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4 articles
The Conservation of Antonio and Piero del Pollaiuolo's Altar-Piece for the Cardinal of Portugal's Chapel
02/1999 | 1151 | 141
Pages: 81-88
related names
Cecchi, Alessandro (Cecchi, Alessandro; Cecchi, Allesandro)
Freschi, Sandra (Freschi, Sandra)
MacGregor, Nicola (MacGregor, Nicola)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
10. The Annunciation, by Alesso Baldovinetti. Oak Panel (Fresco above), (S. Miniato al Monte, Florence).
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Fig. 10, Showing the Angel's Sleeve with Extensive Paint Losses.
Attributed works:
12. Detail of St Vincent's Left Hand in Fig.9 after Cleaning and Restoration.
Attributed works:
13. Vase with Lilies, by Giuliano da Maiano, Detail of the Frame of Baldovinetti's Annunciation. Gilt Wood (S. Miniato al Monte, Florence).
Attributed works:
14. Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, by Piero del Pollaiuolo. Tempera and Oil on Cypress Panel, 65 by 42 cm. (Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
15. Coat of Arms of the Cardinal of Portugal, from the Frame of Fig.9, by Antonio del Pollaiuolo. Enamelled Brass.
Attributed works:
16. Fig.9 before Restoration.
Attributed works:
17. Back of the Panel of Fig.9 before Restoration.
Attributed works:
18. Back of the Panel of Fig.9 after Restoration.
Attributed works:
19. Infra-Red Reflectogram of St Eustace's Hand, Showing the Underdrawing.
Attributed works:
20. Infra-Red Reflectogram of St Vincent's Legs, Showing the Underdrawing.
Attributed works:
21. Paint Cross-Section from St James's Blue Brocade Mantle.
Attributed works:
22. Paint Cross-Section from St Vincent's Left Hand.
Attributed works:
23. Detail of St Eustace's Head during Cleaning.
Attributed works:
24. Fig.9 in Stripped State, after the Removal of Repaints.
Attributed works:
9. The Altar-Piece of the Cardinal of Portugal, by Antonio and Piero del Pollaiuolo, after Cleaning and Restoration. Tempera and Oil on Oak Panel, 172 by 179 cm. Frame by Giuliano da Maiano (Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence).
The Building Programme of the Cloister of San Miniato
07/1973 | 844 | 115
Pages: 447-448+450-452
related names
Mack, Charles Randall (Mack, Charles Randall; Mack, Charles R.)
Attributed works:
61. Cloister of San Miniato al Monte. View Towards the Chapter-House Wing and South-Eastern Corner of the Cloister.
Attributed works:
62. Cloister of San Miniato al Monte. View Towards the South-Eastern Corner of the Cloister.
Attributed works:
63. Cloister of San Miniato al Monte. Detail of a Column in the Upper Loggia of the Western Wing.
Attributed works:
64. Cloister of San Miniato al Monte. Entrance to the Stairwell at the South-Western Corner of the Upper Loggia.
Attributed works:
65. Cloister of San Miniato al Monte. View Towards the Stairwell Area at the South-Western Corner of the Upper Loggia.
Attributed works:
66. Cloister of San Miniato al Monte. Stairwell at the South-Western Corner of the Cloister.
Book Review
The Chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal 1434-1459 at San Miniato in Florence
01/1969 | 790 | 111
Pages: 38-39
related names
Lightbown, R. W. (Lightbown, R. W.; L., R. W.; Lightbown, Mr.; Lightbown, Ronald; Lightbown, Ronald W.)
Reviewed Items
The Chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal 1434-1459 at San Miniato in Florence | author: Corti, Gino , author: Hartt, Frederick , author: Kennedy, C.
Paolo Uccello at San Miniato
12/1964 | 741 | 106
Pages: 558-563
related names
Saalman, Howard (Saalman, Howard)
Attributed works:
13. Plan of S. Miniato, Florence. 1717. (Cloister Archives, S. Miniato, Florence.)
Attributed works:
14. View of S. Miniato, Florence. 1717. (Cloister Archives, S. Miniato, Florence.)
Attributed works:
15. Dormitory, Sacristy and Church of S. Miniato, Florence, from the East.
Attributed works:
16. Refectory (Former Chapter Hall) of S. Miniato, Florence, Facing North.
Attributed works:
17. Christ on the Cross, Attributed to the Master of the Karlsruhe Nativity. c. 1455. Fresco. (S. Maria Maggiore, Florence.)
Attributed works:
19. Cloister of S. Miniato, Florence, Facing North. Dormitory on Right.
Western art unattributed:
18. Archivio di Stato, Florence, Conv. 168, n. 147, c. LV.