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8 articles
Short Notice
The Labour of Herimann in The Gospels of Henry The Lion
12/1985 | 993 | 127
Pages: 848+880-885+887
related names
Cohen-Mushlin, Aliza (Cohen-Mushlin, Aliza; Mushlin, Aliza Cohen-)
Attributed works:
1. The Creation of the World, fol. 172r from The Gospels of Henry the Lion, by Herimann. (Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel).
Attributed works:
64. Fol. 68v, Text Written in Ink (Matthew 27:38-48). Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
65. Fol. 23r, Text Written in Gold (Matthew 1:3-16). Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
66. Detail from fol. 13v, Showing Canon Tables, Apostle James. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
67. Detail from fol. 114r, Showing Thin Gold Capitals. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
68. Detail from fol. 169v, Showing The Raising of Lazarus. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
69. Detail from fol. 112v, Showing Pentecost, the Prophet Zechariah. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
70. Fol. 22r, Initial and Capitals in Gold and Silver (Matthew 1:1). Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
71. Detail from fol. 19r, Showing Dedication Miniature: St Blaise and Duke Henry Holding the Gospels. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
72. Detail from fol. 19r, Showing Dedication Miniature: Matilda and St Giles. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
73. Detail from fol. 8r, Showing Initial of Preface to the Gospels, in Gold and Silver. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
74. Detail from fol. 22v, Showing Built-Up Capitals in Gold (Matthew 1:1-2). Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
75. Detail from fol. 111r, Showing The Annunciation to the Shepherds. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
76. Detail from fol. 170v, Showing The Flagellation. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
77. Detail from fol. 109v, Showing Initial of Argumentum to Luke in Gold, Some Silver and Colours. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Attributed works:
78. Detail from fol. 5v, Showing Coloured Initial of Novum opus. Pages from the Gospels of Henry the Lion, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Book Review
An Early Breton Gospel Book. A Ninth Century Manuscript from the Collection of H. L. Bradfer-Lawrence (1887-1965)
04/1978 | 901 | 120
Pages: 243-244
related names
Nordenfalk, Carl (Nordenfalk, Carl; Nordenfalk, C.)
collectors and dealers:
Reviewed Items
An Early Breton Gospel Book. A Ninth Century Manuscript from the Collection of H. L. Bradfer-Lawrence (1887-1965) | author: Alexander, Jonathan J. G. , author: Wormald, Francis
Book Review
Hrabanus Maurus - Liber de Laudibus Sanctae Crucis [and Reichenauer Evangelistar; Bible Moralisee; Losbuch in Deutchen Reimpaaren; Das Altere getebuch Maximilians I]
10/1976 | 883 | 118
Pages: 708-710
related names
Backhouse, Janet (Backhouse, Janet)
Reviewed Items
Hrabanus Maurus - Liber de Laudibus Sanctae Crucis; Reichenauer Evangelistar; Bible Moralisee; Losbuch in Deutchen Reimpaaren; Das Altere getebuch Maximilians I | author: Abraham, Werner , author: Bloch, Peter , author: Haussherr, Reiner , author: Hilger, Wolfgang , author: Holter, Kurt
A Little-Known Gospel Book of the Later Eleventh Century from Exeter
01/1966 | 754 | 108
Pages: 6+8-16
related names
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. (Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
17. The Prophet Isaiah [by Hugo Pictor] . MS. Bodley 717, fo. Vv. Oxford, Bodleian Library.
Western art unattributed:
10. [Saint Mark the Evangelist, from the Leofric Gospel] . MS. Auct. D. II.16, fo.72v. Oxford, Bodleian Library.
Western art unattributed:
11.[Saint John the Evangelist, from the Leofric Gospel]. MS. Auct. D. II.16, fo.146. Oxford, Bodleian Library.
Western art unattributed:
12. [Saint Luke, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.74v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
13. [Initial 'B' from the Anglo-Saxon Arundel Psalter] MS. Arundel 60, fo.13. London, Brit. Mus.
