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15 articles
Pintoricchio in Rome: a design for Domenico della Rovere
09/2021 | 1422 | 163
Pages: 792-797
related names
Rinaldi, Furio (Rinaldi, Furio)
Attributed works:
1. The Evangelist St Matthew with two angels (design for a lunette), by Pintoricchio. c.1485–90. Pen and brown ink and brown wash over traces of black chalk, ruling and compass work on laid paper, lower right corner made up, 24.9 by 28.9 cm. (Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco).
Attributed works:
2. Four designs for grotesques and a head of Medusa, by Pintoricchio. c.1483. Pen and two hues of brown ink over metalpoint (silver), on grey prepared paper, 27.2 by 17.8 cm. (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett).
Attributed works:
3. The Virgin and the blessing Child, by Pintoricchio. c.1480. Pen and brown ink and brown wash over traces of black chalk, 21.4 by 14.7 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
4. Detail of Fig.1, showing the coat of arms of Cardinal Domenico della Rovere.
Attributed works:
5. Coat of arms of Cardinal Domenico della Rovere, by Pintoricchio and workshop. c.1490. Fresco. (Sala degli Apostoli e Profeti, Palazzo dei Penitenzieri, Rome).
Attributed works:
6. Apostle, by the workshop of Pintoricchio. c.1490. Fresco. (Sala degli Apostoli e Profeti, Palazzo dei Penitenzieri, Rome).
Attributed works:
7. St Matthew, by Bendetto da Maiano. c.1490. Glazed terracotta, overall dimensions 108 by 217 cm., glazed lunette 66 by 133 cm. (Sacristy of St Matthew, Basilica of S. Maria, Loreto).
The ‘St Matthew’ tondo for the Capponi chapel in S. Felicita, Florence
01/2010 | 1282 | 152
Pages: 12-17
related names
Wasserman, Jack (Wasserman, Jack)
Attributed works:
10. St Matthew, by Jacopo Pontormo, after the restoration of 1973. 1526. Panel, diameter 77 cm. (Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence).
Attributed works:
11. X-ray of Fig.10. 2007. (Archivio Fotografico dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence).
Attributed works:
12. Fig.10 as it was repainted in 1840 and before its restoration in 1935–36. (Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Fiorentino, Gabinetto Fotografico, Florence).
Attributed works:
13. Fig.10 in its stripped state before repainting in 1935–36. (Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Fiorentino, Gabinetto Fotografico, Florence).
Attributed works:
15. Highlighted image in radiograph and graphic replica of X-ray image of Fig.10. (Archivio fotografico dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence)
Attributed works:
16. Detail of Fig.10 showing the angel’s wing.
Attributed works:
17. Detail of the saint’s right eye in Fig.11.
Attributed works:
18. St Mark, by Agnolo Bronzino. 1526. Panel, diameter 77 cm. (Capponi chapel, S. Felicita, Florence).
Attributed works:
19. St Luke, here attributed to Jacopo Pontormo. 1526. Panel, diameter 77 cm. (Capponi chapel, S. Felicita, Florence).
Attributed works:
20. St John, by Jacopo Pontormo. 1526. Panel, diameter 77 cm. (Capponi chapel, S. Felicita, Florence).
Attributed works:
21. Fig.10 with panel joints indicated at the vertical.
Attributed works:
22. Fig.10 with panel joints indicated at the diagonal
Western art unattributed:
14. Study for St Matthew, anonymous artist after Jacopo Pontormo. Later sixteenth century. Red chalk on paper, 20.7 by 16.5 cm. (British Museum, London).
Western art unattributed:
23. Vault of the Capponi chapel, S. Felicita, Florence, showing the copy of St Matthew in place (lower left).
Short Notice
The Dating of Michelangelo's St Matthew
08/2000 | 1169 | 142
Pages: 493-496
related names
Amy, Michaël J. (Amy, Michaël J.)
Attributed works:
16. St Matthew, by Michelangelo. 1506. Marble, ht. 263 cm. (Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence).
Attributed works:
16a. Fig.16 Seen in Three-Quarter View from the Left. [St Matthew, by Michelangelo. 1506. Marble, ht. 263 cm. (Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence).]
Attributed works:
16b. Fig.16 Seen in Three-Quarter View from the Right. [St Matthew, by Michelangelo. 1506. Marble, ht. 263 cm. (Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence).]
