle Griet: The Lustful. Copyright A. C. L. Brussels.
Attributed works:
14. Dante: Inferno VII: The Hoarders and Spendthrifts, by Priamo Della Quercia. (Brit. Mus. Yates Thompson, 36, 12v.)
Attributed works:
16. Petrarch, Das Glückbuch (Augsburg 1539), II, LV, fol. LIV. Anon. Master. Bad Fortune: A Fire.
Attributed works:
17. Dante: Inferno V: Paolo and Francesca. Lombard Vitae Imperatorum Master, c. 1440. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, it. 2017, 71v.)
Attributed works:
18. Dante: Inferno V: The Carnal Sinners, by Priamo Della Quercia. (Brit. Mus. Yates Thompson, 36, 9r.)
Attributed works:
7. Dulle Griet (Mad Meg), by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. (Museum Mayer van den Bergh, Antwerp.) Photo: Institut Royale du Patrimoine Artistique, Brussels. Copyright A. C. L. Brussels.
Attributed works:
8. Detail from Dulle Griet: Meg as Fortuna Duplex. Copyright A. C. L. Brussels.
Attributed works:
9. Detail from Dulle Griet: Smiling Fortune Bearing the Hoarders and Squanderers, with the City of Dis. Copyright A. C. L. Brussels.
Western art unattributed:
13. Tree of the Fruits of Fortune. Anonymous Italian Woodcut.
Western art unattributed:
15. Dante: Inferno VII: The Hoarders and Spendthrifts. Neapolitan, c. 1370. (Brit. Mus. Add. 19587, 11r.)