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10 articles
Book Review
Optics, Ethics and Art in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: Looking into Peter of Limoges’s Moral Treatise on the Eye’
10/2020 | 1411 | 162
Pages: 901-902
related names
Palozzi, Luca (Palozzi, Luca)
Reviewed Items
Optics, Ethics and Art in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: Looking into Peter of Limoges’s ‘Moral Treatise on the Eye’ Edited by Herbert L. Kessler and Richard G. Newhauser, with Arthur J. Russel. 212 pp. incl. numerous col. + b. & w. ills. (Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies (PIMS), Toronto, 2018), £106. ISBN 978–0–88844–209–3. | :
Book Review
No Idols: The Missing Theology of Art
04/2019 | 1393 | 161
Pages: 356
related names
Masheck, Joseph (Masheck, Joseph; Masheck, Joseph Daniel Cahill)
Reviewed Items
No Idols: The Missing Theology of Art By Thomas Crow. | :
Immortal mind: Christian Science and Ben Nicholson’s work of the 1930s
07/2015 | 1348 | 157
Pages: 474-481
related names
Kent, Lucy (Kent, Lucy)
Attributed works:
38. 1932 (crowned head - the queen), by Ben Nicholson. 1932 (Lakeland Arts Trust, Cumbria)
Attributed works:
40. Christian Science seal designed by Mary Baker Eddy
Attributed works:
41. 1933 (coin and musical instruments), by Ben Nicholson. 1933 (Richard S. Zeisler Collection, New York)
Attributed works:
42. 1933 (St. Rémy, Provence), by Ben Nicholson. 1933 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
43. 1935 (white relief), by Ben Nicholson. 1935 (Tate London)
Western art unattributed:
39. Postage stamp identical to those found on the envelopes of letters sent from Barbara Hepworth to Ben Nicholson during the early 1930s
Monsieur Cumont on Roman Funerary Art
06/1945 | 507 | 86
Pages: 148+151-152
related names
Toynbee, J. M. C. (Toynbee, J. M. C.; Toynbee, Jocelyn; Toynbee, Jocelyn M. C.)
art literature:
Religion and Art
10/1918 | 187 | 33
Pages: 123-125
related names
Gill, Eric (Gill, Eric; G., E.)
art literature:
Buddhist Primitives (Conclusion)
03/1916 | 156 | 28
Pages: 224-225+228-230
related names
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. (Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda; C., A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. R.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda R.)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. Marble Colossus. (D) Gautama Buddha Seated in Samādhi, "Yogāsana", the Hands in "Dhyāna Mudrā"; 2nd-3rd Century A. D.; Anurādhapura. Buddhist Primitives
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. Marble Colossi. (E) A Bodhisattva, 2nd Century (?) A. D.; Anurādhapura. (F) Gautama Buddha, 2nd Century (?) A. D.; Anurādhapura. (G) Buddhas; 2nd Century A. D.; Amaravatī. Buddhist Primitives
The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
07/1915 | 148 | 27
Pages: 138-141
related names
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. (Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda; C., A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. R.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda R.)
