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3 articles
Short Notice
Paying for frescos in stone: financial aspects of the decoration of S. Martino ai Monti in Rome
03/2008 | 1260 | 150
Pages: 182-186
related names
Witte, Arnold (Witte, Arnold)
Attributed works:
31. Landscape with Elisha cursing the mocking boys of Bethel, by Gaspard Dughet. c.1650. Fresco, approx. 300 by 100 cm. (S. Martino ai Monti, Rome)
Attributed works:
32. Title-page of Giovan Antonio Filippini: Ristretto di tutto quello, che appartiene all’antichita, e veneratione della chiesa de’ santi Silvestro, e Martino De’ Monti di Roma, Rome 1631. (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome)
Attributed works:
33. Funerary monument of Giovan Antonio Filippini, by Pier Paolo Naldini. After 1657. Marble, approx. 170 by 100 cm. (S. Martino ai Monti, Rome)
Attributed works:
34. Detail of a map of the Campagna Romana, showing Monticelli and the calcare, by Eufrosino della Volpaia. 1547. From T. Ashby, ed.: La Campagna Romana al tempo di Paolo III, Rome 1914
Attributed works:
36. Detail of the façade of Palazzo Barberini, Rome, designed by Carlo Maderno, Gianlorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini, showing use of travertine
Western art unattributed:
30. Portrait of Giovan Antonio Filippini, by an unknown artist. 1651. Canvas, dimensions unknown. (Casa generalizia dei Carmelitani, Rome)
Western art unattributed:
35. Travertine quarries at Tivoli. From N. Zabaglia: Cartelli e ponti di maestro Niccola Zabaglia, con alcune ingegnose pratiche . . ., Rome 1743, fig.xv
Liturgy, history and art: Domenichino's Capella dei Santi Fondatori
11/2003 | 1208 | 145
Pages: 777-786
related names
Witte, Arnold (Witte, Arnold)
Attributed works:
Angel with aspergillum, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata).
Attributed works:
Angel with book, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata).
Attributed works:
Fame, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata).
Attributed works:
St Athanasius, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata).
Attributed works:
St Basil, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata).
Attributed works:
St Edward, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata).
Attributed works:
St Natalia, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Frottaferrata).
Attributed works:
The appearance of the Virgin to Sts Nilus and Bartholomew, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata).
Attributed works:
The appearance of the Virgin, by Domenichino. c.1609. Pen and bistre wash heightened with white, 24.4 by 18 cm. (The Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, ©2002, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II).
Attributed works:
The building of the abbey church, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata; published with kind permission of the Archivio Fotografico Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Romano, Rome).
Attributed works:
The building of the abbey church, by Domenichino. c.1609. Pen and bistre wash heightened with white, 26.5 by 41.3 cm. (The Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, ©2002, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II).
Attributed works:
The dome above the altar, with God the Father in the centre, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata).
Attributed works:
The interior of the Cappella dei Santi Fondatori, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia Grottaferrata; published with kind permission of the Archivio Fotografico Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Romano, Rome).
Attributed works:
The miracle of the harvest, by Domenichino. 1608-10. Fresco. (Badia di Grottaferrata).
A New Date for Lanfranco's Decoration of the Camerino Degli Eremiti
07/2000 | 1168 | 142
Pages: 423-428
related names
Witte, Arnold (Witte, Arnold)
Attributed works:
10. Christ Served by Angels, by Giovanni Lanfranco. c.1611. 116 by 143 cm. (Museo di Capodimonte, Naples).
Attributed works:
11. The Elevation of Mary Magdalen, by Giovanni Lanfranco. c.1611. 109 by 78 cm. (Museo di Capodimonte, Naples).
Attributed works:
12. Meeting of Sts Paul the Hermit and Anthony Abbot, by Giovanni Lanfranco. c.1611. Fresco (S. Maria dell'Orazione e Morte, Rome).
Attributed works:
13. St Simeon the Stylite, by Giovanni Lanfranco. c.1611. Fresco (S. Maria dell' Orazione e Morte, Rome).
Attributed works:
14. Plan of the Seventeenth-Century Buildings of S. Maria dell'Orazione e Morte, by Giovanni Maggio. 1614. Pen and Wash (Kungl. Biblioteket, Stockholm).
Attributed works:
15. Detail of the Plan of Rome by Giovanni Falda, Showing the Palazzo Farnese and the Bridge to the Palazzetto. 1676. Etching.