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4 articles
Book Review
Rubens. Selected Drawings
06/1987 | 1011 | 129
Pages: 406
related names
McGrath, Elizabeth (McGrath, Elizabeth; McG., E.)
Reviewed Items
Rubens. Selected Drawings | author: Held, Julius S.
Book Review
The Collections of the Detroit Institute of Arts: Flemish and German Paintings of the 17th Century
12/1984 | 981 | 126
Pages: 789
related names
Brown, Christopher (Brown, Christopher)
Reviewed Items
The Collections of the Detroit Institute of Arts: Flemish and German Paintings of the 17th Century | author: Held, Julius S.
Book Review
The Oil Sketches of Peter Paul Rubens. A Critical Catalogue
05/1982 | 950 | 124
Pages: 301-303
related names
Martin, John Rupert (Martin, John Rupert; Martin, J. R.)
Reviewed Items
The Oil Sketches of Peter Paul Rubens. A Critical Catalogue | author: Held, Julius S. , author: Rubens, Peter Paul
Book Review
Rubens as a draughtsman
07/1965 | 748 | 107
Pages: 372+374-381
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
Reviewed Items
Rubens Drawings | author: Burchard, Ludwig , author: Held, Julius S. , author: Hulst, Roger-A. d'
Attributed works:
39. Detail from The Triumph of Faith. Woodcut by Titian. 1510-11. Whole Print, 37.5 by 265 cm.
Attributed works:
40. Portrait of a Boy, Here Attributed to Santi di Tito. Red Chalk, 15.7 by 10.9 cm. (Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne.)
Attributed works:
41. Doctrine, by Peter Paul Rubens. Brush and Pen with Brown Wash over Red Chalk, 30.4 by 20.2 cm. (Musée Plantin, Antwerp.)
Attributed works:
42. Adaptation of Figures from Rubens's Adoration of the Magi, (Malines), Here Attributed to Antony van Dyck. Brown Wash over Black Chalk, 18 by 12 cm. (Worcester Art Museum, Mass.)
Attributed works:
43. Study for a Shepherd in a Predella Panel of the Adoration of the Magi (Malines), by Peter Paul Rubens. 1617-19. Black Chalk, Heightened with White Chalk, 39.5 by 23.5 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)
Attributed works:
44. Study for a Shepherdess Carrying a Brass Jar in the Same Predella, by Peter Paul Rubens. Verso of Fig.43.
Attributed works:
46. Rubens with His Second Wife and Child, by Peter Paul Rubens. Red and Black Chalks, 38.1 by 29.2 cm. (British Museum.)
Attributed works:
47. Group of Friars (? Capuchins), after a Drawing by Rubens. Chiaroscuro Woodcut by John Skippe, 39 by 24 cm.
Attributed works:
48. Bearded Man in a Turban, Here Attributed to Peter Paul Rubens. Pen Drawing with Wash and Brown Ink, 9.5 by 11.3 cm. (Albertina, Vienna.)
Attributed works:
49. Seventeenth-Century Copy after Part of a Lost Composition of Rubens. Black and White Chalk, 29.2 (Originally 26) by 34.3 cm. (Albertina, Vienna.)
Attributed works:
50. Detail from Design for Tympanum with Sculpture, by Peter Paul Rubens. Pen and Brown Ink (Pen with Blue Wash for Architectural Mouldings by P. Huyssens), 35 by 53 cm. (St Charles Borromeé, Antwerp.)
Attributed works:
51. Studies for a Toilet of Venus and (?) for a Bath of Diana, by Peter Paul Rubens. Black Chalk, Brown Wash, White Gouache, 22.7 by 37.1 cm. (Musée de Dijon.)
Western art unattributed:
45. Antique Head from Togastatue of Nero (Restored as a Bust). White Marble, Slightly over Life-Size. (Vatican.)