Attributed works:
17. Figure Study, by Raphael, after Michelangelo's St Matthew. 1506 or Early 1507. Pen and Brown Ink, 23 by 31.9 cm. (British Museum, London).
Jacopo Sansovino and the Choir of St Mark's: The Evangelists, the Sacristy Door and the Altar of the Sacrament
03/1979 | 912 | 121
Pages: 155-169
related names
Boucher, Bruce (Boucher, Bruce)
Attributed works:
26. Plan of St Mark's, Here Attributed to Antonio Visentini. Eighteenth Century. (Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice).
Attributed works:
27. The Choir of St Mark's, from an Engraving by Visentini. c. 1761.
Attributed works:
28. Reconstruction of the High Altar of St Mark's before the Restoration of 1834, by Antonio Pellanda. (Ufficio Tecnico, St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
30. St Luke, by Jacopo Sansovino. [Bronze.] (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
31. St Mark, by Jacopo Sansovino. [Bronze.] (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
32. St John, by Jacopo Sansovino. [Bronze.] (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
33. St Matthew, by Jacopo Sansovino. [Bronze.] (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
34. St John, by Jacopo Sansovino. Preliminary Terracotta Model for Fig. 32. (Staatliche Museen, Berlin-Dahlem).
Attributed works:
35. Detail of Fig. 31. [St John, by Jacopo Sansovino. Preliminary Terracotta Model for Fig. 32. (Staatliche Museen, Berlin-Dahlem).]
Attributed works:
36. Sacristy Door and Doorframe, by Jacopo Sansovino. (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
37. Roman Convex Portal, Attributed to P. Ligorio. Drawing. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
38. Entombment with St Mark and St Luke, by Jacopo Sansovino. Bronze. (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
39. The Resurrection, by Jacopo Sansovino. Bronze. (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
40. St John, by Jacopo Sansovino. Bronze. (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
41. St Matthew, by Jacopo Sansovino. Bronze. (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
42. The Entombment, by Donatello. Bronze. (North Pulpit, San Lorenzo, Florence).
Attributed works:
43. The Resurrection. Engraving after Giulio Romano by G. B. Ghisi. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
44. Portal of the Altar of the Sacrament, by Jacopo Sansovino. Gilt Bronze Relief, 43 by 37 cm. (St Mark's, Venice).
Attributed works:
45. Tabernacle, by Jacopo Sansovino. Bronze. Central Panel, 43 by 34 cm. (Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence).
Attributed works:
46. Christ Shedding His Blood, by Lorenzo Lotto. 49.5 by 33 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Western art unattributed:
29. Seated Evangelists, on the Ciborium of the High Altar. Thirteenth Century. (St Mark's, Venice).
Short Notice
An Unknown Evangelist Series by Terbrugghen
11/1978 | 908 | 120
Pages: 754-757
related names
Gerson, Horst (Gerson, Horst; Gerson, H.; G., H.)
Attributed works:
36. St Matthew, by Hendrick Terbrugghen. After Restoration. 72.4 by 59 cm. (Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Munster).
Attributed works:
37. St Mark, by Hendrick Terbrugghen. After Restoration. 72.7 by 59.1 cm. (Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Munster).
Attributed works:
38. St Luke, by Hendrick Terbrugghen. During Restoration. 72.2 by 59 cm. (Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Munster).
Attributed works:
39. St John, by Hendrick Terbrugghen. After Restoration. 72.5 by 58.7 cm. (Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Munster).
Observations on Girolamo Muziano's Decoration of the Mattei Chapel in S. Maria in Aracoeli in Rome
10/1977 | 895 | 119
Pages: 686+688-694
related names
Heideman, Johanna E. L. (Heideman, Johanna E. L.; Heideman, Johanna)
Attributed works:
21. Preaching of St Matthew, by Girolamo Muziano. Canvas. (Mattei Chapel, S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome).
Attributed works:
22. Calling of St Matthew, by Girolamo Muziano. Canvas. (Mattei Chapel, S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome).
Attributed works:
23. Martyrdom of St Matthew, by Girolamo Muziano. Canvas. (Mattei Chapel, S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome).
Attributed works:
24. Miracle of St Matthew, by Girolamo Muziano. Canvas. (Mattei Chapel, S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome).
