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5 articles
Castiglione Olona: a new chronology for the frescos of the Collegiata
07/2023 | 1444 | 165
Pages: 696–711
related names
Dalvit, Giulio (Dalvit, Giulio)
Attributed works:
1. Stories of the Virgin Mary, St Lawrence and St Stephen, by Masolino, Vecchietta and Paolo Schiavo (attributed). c.1433–44. Fresco. (Apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
10. Detail from St Catherine destroying the idols, by Masolino, showing the Emperor Maxentius. c.1428. Fresco. (Chapel of St Catherine, S. Clemente, Rome; Scala Archives).
Attributed works:
11. Stories of St Lawrence, attributed to Paolo Schiavo (lunette) and Vecchietta (lower registers). c.1433–43 and 1442–44 respectively. Fresco. (Apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
12. Stories of St Stephen, attributed to Paolo Schiavo (lunette and middle register) and Vecchietta (steps and lower register). c.1433–43 (lunette and middle register) and 1442–44 (steps and lower register). Fresco. (Apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
13. Stories of St Stephen, attributed to Paolo Schiavo (lunette and middle register) and Vecchietta (stone ground and lower register). c.1433–43 (lunette and middle register) and 1442–44 (stone ground and lower register). Fresco. (Apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
14. Trinity (lunette), attributed to Paolo Schiavo. c.1433–43. Fresco. Donors and self-portrait (lower registers), by Vecchietta. 1442–44. Fresco. (Apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
15. Stories of St Lawrence, attributed to Paolo Schiavo (lunette) and Vecchietta (lower registers). c.1433–43 and 1442–44 respectively. Fresco. (Apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
16. Stories of the Virgin Mary, by Masolino. c.1433–44. Fresco. (Vault of the apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
17. Triptych of the Virgin and Child, St Lawrence and St Stephen, by Caronese masters. c.1432–43[?]. Stone with nineteenth-century polychromy. (Chapel of S. Clemente, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Francesco Bini).
Attributed works:
18. High altar of the Collegiate Church, by Ugo Zuecca. 1930. Gelatin silver print, 18 by 24 cm. (Raccolte Fotografiche del Castello Sforzesco, Civico Archivio Fotografico, Comune di Milano).
Attributed works:
19. Donors, by Vecchietta. c.1442–44. Fresco. (Chapel of St Martin, Palazzo Branda, Castiglione Olona; photograph Francesco Bini).
Attributed works:
2. Stories of St John the Baptist, by Masolino. c.1433–43. Fresco (detached). (Chapel of St John, later Baptistery, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
20. St John the Baptist in the wilderness (predella panel from the S. Lucia dei Magnoli polyptych), by Domenico Veneziano. c.1445(?). Tempera on panel, 28.4 by 31.8 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Attributed works:
21. St John in the wilderness, by Masolino. c.1433–43. Fresco. (Chapel of St John, later Baptistery, Castiglione Olona; photograph Nathaniel Silver).
Attributed works:
22. Lionello d’Este, by Pisanello. 1441. Tempera and mixed media on panel, 19.6 by 29.2 cm. (Pinacoteca dell’Accademia Carrara, Bergamo).
Attributed works:
23. Detail of Scene of the Brazen Serpent, by Vecchietta and assistants, showing a head in profile. 1446–49. (Old Sacristy, Complesso Museale di S. Maria della Scala, Siena; courtesy The Frick Collection, New York).
Attributed works:
25. Self-portrait, by Vecchietta. 1442–44. Fresco. (Apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
26. Man in a blue cap, by Jan van Eyck. c.1430s. Oil on panel, 22.5 by 16.6 cm. (Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu).
Attributed works:
3. Decoration of the Castiglioni palatine chapel, by Vecchietta. c.1442–44. Fresco. (Chapel of St Martin, Palazzo Branda, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
4. Vision of the Blessed Sorore, by Vecchietta. 1441. Fresco. (Pellegrinaio di mezzo, Complesso Museale di S. Maria della Scala, Siena; Scala Archives).
Attributed works:
5. Masolino’s signature in the vault of the apse of the Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona. 1433–43. (Photograph Franco Canziani).