Western art unattributed:
14. [Initial 'Q' from an Anglo-Saxon Gospel Book]. MS. Add.11850, fo.92. London, Brit. Mus.
Western art unattributed:
15. Script (Actual Size)[Carolingian minuscule, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.132. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
16. [Initial 'Q' from a Breton Gospel book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.75. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
18. [Canons of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with symbols of the Evangelists from a Breton Gospel book associated with Leofric] Canon I. Latin 14782, fo.9. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
19. [Canons of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with symbols of the Evangelists from an Anglo-Saxon Gospel Book] Canon I. Lat.570, fo.1. Rome, Vatican, Barberini.
Western art unattributed:
20. [Canons of Matthew, Mark and Luke, with symbols of the Evangelists from a Breton Gospel book associated with Leofric]. Canon II. Latin 14782, fo.10v-11. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
21. [Canons of Matthew, Luke and John with symbols of the Evangelists from a South German Gospel Book] Canon III. Clm.27270, fo.1Av. Munich, Bayr. Staatsbibl.
Western art unattributed:
6. [Saint Matthew, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.16v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
7. [Saint Mark, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.52v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
8. [Saint John, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.108v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
9. [Saint Jerome, from a Franco-Flemish Gospel Book]. MS. II.175, fo.1v. Brussels, Bib. Royale.
Book Review
Les Peintures de l'Evangeliaire de Sinope (Bibliotheque Nationale, Suppl. gr. 1286) Reproduites en Fac-Simile
05/1949 | 554 | 91
Pages: 146
related names
Wormald, Francis (Wormald, Francis; Wormald, F.)
Reviewed Items
Les Peintures de l'Evangeliaire de Sinope (Bibliotheque Nationale, Suppl. gr. 1286) Reproduites en Fac-Simile | author: Grabar, André
Book Review
The Four Gospels of Karahissar
10/1937 | 415 | 71
Pages: 192-193
related names
Wormald, Francis (Wormald, Francis; Wormald, F.)
Reviewed Items
The Four Gospels of Karahissar | author: Colwell, Ernest Cadman , author: Willoughby, Harold R.
The Exhibition of British Art
02/1934 | 371 | 64
Pages: 52-55+58-61+64-66+68-70+72-74+76-78
related names
Duthuit, Georges (Duthuit, Georges; Duthuit, G.)
Kendrick, A. F. (Kendrick, A. F.; K., A. F.; K., A.; Kendrick, Albert Frank)
Long, Basil S. (Long, Basil S.; Long, B. S.; L., B. S.)
Noppen, J. G. (Noppen, J. G.; Noppen, John George; N., J. G.)
Tristram, E. W. (Tristram, E. W.)
