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3 articles
Figino and the lost drawings of Leonardo's comparative anatomy
03/2006 | 1236 | 148
Pages: 173–179
related names
Laurenza, Domenico (Laurenza, Domenico)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
10. Study of human legs and (lower centre) a comparison between the legs of a man and a horse, by Leonardo da Vinci. c.1504–07. Pen and ink over red chalk on paper coated with a red preparation, 28.1 by 20.5 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle; RL 12625r).
Attributed works:
11. Comparison between the legs of a man and a horse, by Leonardo da Vinci. c.1504–07. Pen and ink with red chalk, c.9.6 by 6.5 cm. (Institut de France, Paris; MS K, fol.109v).
Attributed works:
12. Comparative studies of human and animal limbs, by Giovan Ambrogio Figino. Red chalk, 26.7 by 19.6 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle; RL 6878).
Attributed works:
13. Studies of a horse's legs, by Leonardo da Vinci. c.1480–90. Silverpoint on white prepared paper, 16.1 by 13.7 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle; RL 12296).
Attributed works:
14. Comparative studies of human and animal anatomy (bottom right) and various studies, by Giovan Ambrogio Figino. Black chalk with wash, 41.5 by 25.8 cm. (Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice; 947r).
Attributed works:
15. Study of a horse's legs, by Leonardo da Vinci. c.1480–90. Metalpoint, highlighted with white gouache, on green prepared paper, 21.7 by 28.7 cm. (Biblioteca Reale, Turin; 15579).
Attributed works:
16. Study of the proportions of the head of a dog, by Leonardo da Vinci. c.1497–98. Red chalk, c.10 by 7.5 cm. (Institut de France, Paris; MS I 2, fol.48r).
Attributed works:
17. Study of the proportions of the head of a dog, by Leonardo da Vinci. Pen and ink, 3 by 5.3 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle; RL 12714).
Attributed works:
18. Comparison between the gait of a man and that of a lion, with other studies, by Giovan Ambrogio Figino. Black chalk on blue prepared paper, 37.9 by 25.8 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor; RL 6980).
Attributed works:
19. Studies of horses, a cat (or lioness) and St George and the dragon, by Leonardo da Vinci. c.1513–18. Pen and ink over black chalk underdrawing with wash, 29.8 by 21.2 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle; RL 12331).
Attributed works:
20. Studies of cats, (and a lioness?) and a dragon, by Leonardo da Vinci. c.1513–18. Pen and ink, some wash, over black chalk, with some red chalk, c.27 by 21 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle; RL 12363).
Attributed works:
6. Studies of the legs, feet and toes of a man and of a bird's talon, by Giovan Amrogio Figino. Red chalk, 26 by 16.6 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor; RL 6875).
Attributed works:
7. Study of a bear's foot, by Leonardo da Vinci. c.1490. Metalpoint and pen and ink with white heightening on blue-grey prepared paper, 16.2 by 13.7 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle; RL 12372r).
Attributed works:
8. Studies of the arms and feet of a man and of a bird's talon, by Giovan Ambrogio Figino. Red chalk, 22.4 by 18.3 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle; RL 6873).
Attributed works:
9. Comparative study of a nude human figure (upper left corner) with the écorché of a hare (lower left) and other studies of human and animal anatomy, by Giovan Ambrogio Figino. Black chalk, 27 by 18.5 cm. (Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice; 939v).
Book Review
Disegni antichi del Museo Correr in Venezia. Vol. IV; [and: Disegni del Figino; I Gandolfi. Disegni e Dipinti; Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth; Uffizi, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Inventario, Disegni Esposti II.]
11/1988 | 1028 | 130
Pages: 862-864
related names
Byam Shaw, James (J. B. S) (Byam Shaw, James (J. B. S); Byam Shaw, J.; Shaw, James Byam; Shaw, J. Byam; S., J. B.)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Disegni antichi del Museo Correr in Venezia. Vol. IV; Disegni del Figino; I Gandolfi. Disegni e Dipinti; Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth; Uffizi, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Inventario, Disegni Esposti II. | author: Bettagno, Alessandro , author: Jaffé, Michael , author: Perissa Torrini, Annalisa , author: Petrioli Tofani, Annamaria , author: Pignatti, Terisio
Attributed works:
50. St Ambrose, by G. A. Figino. Black Chalk with a Little White, on Blue Paper, 18.8 by 13.6 cm. (Christ Church, Oxford).
Leonardo's 'Neptune' Drawing
10/1952 | 595 | 94
Pages: 289-295
related names
Gould, Cecil (Gould, Cecil)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
18. Study for Neptune, by Leonardo da Vinci. Black Chalk, 25.1 by 39.2 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle, No. 12570.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
19. Neptune, after Leonardo da Vinci. Red Chalk, (?) 47 by 47 cm. (Accademia Carrara, Bergamo.)
Attributed works:
20. Wind Gods. Detail of Drawing of Deluge, by Leonardo da Vinci. Pen and Ink and Black Chalk. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle, No. 12376.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
21. Neptune and Triton, by Gianlorenzo Bernini. Marble. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)
Attributed works:
22. Aeolus, with attendant God. Detail of Drawing of Deluge. Pen and ink and Black Chalk. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle, No. 12376.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
23. Neptune and Other Studies, by Giovanni Ambrogio Figino. Pen and Ink and Red Chalk, 18.5 by 20.1 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen. 24. Bust of a Young Woman, Here Attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. Red Chalk, Touched with Pen and Bistre, 6.2 by 4.7 cm. (shape Irregular). (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.) 25. Detail of a study for Neptune, by Leonardo da Vinci. Pen and Ink and Black Chalk. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle, No. 12591.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen. 26. Detail of 'Quos Ego', by Marc Antonio. Engraving. 27. Neptune and other studies, by Giovanni Ambrogio Figino. Pen and Ink over Red Chalk, 28 by 21.1 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle, No. 326/77.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
A. Antique Gem. Engraving (from Leonardo Agostini's Gemmae et Sculpturae Antiquae, ed. 1699.)