Attributed works:
26. Altar-Piece, by Girolamo Muziano. Canvas. (Mattei Chapel, S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome).
Attributed works:
27. Ceiling of the Mattei Chapel, S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome.
Attributed works:
28. Mattei Chapel, S. Maria Della Consolazione, Rome, by Taddeo Zuccaro.
Attributed works:
29. Flagellation, by Taddeo Zuccaro. Fresco. (Mattei Chapel, S. Maria Della Consolazione, Rome).
Attributed works:
30. Christ shown to the People, by Taddeo Zuccaro. Fresco. (Mattei Chapel, S. Maria Della Consolazione, Rome).
Attributed works:
31. St Peter Baptizing SS. Processo and Martiniano in Prison, by Pier Francesco Mola. (Cappella dei SS. Apostoli, Il Gesù, Rome).
Attributed works:
32. Death of St Margaret, by Marco Benefial. 1732. (S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome).
Western art unattributed:
25. Entrance to the Mattei Chapel, S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome.
A Little-Known Gospel Book of the Later Eleventh Century from Exeter
01/1966 | 754 | 108
Pages: 6+8-16
related names
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. (Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
17. The Prophet Isaiah [by Hugo Pictor] . MS. Bodley 717, fo. Vv. Oxford, Bodleian Library.
Western art unattributed:
10. [Saint Mark the Evangelist, from the Leofric Gospel] . MS. Auct. D. II.16, fo.72v. Oxford, Bodleian Library.
Western art unattributed:
11.[Saint John the Evangelist, from the Leofric Gospel]. MS. Auct. D. II.16, fo.146. Oxford, Bodleian Library.
Western art unattributed:
12. [Saint Luke, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.74v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
13. [Initial 'B' from the Anglo-Saxon Arundel Psalter] MS. Arundel 60, fo.13. London, Brit. Mus.
Western art unattributed:
14. [Initial 'Q' from an Anglo-Saxon Gospel Book]. MS. Add.11850, fo.92. London, Brit. Mus.
Western art unattributed:
15. Script (Actual Size)[Carolingian minuscule, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.132. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
16. [Initial 'Q' from a Breton Gospel book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.75. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
18. [Canons of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with symbols of the Evangelists from a Breton Gospel book associated with Leofric] Canon I. Latin 14782, fo.9. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
19. [Canons of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with symbols of the Evangelists from an Anglo-Saxon Gospel Book] Canon I. Lat.570, fo.1. Rome, Vatican, Barberini.
Western art unattributed:
20. [Canons of Matthew, Mark and Luke, with symbols of the Evangelists from a Breton Gospel book associated with Leofric]. Canon II. Latin 14782, fo.10v-11. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
21. [Canons of Matthew, Luke and John with symbols of the Evangelists from a South German Gospel Book] Canon III. Clm.27270, fo.1Av. Munich, Bayr. Staatsbibl.
Western art unattributed:
6. [Saint Matthew, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.16v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
7. [Saint Mark, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.52v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
8. [Saint John, from a Breton Gospel Book associated with Leofric]. Latin 14782, fo.108v. Paris, Bib. Nat.
Western art unattributed:
9. [Saint Jerome, from a Franco-Flemish Gospel Book]. MS. II.175, fo.1v. Brussels, Bib. Royale.
Addenda to Caravaggio
01/1952 | 586 | 94
Pages: 2-23
related names
Mahon, Denis (Mahon, Denis)
art literature:
Attributed works:
1. Detail from Una Musica, by Caravaggio. (English Private Collection.)
Attributed works:
2. Una Musica, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 92 by 118.5 cm. (English Private Collection.)
Attributed works:
3. Estasi di San Francesco, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 91.5 by 128.4 cm. (Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn.) Reproduced by Courtesy of the Wadsworth Atheneum.
Attributed works:
4. Bacchino, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 66 by 52 cm. (Galleria Borghese, Rome.)
Attributed works:
5. Fruttaiuolo, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 70 by 67 cm. (Galleria Borghese, Rome.)
Attributed works:
6. Suonalore di Liulo, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 94 by 119 cm. (Hermitage, Leningrad.)
Attributed works:
7. Giuditta e Oloferne, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 144 by 195 cm. (Signor Vincenzo Coppi, Rome.)
