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2 articles
Changed locations: the Habsburg cityscapes in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence
07/2019 | 1396 | 161
Pages: 544-555
related names
Concin, Adriana (Concin, Adriana)
Attributed works:
1. The first courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, looking south, showing the frescos of Konstanz and (behind the column) Wiener Neustadt. (Photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
10. Kaiserebersdorf and Sterzing, by Bastiano Veronese, Cesare Baglioni, Giovanni Lombardi and Turino da Piemonte. 1565. Frescos, 120 by 215 cm. and 160 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Fig.10, showing the view of Sterzing.
Attributed works:
12. Plan of the proposed identification of the frescos in the first courtyard, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence: 1. Vienna; 2. Innsbruck; 3. Kaiserebersdorf; 4. Sterzing; 5. Konstanz; 6. Wiener Neustadt; 7. Hall in Tirol; 8. Trieste; 9. Breisach; 10. Passau; 11. Stein/Krems; 12. Klosterneuburg; 13. Graz; 14. Freiburg im Breisgau; 15. Linz; 16. Bratislava; 17. Formerly Prague, destroyed by Giuseppe del Rosso's inscription (1812); a. Doorway to Piazza della Signoria; b. Doorway to the Cortile della Dogana; c. Inscription by Messer Fabio Segni (1565); and d. Niche with Samson and the Philistine, by Pierino da Vinci.
Attributed works:
13. Graz, by Bottega Amedeo Benini after Matthaeus Merian. 1958. Fresco, 380 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
14. Krems, by Bastiano Veronese, Cesare Baglioni, Giovanni Lombardi and Turino da Piemonte. 1565. Fresco, 380 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
15. Watercolour after the original view of Graz in the first courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, by Carlo Chiostri. Before 1892. Watercolour on paper, 36 by 22 cm. (Landesarchiv Steiermark, Graz).
Attributed works:
16. The first courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, showing the view of Freiburg im Breisgau, behind the bronze putto. c.1860–90. Photograph, 19 by 25 cm. (Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna).
Attributed works:
2. Plan of the current identification of the frescos in the first courtyard, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence: 1. Vienna; 2. Innsbruck; 3. Kaiserebersdorf; 4. Konstanz; 5. Wiener Neustadt; 6. Hall in Tirol; 7. Sterzing; 8. Prague; 9. Passau; 10. Stein; 11. Klosterneuburg; 12. Graz; 13. Freiburg im Breisgau; 14. Linz; 15. Bratislava; a. Doorway to the Piazza della Signoria; b. Inscription by Giuseppe del Rosso (1812); c. Doorway to the Cortile della Dogana; d. Inscription by Messer Fabio Segni (1565); and e. Niche with Samson and the Philistine, by Pierino da Vinci.
Attributed works:
3. Below The first courtyard in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, showing the proposed location of frescos, by Vincenzo Borghini. North is on the left. 1565. Pen and ink, 21.3 by 15.2 cm. (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence).
Attributed works:
4. Opposite The first courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, looking north. (Photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
5. Inscription by Giuseppe del Rosso. c.1812. Fresco, 380 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
6. Trieste, by Bastiano Veronese, Cesare Baglioni, Giovanni Lombardi and Turino da Piemonte. 1565. Fresco, 160 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
7. Opposite top left Actual delineation of the city of Brysach, as seen from morning to evening (east view); and The city of Brysach, as seen from evening to morning (west view), from M. Merian: Topographia Alsatiae, Frankfurt c.1650. Etching, 28.8 cm by 38 cm. (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna).
Attributed works:
8. Opposite top right Breisach, by Bastiano Veronese, Cesare Baglioni, Giovanni Lombardi and Turino da Piemonte. 1565. Fresco, 160 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
9. Opposite below Fresco of Innsbruck in Palazzo Vecchio, by Julius von Ficker. 1860s. Photograph, 60 by 40 cm. (Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck).
Exhibition Review
Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: Taking Stock in Italy
08/1975 | 869 | 117
Pages: 564-566
related names
Fremantle, Richard (Fremantle, Richard)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
97. Battle Scene of the Punic Wars, Attributed to Bernardino Poccetti. Cartoon for Tapestry, c. 106 by 122 cm. (Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, No. 107473).