Attributed works:
8. Detail from Encounter between Melchizedek and Abraham after the liberation of Lot, by Vecchietta and assistants, showing Melkizedek. 1446–49. Fresco. (Old Sacristy, Complesso Museale di S. Maria della Scala, Siena; courtesy The Frick Collection, New York).
Attributed works:
9. Detail from the Stoning of St Stephen, attributed to Paolo Schiavo, showing a bystander. c.1433–44. Fresco. (Apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph Franco Canziani).
Western art unattributed:
24. Chandelier. Flanders (Dinant) or Germany (Nuremberg). c.1420–40. Brass, 120 by 110 cm. (Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona).
Western art unattributed:
6. The date mccccxxx (1435) in the vault of the Baptistery, Castiglione Olona, by an anonymous restorer, c.1859–70. Medium unknown. (Photograph Franco Canziani).
Western art unattributed:
7. Graffito by an anonymous writer. 1447. Incision on fresco. (Bottom register, apse, Collegiate Church, Castiglione Olona; photograph the author).
Book Review
Ambrogio Lorenzetti. Edited by Alessandro Bagnoli, Roberto Bartalini and Max Seidel
04/2018 | 1381 | 160
Pages: 346-347
related names
Lubbock, Jules (Lubbock, Jules)
Attributed works:
2. Detail from Presentation at the Temple, by Ambrogio Lorenzetti. 1342. Tempera on wood, 257 by 168 cm. (Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence).
Exhibition Review
Renaissance Siena. Siena
06/2010 | 1287 | 152
Pages: 433-435
related names
Hyman, Timothy (Hyman, Timothy)
Reviewed Items
Le Arti a Siena nel Primo Rinascimento: Da Jacopo della Quercia a Donatello | institution: Opera della Metropolitana , institution: Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala , institution: Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena
Attributed works:
88. St Anthony Abbot tempted by a devil in the guise of a woman, attributed to the Master of the Osservanza. c.1400. Panel, 38.4 by 40.4 cm. (Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven; exh. S. Maria della Scala, Siena).
Attributed works:
89. St Anthony Abbot tempted by a heap of gold, attributed to the Master of the Osservanza. c.1400. Panel, 47 by 33.7 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; exh. S. Maria della Scala, Siena).
Attributed works:
90. Virgin and Child with St Anthony Abbot and Cardinal Antonio Casini, by Jacopo della Quercia. 1437–38. Marble, 119 by 137.5 cm. (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Siena; exh. S. Maria della Scala, Siena).
Book Review
Siena e Roma. Raffaello, Caravaggio e i protagonisti di un legame antico
08/2006 | 1241 | 148
Pages: 551-552
related names
Marciari, John (Marciari, John)
Reviewed Items
Siena e Roma. Raffaello, Caravaggio e i protagonisti di un legame antico | editor: Santi, Bruno , editor: Strinati, Claudio
Exhibition Review
Duccio. Siena
01/2004 | 1210 | 146
Pages: 58-61
related names
Strehlke, Carl Brandon (Strehlke, Carl Brandon; S., C. B.; Strehlke, C. B.; Strehlke, Carl Brandos)
Reviewed Items
Duccio alle origini della pittura senese | institution: Santa Maria della Scala
Attributed works:
68. The Dormition of the Virgin from the oculus of Siena cathedral, by Duccio. c.1287–90. Glass, 560 cm. diameter (overall). (Siena cathedral; exh. S. Maria della Scala, Siena)
Attributed works:
69. Incredulity of St Thomas, by Duccio. 1311. Panel, 58 by 52.7 cm. (Museo dell'Opera Metropolitana, Siena; exh. S. Maria della Scala, Siena)
Attributed works:
70. Crucifixion, by Ambrogio Lorenzetti. c.1320. Panel, 33.5 by c.23 cm. (Salini collection, Asciano; exh. S. Maria Della Scala, Siena)
Attributed works:
71. Crucifixion, ?by Dietisalvi di Speme. 1270s. Mural. (Siena catherdral)
Attributed works:
72. Madonna of the Franciscans, by Duccio. Late 1280s. Panel, 24 by 17cm. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena; exh. S. Maria della Scala, Siena)