Attributed works:
8. San Malleo e l'Angelo, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 223 by 183 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin.)
Egregius in Urbe Pictor: Caravaggio Revised
07/1951 | 580 | 93
Pages: 222-235
related names
Mahon, Denis (Mahon, Denis)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
17. Notary's Copy of Contract of September 24, 1600, between Caravaggio and Monsignor Cerasi, Relating to the Paintings in Santa Maria del Popolo. (Archivio di Stato, Rome.)
Attributed works:
18. Portrait of Caravaggio, by Ottavio Leoni (Detail). Black Chalk Heightened with White, and Some Coloured Chalks, on Blue-Grey Paper. Whole Sheet: 236 by 165 mm. (Biblioteca Nazionale Marucelliana, Florence.)
Attributed works:
19. Portrait of Caravaggio, by Himself; Detail from the Martyrdom of St Matthew. (San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome.)
Attributed works:
20. The Crowning of Thorns, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 224 by 180 cm. (Hôpital du Petit-Paris, Grasse.)
The Chronology of the Contarelli Chapel
06/1951 | 579 | 93
Pages: 186+188-199+201
related names
Hess, Jacob (Hess, Jacob)
Attributed works:
12. St Matthew and the Angel, by Jacob Cornelisz Cobaert and Pompeo Ferrucci. Marble. (SS. Trinità de'Pellegrini, Rome.)
Attributed works:
13. Labour, by Giuseppe d'Arpino. Fresco. (Sala Vecchia degli Svizzeri, Vatican.)
Attributed works:
14. Two Prophets, by Giuseppe d'Arpino. Fresco. (Contarelli Chapel, S. Luigi de'Francesi, Rome.)
Attributed works:
15. Two Prophets, by Giuseppe d'Arpino. Fresco. (Contarelli Chapel, S. Luigi de'Francesi, Rome.)
Attributed works:
16. St Matthew Healing a Sick Person, by Giuseppe d'Arpino. Fresco. (Contarelli Chapel, S. Luigi de'Francesi, Rome.)
Attributed works:
17. Healing of St Peter's Mother-in-Law, by Nicolò Circiniani. Fresco. (Logge of Gregory XIII, Vatican.)
Attributed works:
18. St Matthew and the Angel, by Caravaggio. Canvas 223 by 183 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin.)
Attributed works:
19. St Matthew and the Angel, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 295 by 195 cm. (Contarelli Chapel, S. Luigi de'Francesi, Rome.)
Attributed works:
20. Detail from Fig. 21: Head of St Matthew.
Attributed works:
21. Calling of St Matthew, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 328 by 348 cm. (Contarelli Chapel, S. Luigi de'Francesi, Rome.)
Attributed works:
22. Martyrdom of St Matthew, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 328 by 348 cm. (Contarelli Chapel, S. Luigi de'Francesi, Rome.)
Attributed works:
23. Detail from Fig. 21, after Restoration: Head and Back of Young Man.
Attributed works:
24. Detail from Fig. 21, before Restoration in July 1940: Head and Back of Young Man.
Attributed works:
25. Pan and Diana, by Annibale Carracci. Fresco. (Palazzo Farnese, Rome.)
Attributed works:
26. Mercury and Paris, by Annibale Carracci. Fresco. (Palazzo Farnese, Rome.)
Attributed works:
27. Detail from Fig. 22: Nude in Right-hand Corner.
Attributed works:
28. Satyr, in Bottom Left-Hand Corner of Triumph of Bacchus, by Annibale Carracci. Fresco. (Palazzo Farnese, Rome.)
Attributed works:
29. Angel. Detail from Flight into Egypt, by Caravaggio. Canvas. (Doria Gallery, Rome.)
Attributed works:
30. Luxury. Detail from Hercules at the Crossroads, by Annibale Carracci. Canvas. (Museo Nazionale, Naples.)
Attributed works:
31. Detail from Fig. 22: Nude in Left-Hand Corner.
Attributed works:
32. Detail from Polyphemus, by Annibale Carracci. Fresco. (Palazzo Farnese, Rome.)
Attributed works:
A. Elcana, Hanna and Phenenna, by Hans Holbein. Woodcut.
Attributed works:
B. St Matthew and the Angel, by Hans Holbein. Woodcut.
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