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5 articles
Book Review
Architectural Invention in Renaissance Rome: Artists, Humanists, and the Planning of Raphael’s Villa Madama. By Yvonne Elet
01/2019 | 1390 | 161
Pages: 87-88
Book Review
Rugs in Late Medieval Siena; Carpet Studies 1300–1600. By Marco Spallanzani
05/2018 | 1382 | 160
Pages: 429-430
related names
Penny, Nicholas (Penny, Nicholas)
art literature:
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
2. Marriage of the Virgin, by Niccolo di Buonaccorso. c.1380. Egg tempera on poplar, 50.9 by 33 cm. (National Gallery, London).
School of Raphael Tapestries in the Collection of Henry VIII
02/1996 | 1115 | 138
Pages: 69-78
related names
Campbell, Tom (Campbell, Tom)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
10. The Triumph of Bacchus from Henry VIII's Antiques Set (Now Known as the Triumphs of the Gods), by an Unidentified Workshop, after a Design Attributed to Giovanni da Udine. c. 1540. Wool, Silk and Gilt Metallic Thread, 470 by 745 cm. (Her Majesty the Queen).
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Fig. 12 Photographed from the Back. [The Triumph of Hercules, from Henry VIII's Antiquities Set (Now Known as the Triumphs of the Gods), by an Unidentified Workshop, after a Design Attributed to Giovanni da Udine. c. 1540. Wool, Silk and Gilt Metallic Thread, 480 by 632 cm. (Her Majesty the Queen).]
Attributed works:
12. The Triumph of Hercules, from Henry VIII's Antiquities Set (Now Known as the Triumphs of the Gods), by an Unidentified Workshop, after a Design Attributed to Giovanni da Udine. c. 1540. Wool, Silk and Gilt Metallic Thread, 480 by 632 cm. (Her Majesty the Queen).
Attributed works:
13. Detail from Fig. 12 Photographed from the Back. [The Triumph of Hercules, from Henry VIII's Antiquities Set (Now Known as the Triumphs of the Gods), by an Unidentified Workshop, after a Design Attributed to Giovanni da Udine. c. 1540. Wool, Silk and Gilt Metallic Thread, 480 by 632 cm. (Her Majesty the Queen).]
Attributed works:
14. Unidentified Merchant or Weavers' Mark in Lower Right Selvedge of The Triumph of Hercules, Fig. 12. [The Triumph of Hercules, from Henry VIII's Antiquities Set (Now Known as the Triumphs of the Gods), by an Unidentified Workshop, after a Design Attributed to Giovanni da Udine. c. 1540. Wool, Silk and Gilt Metallic Thread, 480 by 632 cm. (Her Majesty the Queen).]
Attributed works:
4. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes, from Henry VIII's Acts of the Apostles Set. Unknown Workshop after a Cartoon by Raphael. c. 1540. Wool, Silk and Gilt Metallic Thread, 389 by 442 cm. (After Removal of Outer Borders). (Destroyed; Formerly Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
5. The Conversion of Saul, from Henry VIII's Acts of the Apostles Set. Unidentified Workshop after a Cartoon by Raphael. c. 1540. Wool, Silk and Gilt Metallic Thread, 396 by 556 cm. (After Removal of Outer Borders). (Destroyed, Formerly Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
6. The Sacrifice at Lystra, from Henry VIII's Acts of the Apostles Set. Unidentified Workshop after a Cartoon by Raphael. c. 1540. Wool, Silk and Metallic Thread, 396 by 589 cm. (After Removal of Outer Borders). (Destroyed, Formerly Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
7. The Charge to St Peter, from Henry VIII's Acts of the Apostles Set. Unidentified Workshop after a Cartoon by Raphael. c. 1540. Wool, Silk, and Gilt Metallic Thread, 386 by 566 cm. (After Removal of Outer Borders). (Destroyed, Formerly Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
8. The Charge to St Peter, from the Madrid Acts of the Apostles Set, by Jan van Tieghem's Workshop after a Cartoon by Raphael. c. 1550. Wool, Silk and Gilt Metallic Thread, 483 by 721 cm. (Palacio Real, Madrid).
Attributed works:
9. The Stoning of St Stephen, from Henry VIII's Acts of the Apostles Set, by an Unidentified Workshop after a Cartoon by Raphael. c. 1540. Wool, Silk and Gilt Metallic Thread, Dimensions Unknown. (Destroyed; Formerly Kasier Friedrich Museum, Berlin).
The Villa Lante in Rome: Some Drawings and Some Observations
03/1971 | 816 | 113
Pages: 132-138
related names
O'Gorman, James F. (O'Gorman, James F.)
art literature:
art literature:
Attributed works:
11. Villa Lante, Rome. Photo Jean Baer O'Gorman.
Attributed works:
12. Detail from St Peter Giving Alms, by Masaccio. (S. M. del Carmine, Florence.) Photo Alinari.
Attributed works:
13. The Finding of the Sarcophagus of Numa, Attributed to Polidoro da Caravaggio. (Formerly in the Villa Lante, Rome.) Photo Courtesy Biblioteca Hertziana, Rome.
Attributed works:
14. Villa Lante, Rome. Detail of a Panoramic Map Attributed to Giovanni Dosio.
Attributed works:
15. Villa Lante, Rome. Part of West Elevation, Attributed to Aristotile da Sangallo. (Musée Wicar, Lille.)
Western art unattributed:
16. Villa Lante, Rome. Section Looking South. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin.)
Western art unattributed:
17. Villa Lante, Rome. Plan and West Elevation. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin).
Western art unattributed:
18. Villa Lante, Rome. South Elevation. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin).
Western art unattributed:
19. Villa Lante, Rome. Plan of Proposed Forecourt. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin).
Western art unattributed:
20. Villa Lante, Rome. Detail of Proposed Forecourt. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin).
Book Review
Drawings in the Ashmolean Museum
05/1957 | 650 | 99
Pages: 157+159-163
related names
Gere, John (Gere, John; Gere, J. A.; G., J. A.; G., J.)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Catalogue of the Collection of Drawings in the Ashmolean Museum | author: Parker, K. T.
Attributed works:
20. Bishop Giving Alms, by Bernardino Capitelli. Pen and Ink, 18 by 23.7 cm. (Landesmuseum, Darmstadt.)
Attributed works:
26. Psyche Giving Venus the Vase of Proserpine, by Raphael (?). Pen over Red Chalk, 10.5 by 8 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.)
Attributed works:
27. Madonna and Saints, Workshop of Bernardino Campi. Brush Drawing on Greenishgrey Paper, 43.4 by 34 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.)
Attributed works:
28. Holy Family, by G. F. Penni. Panel. (Museum, Cava de'Tirreni, near Naples.)
Attributed works:
29. Circumcision, Here Attributed to Belisario Corenzio. Brush Drawing in Blue, Heightened with White, 40 by 19.3 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.)
Attributed works:
30. Camillus and Brennus, Here Attributed to Taddeo Zuccaro. Pen and Wash, 23.1 by 20.8 cm. (British Museum.)
Attributed works:
31. Descent from the Cross, by Jacopino del Conte. Pen and Wash, Heightened with white. (Louvre.)