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20 articles
Paolo Stella’s Belvedere: a Genoese outpost in Prague
11/2022 | 1436 | 164
Pages: 1088-1103
related names
Schulz, Anne Markham (Schulz, Anne Markham)
Attributed works:
1. The west front of the Belvedere, Prague. (Photograph Jan Bazant).
Attributed works:
10. Charles V liberating Christian captives, by Giovanni Domenico Stella(?). Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, east side [11E]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
11. Meeting of King Mulay Hassan and Charles V, by Giovanni Domenico Stella(?). Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, east side [13E]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
12. King Ferdinand and Queen Anna, by an assistant of Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, west side [3W]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
13. Plexippos and Toxeus, sons of Thestius, carrying the head of the Caledonian Boar, by Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, south side [5S]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
14. Perseus and Atlas, by Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, north side [4N]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
15. Hermes and Battus, by Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, west side [7W]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
16. Cadmus and the dragon, by Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, west side [13W]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
17. Jason and the Golden Fleece, by Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, west side [2W]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
18. Zeus and Ganymede, by an assistant of Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, west side [8W]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
19. Hannibal and Scipio Africanus, by an assistant of Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, north side [2N]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
2. Detail from Miracle of the Goblet, by Giammaria Mosca and Paolo Stella. 1520–29. (Cappella del Santo, Basilica di S. Antonio, Padua; photograph Mauro Magliani).
Attributed works:
20. Mago the Carthaginian reaping grain, by an assistant of Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, west side [6W]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
21. Leda and the swan, by Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, west side [11W]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
22. Perseus and Andromeda, by Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, north side [3N]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
23. Garden façade of the Villa Doria, Genoa. (Photograph Alinari).
Attributed works:
3. Detail of Fig.2, showing the central kneeling woman. (Photograph Mauro Magliani).
Attributed works:
4. Hope, from the tomb of Lodovico Euffreducci, S. Francesco, Fermo, by Paolo Stella. (Diocesan Museum, Fermo; photograph Mauro Magliani).
Attributed works:
5. St Thomas Aquinas, by Paolo Stella. c.1525. Marble, height 161 cm. (SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice; photograph Anne Markham Schulz).
Attributed works:
6. Tomb of Giovanni Battista Bonzio. 1525–26. (SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice).
Attributed works:
7. Tomb of Lodovico Euffreducci. c.1528–29. (S. Francesco, Fermo; photograph Mauro Magliani).
Attributed works:
8. Pursuit of fleeing Tunisians by imperial forces, by Giovanni Domenico Stella(?). Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, east side [9E]; photograph Prague Castle).
Attributed works:
9. Danaë, by Paolo Stella. Plaster cast after sandstone original, 70 by 134 cm. (Belvedere, Prague, west side [10W]; photograph Prague Castle).
Book Review
Engaging the Ottoman Empire: Vexed Mediations, 1690–1815
06/2022 | 1431 | 164
Pages: 628-630
related names
Born, Robert (Born, Robert)
Reviewed Items
Engaging the Ottoman Empire: Vexed Mediations, 1690–1815 By Daniel O’Quinn. 552 pp. incl. 29 col. + 11 b. & w. ills. (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2019), $75. ISBN 978–0–8122– 5060–2. | :
Attributed works:
5. Title page of Tableau général de l’Empire Othoman, Paris 1787–1820, by Jean Baptiste Simonet after Jean Michel Moreau le jeune. c.1787. Etching, 36 by 24 cm. (British Museum, London).
Exhibition Review
A Tale of Two Women Painters: Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
01/2020 | 1402 | 162
Pages: 59-61
related names
Barker, Sheila (Barker, Sheila)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
A Tale of Two Women Painters: Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 22nd October 2019–2nd February | :
Attributed works:
10. Bernardino Campi painting Sofonisba Anguissola, by Sofonisba Anguissola. c.1559. Oil on canvas, 111 by 109.5 cm. (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena; exh. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid; Photo Scala, Florence).
Attributed works:
11. Mars and Venus, by Lavinia Fontana. c.1595. Oil on canvas, 140 by 116 cm. (Fundación Casa de Alba, Madrid; exh. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid).
Exhibition Review
Velázquez, Rembrandt, Vermeer: Parallel Visions. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid; and Rembrandt–Velázquez: Dutch and Spanish Masters. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
01/2020 | 1402 | 162
Pages: 61-64
related names
Kent, Isabelle (Kent, Isabelle )
Reviewed Items
Velázquez, Rembrandt, Vermeer: Parallel Visions Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 25th June–29th September 2019 Rembrandt–Velázquez: Dutch and Spanish Masters Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 11th October 2019–19th January | :
Attributed works:
12. View of the gardens of the Villa Medici in Rome, by Diego Velázquez. c.1630. Oil on canvas, 48.5 by 43 cm. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid; exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
13. View of houses in Delft (the little street), by Johannes Vermeer. c.1658. Oil on canvas, 54.3 by 44 cm. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
14. Agnus Dei, by Francisco de Zurbarán. 1635– 40. Oil on canvas, 37.3 by 62 cm. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
15. Interior of the Sint- Odulphuskerk in Assendelft, by Pieter Jansz Saenredam. 1649. Oil on panel, 49.6 by 75 cm. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Changed locations: the Habsburg cityscapes in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence
07/2019 | 1396 | 161
Pages: 544-555
related names
Concin, Adriana (Concin, Adriana)
Attributed works:
1. The first courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, looking south, showing the frescos of Konstanz and (behind the column) Wiener Neustadt. (Photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
10. Kaiserebersdorf and Sterzing, by Bastiano Veronese, Cesare Baglioni, Giovanni Lombardi and Turino da Piemonte. 1565. Frescos, 120 by 215 cm. and 160 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Fig.10, showing the view of Sterzing.