Non-western art unattributed:
A. Buddha. Nepalese; copper gilt, c. 9th cent. A. D. Height 3½ in. The hands in dharma-cakra-mudrā (rather than vitarka, as stated in "Visvakarmā", p. 15). (A. K. Coomaraswamy.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
B. Avalokitesvara (Padmapānī). Also identified as Maitreya (Grünwedel, Mythologie des Buddhismus in Tibet, fig. 99). Nepalese, copper gilt and jewelled, c. 10th cent. A. D. Height of incomplete figure 4$frac{7}{8}$ in. A type identical with that of "Visvakarmā", Plate XI. Trivanka stance, the right hand in vara mudrā (charity), the left holding the stalk of an expanded rose lotus (padma). (A. K. Coomaraswamy.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
C. Buddha. Badulla, Ceylon; bronze, c. 6th cent. A. D. Height 21 in. Right hand in vitarka mudrā, left hand holding end of robe. (Colombo Museum.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
D. Avalokitesvara (Padmapānī). Ceylonese; copper, c. 9th cent. A. D. Height 3$frac{7}{8}$ in. Seated with right foot extended (lalitāsana), the right hand in vara mudrā, the left holding the rose-lotus (padma) stalk. Pedestal inscribed "Sangha dattah" in characters of the early 9th century. Getty, pp. 54, 59. (British Museum.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
E. Manjusrī. Javanese; bronze, c. 9th-10th cent. A. D. Height 5½ in. Seated in mahārājā līlā pose, on a cushion on a lion throne (simhāsana), a blue lotus (utpala) bud in the right hand and an expanded flower of the same in the left. Getty, p. 96, and cf. also Plate XXI, d. (British Museum.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
F. Vajrapānī. Ceylonese; 9th cent. A. D., copper. Height 4$frac{7}{16}$ in. Seated with right foot extended (lalitāsana), right hand holding vajra, left on thigh. Getty, p. 48. (A. K. Coomaraswamy.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
G. Vajra Tārā (not Ushnīshavijaya as identified "Visvakarmā" VI). Stone sculpture of the Pāla period. Sārnāth; c. 12th cent. A. D. Height of part shown, about 16 in. Getty, p. 110. (Sārnāth Museum, B(f)8.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
H. Vajra Tārā. Nepalese; copper gilt and jewelled, c. 16th cent. A. D. Height 4$frac{7}{8}$ in. With four faces and eight arms. Getty, p. 110. (A. K. Coomaraswamy.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
J. Kurukullā. Nepalese; copper, c. 15th cent. A. D. Getty, p. 112. (Calcutta School of Art.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Book Review
Die Baukunst und religiose Kultur der Chinesen
12/1912 | 117 | 22
Pages: 171
related names
Dillon, Edward (Dillon, Edward; D., E.)
Reviewed Items
Die Baukunst und religiose Kultur der Chinesen | author: Boerschmann, Ernst
Indian Bronzes
05/1910 | 86 | 17
Pages: 86-89+92-94
related names
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. (Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda; C., A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. R.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda R.)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. 1. Sundara Mūrti Swāmi, from Polonnaruva. In the Museum, Colombo. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. 2. Jambhala, from Ceylon in the Author's Collection. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. 3. Maitreya, from Anurādhapura. In the Museum, Colombo. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. 4. Tārā, Nepalese. In the Collection of Hon. Justice Woodroffe. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. 5. Pattini Devī, from Ceylon in the British Museum. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. 6. Analokitesvara, from Ceylon in the Author's Collection. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. 10. Kurukulla, Nepalese. In the School of Art, Calcutta. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. 11. Sparsa (?), Nepalese. In the School of Art, Calcutta. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. 12. Unknown, Nepalese. In the School of Art, Calcutta. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. 7. Natarāja from Polonnaruva. In the Museum, Colombo. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. 8. Siva as Gangādhara in a Tanjore Temple. Indian Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. 9. Dharmapāla, Javanese in the Museum, Batavia. Indian Bronzes
The Symbolism of Indian Sculpture and Painting
09/1909 | 78 | 15
Pages: 331-333+336-341+345
related names
Havell, E. B. (Havell, E. B.)
Non-western art unattributed:
1. The Divine Ideal in Indian Art. The Symbolism of Indian Sculpture and Painting. Plate I
Non-western art unattributed:
2. Buddhist Image, Showing the Ûrnâ, Symbol of Spiritual Insight. The Symbolism of Indian Sculpture and Painting. Plate I
Non-western art unattributed:
3. The Superman in Egyptian Sculpture. The Symbolism of Indian Sculpture and Painting. Plate II
Non-western art unattributed:
4. A Heavenly Dancer (Apsara) Showing the Ideal Type of Female Beauty. The Symbolism of Indian Sculpture and Painting. Plate II
Non-western art unattributed:
5. The Birth of the Creator: Asuras Rushing to the Attack. From a Modern Hindu Painting. The Symbolism of Indian Sculpture and Painting. Plate III
Non-western art unattributed:
6. The Superman and the Female Type in Early Indian Sculpture. The Symbolism of Indian Sculpture and Painting. Plate III
Non-western art unattributed:
7. Woman as Divinity: Parvati, Sakti of Shiva. From a Bronze in the National Museum, Copenhagen. The Symbolism of Indian Sculpture and Painting. Plate III