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2 articles
The Villa Lante in Rome: Some Drawings and Some Observations
03/1971 | 816 | 113
Pages: 132-138
related names
O'Gorman, James F. (O'Gorman, James F.)
art literature:
art literature:
Attributed works:
11. Villa Lante, Rome. Photo Jean Baer O'Gorman.
Attributed works:
12. Detail from St Peter Giving Alms, by Masaccio. (S. M. del Carmine, Florence.) Photo Alinari.
Attributed works:
13. The Finding of the Sarcophagus of Numa, Attributed to Polidoro da Caravaggio. (Formerly in the Villa Lante, Rome.) Photo Courtesy Biblioteca Hertziana, Rome.
Attributed works:
14. Villa Lante, Rome. Detail of a Panoramic Map Attributed to Giovanni Dosio.
Attributed works:
15. Villa Lante, Rome. Part of West Elevation, Attributed to Aristotile da Sangallo. (Musée Wicar, Lille.)
Western art unattributed:
16. Villa Lante, Rome. Section Looking South. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin.)
Western art unattributed:
17. Villa Lante, Rome. Plan and West Elevation. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin).
Western art unattributed:
18. Villa Lante, Rome. South Elevation. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin).
Western art unattributed:
19. Villa Lante, Rome. Plan of Proposed Forecourt. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin).
Western art unattributed:
20. Villa Lante, Rome. Detail of Proposed Forecourt. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin).
Art and the Theatre-II
02/1935 | 383 | 66
Pages: 54-55+58-61+64-66+68
related names
Fischel, Oskar (Fischel, Oskar)
Attributed works:
Fig. 1. Illustration from the Lyons Terence, by Johann Trechsel. Woodcut. 1493. Fig. 2.-Design for a Stage, Attributed to Aristotile da San Gallo (Uffizi Gallery, Florence). Fig. 3.-The Rederijker Stage (The Feast of Herod, Detail), by Hans Sebald Beham. 1539. Fig. 4.-Reconstruction of a Typical Shakespearean Stage, after Albright. Fig. 5.-The Stage in the Jesuit College at Rennes. Engraving by Moreau after L'hermitais
Attributed works:
Fig. 1. Plan for the Hall and Stage Designed by Inigo Jones for a Masque by Campion. 1607
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-The Martyrdom of St. Apollonia. Miniature by Jean Fouquet. From the Book of Hours of Estienne Chevalier (Musée Condé, Chantilly). Art and the Theatre-II.
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-The Passion of Christ (Detail), by Hans Memling (R. Pinacoteca, Turin). Art and the Theatre-II.
Attributed works:
Plate I. C-The Story of Job (Detail). School of Dirk Bouts (Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne). Art and the Theatre-II.
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-The Story of Esther, by Filippino Lippi. About 1480. (Musée Condé, Chantilly). Art and the Theatre-II
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-The Circumcision of Isaac. Tapestry after Bernard van Orley. About 1530. (The Great Hall, Hampton Court Palace). Art and the Theatre-II
Attributed works:
Plate III. B-Haman and Mordecai, from the Story of Esther. Engraving by Jacques Beauvarlet after Jean Francois de Troy. Art and the Theatre-II
Attributed works:
Plate III. D-The Marriage of Cana, By Jan Steen (Formerly in the Sedelmeyer Collection, Paris). Art and the Theatre-II
Attributed works:
Plate IV. B-The Stage of the Hôtel de Bourgogne, from an Engraving by Abraham Bosse. About 1630. Art and the Theatre-II
Attributed works:
Plate IV. C-A Labour of the Boy Hercules, by Giuliano di Baccio d'agnolo. Stucco Relief. 1539. (Montughi, Near Florence). Art and the Theatre-II
Attributed works:
Plate IV. D-The Triumph of the Cross, by Tommaso Lauretti. About 1600. (The Hall of Constantine in the Vatican, Rome). Art and the Theatre-II
Attributed works:
Plate V. A-Cleopatra's Feast, by Jacob Jordaens. Design for a Tapestry (Print Room, Berlin). Art and the Theatre-II
Attributed works:
Plate V. B-Scene from the Italian Comedy Harlequin as Model, in the Hôtel de Bourgogne. Etching by Hucquier after Claude Gillot. Art and the Theatre-II
Attributed works:
Plate V. D-Scene from le Glorieux by Destouches. Engraving by N. Dupuis after Nicolas Lancret. About 1740. Art and the Theatre-II
Western art unattributed:
Fig. 2. Ground Plan of a School Theatre
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. A-Astronomical Clock (Detail). 1560. (St. Mary's Church, Lübeck). Art and the Theatre-II
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. C-Reproduction of the "Schouburgh" at Amsterdam, from Zeesen's Description of the Town in 1637. Art and the Theatre-II
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. A-The Adoration of the Shepherds, from the Carved Altarpiece from Pailhe. 1480. (Musée Cinquantenaire, Brussels). Art and the Theatre-II
Western art unattributed:
Plate V. C-The Rederijker Stage in the "Eickboom" House. About 1710. (Lierre, Belgium). Art and the Theatre-II