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5 articles
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Notes on 'Painting in Renaissance Siena'
03/1990 | 1044 | 132
Pages: 205-213
related names
Christiansen, Keith (Christiansen, Keith; Christiansen, K.)
Attributed works:
51. The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, by Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio, after Cleaning. Tempera and Gold on Wood, 26 by 54 cm. (Pinacoteca Giuseppe Stuard, Parma).
Attributed works:
52. Flight into Egypt, by the Master of the Osservanza. Tempera on Wood, 16.6 by 13.3 cm. (Formerly in the Collection of Major J. R. Abbey).
Attributed works:
53. The Descent into Limbo, by the Master of the Osservanza. Tempera and Gold on Wood, 38 by 47 cm. (Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge). Shown Together with Fig.54 in Painting in Renaissance Siena.
Attributed works:
54. Resurrection, by the Master of the Osservanza. Tempera and Gold on Wood, 36.9 by 45.9 cm. (Institute of Arts, Detroit).
Attributed works:
55. Fragmentary Scene from the Width of St Catherine Beseeching Christ to Resuscitate Her Mother, by Giovanni di Paolo. Tempera on Wood, 1.6 cm Thick. (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
56. Back of the Panel of Giovanni di Paolo's St Catherine Beseeching Christ to Resuscitate Her Mother, 28.2 by 22 cm. (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
57. The Vision of Saint Augustine, by Giovanni di Paolo. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).
Attributed works:
58. Madonna of Mercy, by Domenico di Bartolo. Fresco with Gold Embellishments, Centre 231 by 262 cm. (Spedale di Santa Maria della Scala and Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena).
Attributed works:
59. The Nativity, with God the Father Surrounded by Angels and Cherubim, by Francesco di Giorgio. Tempera and Gold on Wood, 52.6 by 60 cm and 32.3 by 51.6 cm. (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York and The National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Attributed works:
60. Madonna and Child, Here Attributed to Francesco di Giorgio. Tempera and Gold on Panel, 63.2 by 44.7 cm. (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-II
06/1944 | 495 | 84
Pages: 139-145
related names
Pope-Hennessy, John (Pope-Hennessy, John; Hennessy, John Wyndham Pope-; Pope-Hennessy, J.; P.-H., J.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-St. John the Baptist. By the Master of the Ovile Annunciation. Panel (S. Pietro Ovile, Siena). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-II
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-St. Ansanus. By Vecchietta. Fresco. (S. Ansano in Castelvecchio, Siena). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-II
Attributed works:
Plate I. C-St. Bernardino. By the Master of the Ovile Annunciation. Panel (S. Pietro Ovile, Siena). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-II
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Madonna and Child with SS. Jerome and Barbara. By Matteo di Giovanni. Panel. (Accademia, Ravenna). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-II
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Christ on the Cross between the Fathers of the Church. Here Attributed to Matteo di Giovanni. Panel, 47 by 39.4 cm. (Platt Collection). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-II
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-The Miracle of St. Anthony of Padua. Here Attributed to Benvenuto di Giovanni. Panel, 28 by 63 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-II
Attributed works:
Plate III. B-The Marriage of the Virgin. By the Master of the Ovile Annunciation. Panel, 22.8 by 44.5 cm. (Johnson Collection, Philadelphia). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-II
The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-I
05/1944 | 494 | 84
Pages: 110-117+119
related names
Pope-Hennessy, John (Pope-Hennessy, John; Hennessy, John Wyndham Pope-; Pope-Hennessy, J.; P.-H., J.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Madonna and Child with Five Angels. By Domenico di Bartolo, 1433. Panel, 93 by 59 cm. (Siena Gallery). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-I.
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-Madonna and Child with SS. Peter and Paul. By Domenico di Bartolo. Panel, 55 by 31 cm. (Messrs. Duveen Brothers). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-I.
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Madonna and Child. By Domenico di Bartolo. Panel, 52 by 35 cm. (Johnson Collection, Philadelphia.). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-I.
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-The Nurture, Education and Marriage of the Foundlings (Detail). by Domenico di Bartolo. Fresco. (Spedale della Scala, Siena.). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-I.
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-Painted Box. By Domenico di Bartolo. Diameter, 29.5 cm. (Schlossmuseum, Berlin). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-I.
Attributed works:
Plate III. B-Pope Celestine Granting Privileges to the Hospital (Detail). By Domenico di Bartolo. Fresco (Spedale Della Scala, Siena). The Development of Realistic Painting in Siena-I.
The Panel Paintings of Pellegrino di Mariano
05/1939 | 434 | 74
Pages: 212-215+217-218
related names
Pope-Hennessy, John (Pope-Hennessy, John; Hennessy, John Wyndham Pope-; Pope-Hennessy, J.; P.-H., J.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Madonna and Child with ss. John Baptist and Bernardino, by Pellegrino di Mariano. Panel, (0.3 by 42.9 cm. (Mr. S. H. Kress, New York). The Panel Paintings of Pellegrino di Mariano
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-The Crucifixion, with Six Saints, Here Attributed to Pellegrino di Mariano. Panel, 54.6 by 38.7 cm. (Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore). The Panel Paintings of Pellegrino di Mariano
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Madonna and Child, by Giovanni di Paolo. Panel, 185 by 87 cm. (S. Simeone, Rocca D'orcia). The Panel Paintings of Pellegrino di Mariano
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Madonna and Child, Here Attributed to Pellegrino di Mariano. Panel, 53.3 by 28.6 cm. (Private Collection). The Panel Paintings of Pellegrino di Mariano
Attributed works:
Plate II. C-Madonna and Child, by Pellegrino di Mariano. Panel, 150 by 61 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum). The Panel Paintings of Pellegrino di Mariano
Attributed works:
Plate II. D-St. John Baptist, Here Attributed to Pellegrino di Mariano. Panel, 55.2 by 40 cm. (Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, U. S. A.). The Panel Paintings of Pellegrino di Mariano
Attributed works:
Plate II. E-Madonna and Child. Detail of a Triptych by Pellegrino di Mariano. Panel (Camaiori Collection, Castello di Belcaro). The Panel Paintings of Pellegrino di Mariano
A Sienese Painter of the Franciscan Legend. Part II: Conclusion
11/1903 | 8 | 3
Pages: 171-173+175-176+178-181+183-184
related names
Berenson, Bernard (Berenson, Bernard; Berenson, B.; Berenson, Bernhard)
Attributed works:
Altarpiece by Stefano di Giovanni (Sassetta); In the Church of the Osservanza, Siena
Attributed works:
Madonna and Child with Angels, by Stefano di Giovanni (Sassetta), in the Collection of Mr. Bernhard Berenson
Attributed works:
Temptation of St. Anthony, by Stefano di Giovanni (Sassetta); In the Jarves Collection, Yale University, U. S. A. London Stereo co.