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6 articles
Michael Camille (1958-2002)
11/2002 | 1196 | 144
Pages: 695
related names
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. (Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan)
art literature:
Carl Nordenfalk (1907-92)
01/1993 | 1078 | 135
Pages: 38-39
related names
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. (Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan)
art literature:
Short Notice
Illuminations by Matteo da Milano in the Fitzwilliam Museum
10/1991 | 1063 | 133
Pages: 686-690
related names
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. (Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan; Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan)
Attributed works:
14. Annunciation, Attributed to Matteo da Milano. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, MS 156, fol.4v).
Attributed works:
15. King David in Prayer, Attributed to Matteo da Milano. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, MS 156, fol.83v).
Attributed works:
16. Initial D, with King David in Prayer, Attributed to Matteo da Milano. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, MS 1-1979, fol.1).
Attributed works:
17. Cutting with King David, Attributed to Matteo da Milano. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, MS Marlay It 23b).
Attributed works:
18. Resurrection, Attributed to Matteo da Milano. (Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Douce 14, fol.125v).
Attributed works:
19. Cutting with the Resurrection, Attributed to Matteo da Milano. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, MS Marlay It 23a).
Attributed works:
20. Resurrection, Attributed to Matteo da Milano. (Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin, MS 78 D.17, fol.189).
Attributed works:
21. Initial R with the Resurrection, Attributed to Fra Antonio da Monza. (British Library, London, add.35254, Cutting D).
Book Review
The Missal of Cardinal Bertrand de Deux. A Study in Fourteenth Century Bolognese Miniature Painting
05/1982 | 950 | 124
Pages: 310-311
related names
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. (Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan)
Reviewed Items
The Missal of Cardinal Bertrand de Deux. A Study in Fourteenth Century Bolognese Miniature Painting | author: Cassee, Elly
Short Notice
A Virgil Illuminated by Marco Zoppo
08/1969 | 797 | 111
Pages: 512+514-517
related names
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. (Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan)
Attributed works:
37. Orpheus Charming the Beasts, Here Attributed to Marco Zoppo. (bibliothéque Nationale, Paris, Latin 11309, fol.4v.)
Attributed works:
38. Virgil, Eclogues, Here Attributed to Marco Zoppo. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Latin 11309, fol.5.)
Attributed works:
39. Triumph of Bacchus and Ceres, Here Attributed to Marco Zoppo. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Latin 11309, fol.21v.)
Attributed works:
40. Triumph of Mars, Here Attributed to Marco Zoppo. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Latin 11309, fol.64v.)
Attributed works:
41. Page from Sketchbook by Marco Zoppo. (Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, fol.15.)
A Little-Known Gospel Book of the Later Eleventh Century from Exeter
01/1966 | 754 | 108
Pages: 6+8-16
related names
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. (Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
17. The Prophet Isaiah [by Hugo Pictor] . MS. Bodley 717, fo. Vv. Oxford, Bodleian Library.
Western art unattributed:
10. [Saint Mark the Evangelist, from the Leofric Gospel] . MS. Auct. D. II.16, fo.72v. Oxford, Bodleian Library.
Western art unattributed:
11.[Saint John the Evangelist, from the Leofric Gospel]. MS. Auct. D. II.16, fo.146. Oxford, Bodleian Library.
Western art unattributed:
12. [Saint Luke, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.74v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
13. [Initial 'B' from the Anglo-Saxon Arundel Psalter] MS. Arundel 60, fo.13. London, Brit. Mus.
Western art unattributed:
14. [Initial 'Q' from an Anglo-Saxon Gospel Book]. MS. Add.11850, fo.92. London, Brit. Mus.
Western art unattributed:
15. Script (Actual Size)[Carolingian minuscule, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.132. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
16. [Initial 'Q' from a Breton Gospel book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.75. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
18. [Canons of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with symbols of the Evangelists from a Breton Gospel book associated with Leofric] Canon I. Latin 14782, fo.9. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
19. [Canons of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with symbols of the Evangelists from an Anglo-Saxon Gospel Book] Canon I. Lat.570, fo.1. Rome, Vatican, Barberini.
Western art unattributed:
20. [Canons of Matthew, Mark and Luke, with symbols of the Evangelists from a Breton Gospel book associated with Leofric]. Canon II. Latin 14782, fo.10v-11. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
21. [Canons of Matthew, Luke and John with symbols of the Evangelists from a South German Gospel Book] Canon III. Clm.27270, fo.1Av. Munich, Bayr. Staatsbibl.
Western art unattributed:
6. [Saint Matthew, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.16v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
7. [Saint Mark, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.52v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
8. [Saint John, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.108v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
9. [Saint Jerome, from a Franco-Flemish Gospel Book]. MS. II.175, fo.1v. Brussels, Bib. Royale.