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51 articles
Short Notice
Rubens's Portraits of the Archduke Albert and the Infanta Isabella
03/1997 | 1128 | 139
Pages: 194-195
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
50. Archduke Albert, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel. (Private Collection, Westport CT).
Attributed works:
51. Archduke Albert, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 101 by 75.4 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
52. The Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 105 by 74 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
53. Archduke Albert, by Jan Muller, after Peter Paul Rubens. 1615. Engraving.
Attributed works:
54. The Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, by Jan Muller, after Peter Paul Rubens. 1615. Engraving.
Van Dyck's 'Venus and Adonis'
10/1990 | 1051 | 132
Pages: 696-703
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
Attributed works:
26. 'Venus and Adonis', by Anthony Van Dyck. 224 by 164 cm. (Harari & Johns Ltd, London).
Attributed works:
27. Detail from Fig.26. [ 'Venus and Adonis', by Anthony Van Dyck. 224 by 164 cm. (Harari & Johns Ltd, London).]
Attributed works:
28. Detail from Equestrian Portrait of the Duke of Buckingham, by Peter Paul Rubens. 1625. Panel. (Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth).
Attributed works:
30. George Villiers, Marquess of Buckingham, by Simon de Passe. 1619. Engraving, State I, 19.3 by 11.4 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
31. George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, by Simon de Passe. 1620. Engraving, State II, 19.3 by 11.4 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
32. George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, by Simon de Passe. 1620. Engraving, State IV, 19.3 by 11.4 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
33. Detail of Fig.26. ['Venus and Adonis', by Anthony Van Dyck. 224 by 164 cm. (Harari & Johns Ltd, London).]
Attributed works:
34. Catherine Manners, Duchess of Buckingham, by Peter Paul Rubens. 1625. Red, White and Black Chalks on Paper, 36.8 by 26.5 cm. (Albertina, Vienna).
Attributed works:
35. Catherine Manners, Duchess of Buckingham, by Anthony van Dyck. 74.2 by 57.2 cm. (Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire).
Attributed works:
36. The Promenade, by Albrecht Dürer. Copper Engraving, 19.2 by 12 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
37. Venus and Adonis, by Anthony van Dyck. 175 by 175 cm. (Location Unknown).
Attributed works:
38. Venus and Adonis, by Anthony van Dyck. Pen with Brown and Grey Washes over Black Chalk on White Paper, 25.9 by 18.5 cm. (British Museum, London).
Western art unattributed:
29. George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. English School, Seventeenth Century. Panel, 78 by 62 cm. (Earl of Jersey Collection).
Rubens and Nicolò Pallavicino
07/1988 | 1024 | 130
Pages: 523-527
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
Attributed works:
36. Nicolò Pallavicino, by P. P. Rubens. 105 by 92 cm. (Private Collection, on Loan to the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
37. Circumcision, by P. P. Rubens. 400 by 225 cm. (S. Ambrogio, Genoa).
Attributed works:
38. Modello for the 'Circumcision', by P. P. Rubens. Oil on Canvas Mounted on Board, 105 by 74 cm. (Gemaldegalerie der Akademie der Bildenden Kunste, Vienna).
Attributed works:
39. Design for the Lower Half of the 'Circumcision', by P. P. Rubens. Black and Red Chalks on White Paper, 41.2 by 24.8 cm. (Collection Sir Joseph Weld, Dorset).
Attributed works:
40. Study from Life for the Madonna in the 'Circumcision', by P. P. Rubens. Black and Red Chalks on White Paper, 27 by 22.9 cm. (Victoria & Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
41. Nursery Scene, by P. P. Rubens. Red Chalk, with Some Red Wash and White and Yellow Heightening 25.4 by 19.7 cm. (Eberhard Jabach Collection, Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Titian's 'Tarquin and Lucretia' in the Fitzwilliam
03/1987 | 1008 | 129
Pages: 162-172
related names
Groen, Karin (Groen, Karin)
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
Attributed works:
12. Tarquin and Lucretia, by Titian. 188.9 by 145.4 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
13. Tarquin and Lucretia, by Titian and (?) Another Hand. 293 by 243 cm. (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux).
Attributed works:
14. Tarquin and Lucretia, by Heinrich Aldegrever. Engraving, Actual Size. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
15. Tarquin and Lucretia, by Heinrich Aldegrever. Engraving, Actual Size. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
16. Tarquin and Lucretia, by The Master 'L. D.' (Léon Davent). Etching.
Attributed works:
17. Tarquin and Lucretia, by Cornelius Cort. Line-Engraving. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
18. X-Ray of Fig.12. [Tarquin and Lucretia, by Titian. 188.9 by 145.4 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).]