Watts, W. W. (W. W. W.) (Watts, W. W. (W. W. W.); Watts, William W.; Watts, William Walter)
Attributed works:
An Indian Girl, by William Etty (1789-1849). Panel, 78.7 by 25.4 cm. (Mr. Kenneth Clark)
Attributed works:
Plate II. Lady Lade, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. R. A. Exhibited, 1785. Canvas, 132 by 66 cm. (The Earl of Iveagh). The Exhibition of British Art. I-A General Impression
Attributed works:
Plate III. Waterloo Bridge: The State Opening on the 18th of June, 1817, by John Constable. Oil on Millboard, 29.2 by 48.2 cm. (The Victoria and Albert Museum). The Exhibition of British Art. I-A General Impression
Attributed works:
Plate VI. Scenes from the Life of St. John. Page from the Apocalypse. About 1230-1250. 43 by 30.4 cm. (Trinity College, Cambridge). The Exhibition of British Art. IV-Illuminated Manuscripts
Attributed works:
Plate VII. A-Mr. Newsham, Perhaps James Newsham. Signed at Back "W. Prewett Pinx 1736." Enamel on Copper (Messrs. F. Noel Ashcroft and Oscar S. Ashcroft); B-Portrait of a Lady, Probably Anne of Gonzaga. Signed "N. Thach/1649." Parchment on Card (The Rev. E. W. M. O. De La Hey); C-General Thomas Nuttall, by Samuel Andrews. Signed "SA/1796." Ivory (Mr. Hugh Cobb); D-Portrait of a Gentleman, by Abraham Daniel (D. 1803). Ivory (Mr. A. P. Cunliffe); E-Mrs Drayton, by Richard Collins (D. 1831). Ivory (Mrs. Robertson); F-Algernon Percy, Earl of Northumberland. Signed "Sam: Cooper/Fecit 1650." Parchment on Card (The Marquess of Anglesey) All Actual Size; G-Portrait of a Gentleman, by William Wood (D. 1809). Ivory. 7.6 by 6 cm. (Mr. Aubrey le Blond); H-The Rev. Henry Mahon, by George Chinnery (D. 1852). Ivory. 7.3 by 6.3 cm. (Mrs. McGus Ty; J-Portrait of a Gentleman, by John Barry (D. 1827). Ivory, 6.5 by 5.2 cm. (Mrs. Gordon Cosens). The Exhibition of British Art. V-Miniatures
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. A-St. Paul at Miletus. Canterbury School. About 1260 (Canterbury Cathedral). The Exhibition of British Art. II-Medieval Paintings
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. B-The Visitation. Late Thirteenth Century (Dale Church, Derbyshire). The Exhibition of British Art. II-Medieval Paintings
Western art unattributed:
Plate V. A-Autumn. One of a Set of Four Seasons. Sheldon Tapestry. Dated 1611. 3.6 by 3 m. (The Marquess of Salisbury). The Exhibition of British Art. III-Tapestries and Embroideries
Western art unattributed:
Plate V. B-Embroidered Chasuble, Bearing the Royal Ar ms of England. Perhaps Made from a Horse Trapper. Fourteenth Century. Height, 116.2 cm.; Width 79.3 cm. (Musee de Cluny, Paris). The Exhibition of British Art. III-Tapestries and Embroideries
Western art unattributed:
Plate VIII. A-Salt. Silver-Gilt. Said to Have Been Given to New College, Oxford, in 1493 by Walter Hill. Height, 36.8 cm. (New College, Oxford). The Exhibition of British Art. VI-Silversmiths' Work
Western art unattributed:
Plate VIII. B-The Crosier of Bishop Foxe. Silver-Gilt Enriched with Enamel. About 1490. Height, 1.8 m. (Corpus Christi College, Oxford). The Exhibition of British Art. VI-Silversmiths' Work
Western art unattributed:
Plate VIII. C-The Bowes Cup. Silver-Gilt and Rock-Crystal. Presented to the Goldsmiths' Company in 1561 by Sir Martin Bowes. Height, 48.8 cm. The Exhibition of British Art. VI-Silversmiths' Work
Western art unattributed:
Plate VIII. D-Instrument Case. Front, with SS. Cosmo and Damian. Silver. Late Fifteenth Or Early Sixteenth Century. Height with Stand, 35.5 cm. (Viscount Lee of Fareham). The Exhibition of British Art. VI-Silversmiths' Work
Western art unattributed:
Plate VIII. E-The Seymour Salt. Silver-Gilt and Crystal. About 1662. Height in All, 26.6 cm.; Diameter, 23.4 cm. (The Goldsmiths' Company). The Exhibition of British Art. VI-Silversmiths' Work
Book Review
The Gospel Book of Landevennec
09/1932 | 354 | 61
Pages: 139
related names
Noppen, J. G. (Noppen, J. G.; Noppen, John George; N., J. G.)
Reviewed Items
The Gospel Book of Landevennec | author: Kraeling, Carl H. , author: Morey, C. R. , author: Rand, Edward Kennard