Attributed works:
12. Plan of the proposed identification of the frescos in the first courtyard, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence: 1. Vienna; 2. Innsbruck; 3. Kaiserebersdorf; 4. Sterzing; 5. Konstanz; 6. Wiener Neustadt; 7. Hall in Tirol; 8. Trieste; 9. Breisach; 10. Passau; 11. Stein/Krems; 12. Klosterneuburg; 13. Graz; 14. Freiburg im Breisgau; 15. Linz; 16. Bratislava; 17. Formerly Prague, destroyed by Giuseppe del Rosso's inscription (1812); a. Doorway to Piazza della Signoria; b. Doorway to the Cortile della Dogana; c. Inscription by Messer Fabio Segni (1565); and d. Niche with Samson and the Philistine, by Pierino da Vinci.
Attributed works:
13. Graz, by Bottega Amedeo Benini after Matthaeus Merian. 1958. Fresco, 380 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
14. Krems, by Bastiano Veronese, Cesare Baglioni, Giovanni Lombardi and Turino da Piemonte. 1565. Fresco, 380 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
15. Watercolour after the original view of Graz in the first courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, by Carlo Chiostri. Before 1892. Watercolour on paper, 36 by 22 cm. (Landesarchiv Steiermark, Graz).
Attributed works:
16. The first courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, showing the view of Freiburg im Breisgau, behind the bronze putto. c.1860–90. Photograph, 19 by 25 cm. (Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna).
Attributed works:
2. Plan of the current identification of the frescos in the first courtyard, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence: 1. Vienna; 2. Innsbruck; 3. Kaiserebersdorf; 4. Konstanz; 5. Wiener Neustadt; 6. Hall in Tirol; 7. Sterzing; 8. Prague; 9. Passau; 10. Stein; 11. Klosterneuburg; 12. Graz; 13. Freiburg im Breisgau; 14. Linz; 15. Bratislava; a. Doorway to the Piazza della Signoria; b. Inscription by Giuseppe del Rosso (1812); c. Doorway to the Cortile della Dogana; d. Inscription by Messer Fabio Segni (1565); and e. Niche with Samson and the Philistine, by Pierino da Vinci.
Attributed works:
3. Below The first courtyard in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, showing the proposed location of frescos, by Vincenzo Borghini. North is on the left. 1565. Pen and ink, 21.3 by 15.2 cm. (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence).
Attributed works:
4. Opposite The first courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, looking north. (Photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
5. Inscription by Giuseppe del Rosso. c.1812. Fresco, 380 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
6. Trieste, by Bastiano Veronese, Cesare Baglioni, Giovanni Lombardi and Turino da Piemonte. 1565. Fresco, 160 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
7. Opposite top left Actual delineation of the city of Brysach, as seen from morning to evening (east view); and The city of Brysach, as seen from evening to morning (west view), from M. Merian: Topographia Alsatiae, Frankfurt c.1650. Etching, 28.8 cm by 38 cm. (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna).
Attributed works:
8. Opposite top right Breisach, by Bastiano Veronese, Cesare Baglioni, Giovanni Lombardi and Turino da Piemonte. 1565. Fresco, 160 by 215 cm. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence; photograph Francesco Guazzelli).
Attributed works:
9. Opposite below Fresco of Innsbruck in Palazzo Vecchio, by Julius von Ficker. 1860s. Photograph, 60 by 40 cm. (Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck).
Book Review
Habsburg Tapestries (Studies in Western Tapestry, 4)
04/2019 | 1393 | 161
Pages: 348-349
related names
Cleland, Elizabeth A.H. (Cleland, Elizabeth A.H.)
Reviewed Items
Habsburg Tapestries (Studies in Western Tapestry, 4) By Iain Buchanan. | :
Attributed works:
4. Detail of Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, designed by Pieter Coecke van Aelst and woven in Willem de Pannemaker’s workshop. Before 1544. Wool, silk and precious-metal wrapped threads, 458 by 776 cm. (Patrimonio Nacional, Madrid).
Exhibition Review
The Art of Power: Habsburg Women in the Renaissance. Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck
10/2018 | 1387 | 160
Pages: 852-854
related names
Fössel, Amalie (Fössel, Amalie)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
4. Margaret of Austria, by Conrat Meit. c.1518. Pear wood (?), 7.7 by 7.2 by 4.6 cm. (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich; exh. Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck).
Attributed works:
5. Tapestry with the arms of Margaret of Austria, by Henri van Lacke, Edingen. 1528. Silk and wool, 301 by 375 cm. (Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest; exh. Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck).
Non-western art unattributed:
6. Folding fan. Sri Lanka, 1542. Ivory and ebony, 43 by 33 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna; exh. Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck)
Book Review
Sculpture Collections in Early Modern Spain, K. Helmstutler Di Dio and R. Coppel
11/2014 | 1340 | 156
Pages: 763-764
related names
Trusted, Marjorie (Trusted, Marjorie)
Attributed works:
52. Samson slaying a Philistine, by Giambologna (Victoria and Albert Museum, London)
Book Review
Los inventarios de Carlos V y la familia imperial
08/2011 | 1301 | 153
Pages: 541-542
related names
Mulcahy, Rosemarie (Mulcahy, Rosemarie)
Reviewed Items
Los inventarios de Carlos V y la familia imperial | author: Cremades, Fernando Checa , editor: García, Juan Luis González
Book Review
Women of Distinction. Margaret of York and Margaret of Austria
08/2006 | 1241 | 148
Pages: 553
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