Attributed works:
19. Infra-Red Reflectogram of Detail from Fig.12. [Tarquin and Lucretia, by Titian. 188.9 by 145.4 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).]
Attributed works:
20. Cross-Section of a Sample Taken from the Dark Shadow in the Curtain to the Right of Lucretia's Upright Arm. Ground-up Copper Resinate Was Mixed with Ochres, Red Lead and a Little Lead White. The Shadows Were Strengthened Using Red Ochre and Umber. Underneath the Green There Are Thin Grey-Blue (Azurite) and Red Preparatory Layers for the Curtain.
Attributed works:
21. Photomicrograph of a Cross-Section of a Sample Showing the Underdrawing in Lucretia's Upright Arm. Black Pigment Particles Immersed in a Brown Matrix Can Be Seen between the Slightly Pinkish Flesh Colour and the Gesso Ground.
Attributed works:
22. Photomicrograph Showing the Brush Drawing around Lucretia's Chin.
Attributed works:
23. Cross-Section Taken Just Beside Tarquin's Left Calf. The Gesso Ground is Missing in the Sample. From the Bottom of the Sample Upwards There Are: Black Particles of the Drawing; A Mixture of Lead White and Ultramarine (Bed Linen); A Few Scattered Black Particles; Lead White Mixed with Red Ochre; A Copper Resinate Glaze Showing Brown Discolouration and Finally the Varnish Layers.
Attributed works:
24. Photomicrograph of Lucretia's Left Eye. In Addition to the Outlines, Done as Finishing Touches, Underlying Dark Lines Can Also Be Seen.
Attributed works:
25. Photomicrograph Showing the Highlight in Lucretia's Nose and the Shadow in Her Upright Arm. The Vertical Line in the Middle of the Photograph Is Part of the Underdrawing for Lucretia's Right Arm.
Attributed works:
26. Cross-Section from the Red in Tarquin's Left Stocking. A Thick Resinous Material Containing Red Lead Was Found between the Final Vermilion of the Stocking and a Light Reddish-Brown Underlayer. (The White Material on Top of the Vermilion Was Formed during the Preparation of the Cross-Section and Is Not a Part of the Painting).
Attributed works:
27. Cross-Section of Tarquin's Left Stocking. The Bluish Bed Linen Continues under the Red Stocking. A Resinous Layer Was Found between the Red of the Stocking and the Blue of the Bed Linen.
Attributed works:
28. Cross-Section from Tarquin's Breeches. A Thick Layer of Red Lead Was Applied Directly onto the Thin Gesso. A Succession of Pink and White Impasto Paint and Red Glazes Make up Tarquin's Breeches.
Attributed works:
29. Cross-Section from the Mid Tone in the Curtain, near the Centre of the Top Edge of the Painting. Overlapping Layers of Red Lead, a Grey Mixture and Fine Azurite Were Used to Indicate Both Light and Shadows in the Curtain before the Final Paint Layers Were Applied.
Attributed works:
30. Cross-Section from the Counterpane, Where There Is a Shape on the X-Radiograph. Both Changes in the Composition of the Painting and Preparatory Layers Are Responsible for the Change from Red to Green in This Area.
Attributed works:
31. Photomicrograph of Lucretia's Right Toe, Painted Thinly over the Counterpane.
Attributed works:
32. Detail of Fig.12. [Tarquin and Lucretia, by Titian. 188.9 by 145.4 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).]
Attributed works:
33. Detail of Fig.12. [Tarquin and Lucretia, by Titian. 188.9 by 145.4 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).]
Rubens and Andrea del Sarto, Once Again
06/1986 | 999 | 128
Pages: 423
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
Short Notice
A Drawing by Annibale in the Fitzwilliam
11/1985 | 992 | 127
Pages: 774+776
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
Attributed works:
54. A Male Sphinx, Recto, Here Attributed to Annibale Carracci. Red Chalk, 22.1 by 18.2 cm. Study for the Camerino, Palazzo Farnese. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
55. Preliminary Sketch for Hercules Bearing the Globe, Verso, Here Attributed to Annibale Carracci. Brush and Grey Wash, 22.1 by 18.2 cm. Study for the Camerino, Palazzo Farnese. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Short Notice
A Sketch for a Rubens Altar-Piece, Partially Recovered
07/1985 | 988 | 127
Pages: 453-455
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
29. Virgin and Child with St Anne, Adored by Saints of the House of Austria, after Rubens. Red Chalk on White Paper, 45 by 32.2 cm. (Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen).
