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16 articles
Hopman and De Wild: The historical importance of two Dutch families of restorers
10/2016 | 1363 | 158
Pages: 812-823
related names
te Marvelde, Mireille (te Marvelde, Mireille)
van Duijn, Esther (van Duijn, Esther)
Attributed works:
48. Reverse of Adoration of the magi, by Salomon Koninck, showing the blue-and-white striped bed ticking used by Nicolaas Hopman as lining canvas (Mauritshuis, The Hague)
Attributed works:
49. View of the Oranjezaal, The Hague, with The marriage of Frederik Hendik and Amalia van Solms by Gerard van Honthorst above the doors. 1651 (Staat der Nederlanden, Koninklijke Verzamelingen, The Netherlands. Photograph Margareta Svensson)
Attributed works:
50. Max von Pettenkofer in his study. 1901. (Courtesy Photograph Friedrich Müller, Munich)
Attributed works:
51. Label by W.A. Hopman on the reverse of Portrait of a man by J.C. Verspronk (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; photograph by Anna Krekeler)
Attributed works:
52. Nineteenth-century photograph of Rembrandt's Anatomy lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp, with notes by W.A. Hopman made in 1877 indicating the areas of damaged paint (Mauritshuis, The Hague)
Attributed works:
55. Derix de Wild in his studio with his son Martin on the right (From W. Martin: Altholländische Bilder, Berlin 1918)
Attributed works:
56. Showcase at the exhibition Frans Hals: Work in Progress, Haarlem (Frans Hals Museum / De Hallen Haarlem) 2015, including a cardboard box of old varnishes removed from the paintings, petri dishes for chemical tests, glass negatives and an album of photographs and descriptions of chemical tests (Photograph Ton van der Heide)
Attributed works:
58. The experts during the Wacker trial in 1932 in Berlin; Martin de Wild is second from left (Ullstein Bild, Atelier Balassa; photograph B.A. Balassa)
Attributed works:
59. Martin de Wild at work in his studio, making an X-radiograph (left) and taking a paint sample (right). (Nationaal Archief/Collectie Staarnstad/Associated Correspondents; photograph Bert Buurman)
Western art unattributed:
47. Engraving of the hot-air balloon 'Lust tot Onderziek' (Delight in Study) with which Abraham Hopman made the first balloon flight in the Netherlands in 1804. (From Eigen Haard 39, 25th September 1909, p.619)
Western art unattributed:
53. Carel F.L. de Wild Senior, in his studio (RKD, The Hague)
Western art unattributed:
54. Grote Museumzaal, or Large Museum room, in the City Hall, Haarlem, 1900, showing the darkened state of Frans Hals's group portraits (Noord-HollandsArchief, Collection Kennemerland. Photograph Berend Zweers)
Western art unattributed:
57. Derix de Wild (left) in the London studio of art dealer Knoedler at 15 Old Bond Street, with his son Martin de Wild (middle) and possibly his nephew Louis de Wild (right). (RKD, The Hague)
The Art of Conservation II: Sir Charles Eastlake and conservation at the National Gallery, London
12/2015 | 1353 | 157
Pages: 846-854
related names
Avery-Quash, Susanna (Avery-Quash, Susanna; Quash, Susanna Avery-)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
36. Sir Charles Eastlake, by Francis Grant. 1853 (National Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
38. Ralph Nicholson Wornum, Keeper at the National Gallery during Eastlake's directorship. Portrait photograph taken in the studio of William Green, Northumberland, 1873 (National Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
39. Page from Wornum's Diary: the entry for 17th October 1859 condemns the use of patent parchment to cover the backs of Gallery pictures (National Gallery archive: NGA2/3/2/13. National Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
40. Photograph of An Allegory with Venus and Cupid, by Agnolo Bronzino, showing Raffaele Pinti's overpainting of Venus's tongue and nipple and adding draperies, after the picture's acquisition in 1860. Pinti's changes were removed in 1958 (National Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
41. Eastlake's 'Manuscript Catalogue', showing his entry for Sebastiano del Piombo's Raising of Lazarus (NG1). Under the heading 'On what material painted', Eastlake notes that the picture had been 'Transferred to canvas by Hacquin in 1771' and under 'When repaired', he notes that the picture had been retouched by Benjamin West (National Gallery archive: NG10/1. National Gallery, London)
Western art unattributed:
37. A gallery in the Barry Rooms complex showing National Gallery pictures protected by glass before being put on display. 1876 (National Gallery, London)
A curator at the Tate Gallery
01/2006 | 1234 | 148
Pages: 25-30
related names
Farr, Dennis (Farr, Dennis; Farr, Dennis Larry Ashwell; F., D. L. A.)
art literature:
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
43. Portrait of Douglas Cooper, by Graham Sutherland. 1966. Pencil and coloured pencil on paper, 31 by 23 cm. (Private collection).
Western art unattributed:
39. John Rothenstein posing for the sculptor Oscar Nemon. 1960. (Photograph: Tate Archive, London).
Western art unattributed:
40. A party at the Tate Gallery: Norman Reid (left) and Dennis Farr. c.1962 (Photograph in the collection of Dennis Farr).
Western art unattributed:
41. Party to celebrate John Rothenstein's eightieth birthday in 1981 (left to right): Jeremy Hutchinson; Sandy Dunluce; Richard Morphet; Ruth Rattenbury; John Rothenstein; Martin Butlin; Alan Bowness; Judith Cloake; Ronald Alley; Corinne Bellow; Dennis Farr; Michael Fraser; Norman Reid. (Photograph: Tate Archive, London).
Western art unattributed:
42. A party at the Tate Gallery: Mary Chamot and Dennis Farr. c.1962. (Photograph in the collection of Dennis Farr).
The Display of Paintings in Public Galleries
03/1992 | 1068 | 134
Pages: 165-171
related names
Lank, Herbert (Lank, Herbert; L., H.)
Attributed works:
17. The Turner Gallery at the National Gallery 1883, by Bertha Garnett. 25.5 by 36 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
19. View of the Interior of the Clore Gallery, Tate Gallery, London.
Attributed works:
20. View of a Gallery in the Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery, London.
Western art unattributed:
18. Interior View of the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, after Refurbishment, Showing Three of the Seven Sacraments by Nicolas Poussin.
Book Review
The Museum Environment
10/1987 | 1015 | 129
Pages: 684
related names
Lank, Herbert (Lank, Herbert; L., H.)
Reviewed Items
The Museum Environment | author: Thomson, Garry
Book Review
The Museum Environment
05/1982 | 950 | 124
Pages: 313
related names
Lank, Herbert (Lank, Herbert; L., H.)
Reviewed Items
The Museum Environment | author: Thomson, Garry
What's Hecuba to Him or He to Hecuba That He Should Weep for Her?
06/1971 | 819 | 113
Pages: 295-296+299
Venetian Exhibitions
09/1955 | 630 | 97
Pages: 271
museums and institutions:
Short Notice
Art in France
01/1912 | 106 | 20
Pages: 247-248
related names
Dell, Robert (R. D.; R. E. D.) (Dell, Robert (R. D.; R. E. D.); Dell, Robert Edward; D., R. E.; D., R.)
museums and institutions:
Short Notice
Art in France
10/1907 | 55 | 12
Pages: 56-58
museums and institutions:
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