Attributed works:
30. Virgin and Child with St Anne, Adored by Saints of the House of Austria, Ascribed to Rubens. Oak Panel, 51 by 35 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Attributed works:
31. Virgin and Child with St Anne, Adored by Saints of the House of Austria, here Attributed to Peter Paul Rubens. Oak Panel, 25.3 by 34.9 cm. (Musee Granet, Aix-en-Provence).
Attributed works:
32. Detail from Fig.31. [Virgin and Child with St Anne, Adored by Saints of the House of Austria, here Attributed to Peter Paul Rubens. Oak Panel, 25.3 by 34.9 cm. (Musee Granet, Aix-en-Provence).]
Attributed works:
33. Detail from Fig.30. [30. Virgin and Child with St Anne, Adored by Saints of the House of Austria, Ascribed to Rubens. Oak Panel, 51 by 35 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).]
Short Notice
Stubbs: A Self Portrait
02/1985 | 983 | 127
Pages: 68+85+87
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
Attributed works:
1. Self portrait, by George Stubbs. Oil on copper, 13.9 by 10.8 cm. (Private collection, England; on loan to the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge). Here reproduced actual size.
Attributed works:
19. George Stubbs, by Ozias Humphry. Signed and dated 1777. Black and white chalks on brown paper, 42 by 36 cm. (Trustees of the Rt. Hon. Olive, Countess Fitzwilliam Chattels Settlement and Lady Juliet de Chair).
Attributed works:
20. George Stubbs, by Thomas Orde. Etching by James Bretherton, 20.2 by 14.7 cm. (The Environs of London, Vol. XIX, London, 1823).
Attributed works:
21. Reverse of Portrait Illustrated in Fig.1, Showing Scratched on the Surface the Names 'Moore/Brown/...' and Twice (Vertically) 'Stubs'. [Self portrait, by George Stubbs. Oil on copper, 13.9 by 10.8 cm. (Private collection, England; on loan to the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).]
Van Dyck Studies II: 'La belle & vertueuse Huguenotte'
10/1984 | 979 | 126
Pages: 602-609+611
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
Attributed works:
1. Rachel de Ruvigny, Countess of Southampton, by Anthony van Dyck. 219.5 by 132.5 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
10. Detail from Fig.1.
Attributed works:
11. Detail from Fig.2.
Attributed works:
12. Christ Triumphant over Death and Sin, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 175 by 153 cm. (Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg).
Attributed works:
13. Title-Page from Luitprandi... Opera..., by Cornelis Galle the Younger, after a Drawing by Erasmus Quellinus (Taken from Rubens). Antwerp, 1640. Engraving.
Attributed works:
2. Rachel de Ruvigny, Countess of Southampton, by Anthony van Dyck and Assistant. Canvas Laid on Panel, 223.2 by 131.8 cm. (National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne).
Attributed works:
3. Rachel, Comptesse de Southampton, by Jean Petitot, after Anthony van Dyck. Signed and Dated 1643. Enamel, 24.5 by 14.3 cm. (Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth).
Attributed works:
4. Rachel, Countess of Southampton, by James McArdell, after Anthony van Dyck. 1758. Mezzotint.
Attributed works:
5. Detail from Fig.1.
Attributed works:
6. Detail from Fig.1.
Attributed works:
7. Detail from Fig.2.
Attributed works:
8. Detail from Fig.1.
Attributed works:
9. Detail from Fig.2.
The Chatsworth Drawings
09/1984 | 978 | 126
Pages: 569
related names
Auld, Alasdair (Auld, Alasdair)
Clifford, Timothy (Clifford, Timothy)
Diamond, Michael (Diamond, Michael)
Ford, Brinsley (Ford, Brinsley; Ford, Richard Brinsley)
Gowing, Lawrence (Gowing, Lawrence)
H., T. (H., T.; Hodgkinson, Terence)
Haskell, Francis (Haskell, Francis; Haskell, Francis James Herbert; Haskell, F.; H., F.)
Hirst, Michael (Hirst, Michael)
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
K., M. (K., M.; Kitson, Michael)
Kemp, Martin (Kemp, Martin)
Montagu, Jennifer (Montagu, Jennifer)
Stevens, Timothy (Stevens, Timothy)
Ward-Jackson, Peter (Ward-Jackson, Peter)
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