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2207 articles
Exhibition Review
Thinking Small: Dutch Art to Scale
07/2024 | 1456 | 166
Pages: 717–29
related names
Golahny, Amy (Golahny, Amy)
Reviewed Items
Thinking Small: Dutch Art to Scale Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 18th November 2023 –3rd November 2024 | :
Attributed works:
4. Floral still life, by Dirck van Rijswijck. 17th century. Oak panel, ebony, rosewood, mother-of-pearl and African blackwood, 43.7 by 33.5 cm. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston).
Attributed works:
5. Tromp l’oeil, by Cornelis Norbertus Gijsbrechts. 1663. Oil on canvas, 73.7 by 86.4 cm. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston).
Exhibition Review
Sonia Delaunay: Living Art
06/2024 | 1455 | 166
Pages: 639–641
related names
Cooke, Lynne (Cooke, Lynne)
Reviewed Items
Sonia Delaunay: Living Art. Edited by Waleria Dorogova and Laura Microulis. 540 pp. incl. numerous col. ills. (Bard Graduate Center, New York, 2024), $75. ISBN 978–0–30027–576–6. | :
Sonia Delaunay: Living Art Bard Graduate Center, New York 23rd February–7th July | :
Attributed works:
21. Detail of La prose du Transsibérien et de la Petite Jehanne de France, by Sonia Delaunay and Blaise Cendrars. 1913. Gouache pochoir, type and lithography on paper and handpainted parchment wrapper. (© Pracusa; Spencer Collection, New York Public Library; exh. Bard Graduate Center, New York).
Attributed works:
22. Cloche and scarf, by Sonia Delaunay. 1924–24. Felted wool (cloche) and felted appliqué on silk (scarf), 62.9 by 129.5 cm (scarf). (© Pracusa; private collection; exh. Bard Graduate Center, New York).
Attributed works:
23. Rythmes couleurs ou panneau F 1898, by Sonia Delaunay. 1975. Wool tapestry, 260 by 343 cm. (© Pracusa; Mobilier national, Paris; exh. Bard Graduate Center, New York).
Renaissance exhibitions in Paris
06/2024 | 1455 | 166
Pages: 612–619
related names
Herman, Nicholas (Herman, Nicholas)
Reviewed Items
The Invention of the Renaissance: the Humanist, the Prince and the Artist, Bibliothèque national de France, 20 February16 June 2024. Les arts en France sous Charles VII, Musée de Cluny – Musée national du Moyen Âge, 12 March–16 June 2024. | :
Attributed works:
1. Jacopo Antonio Marcello, attributed to Jacopo Bellini. 1453. Tempera on parchment, 18.7 by 13 cm. (Bibliothèque national de France, Paris, MS 940, fol.38v).
Attributed works:
2. Frontispiece. (From Giovanni Michele Nagonio: De laudibus Galliae, Rome c.1500.) Ink and tempera on parchment, 27 by 16 cm. (Bibliothèque national de France, Paris, MS latin 8132, fols.8v–9r).
Attributed works:
3. St John on Patmos from the Hours of Frederick III, by Jean Bourdichon, Giovanni Todeschino and the Master of Claude de France. 1501–02. Tempera on parchment, 24.5 by 15.5 cm. (Bibliothèque national de France, Paris, MS latin 10532, p.62).
Attributed works:
4. Manuscript binding, by Étienne Roffet. c.1542–43. Gilt-tooled leather, 33.5 by 23 cm. (Bibliothèque national de France, Paris, MS latin 6866, upper cover).
Attributed works:
5. So-called dais of Charles VII, perhaps after a design by Jacob de Littemont. c.1430–40. Wool and silk, 292 by 285 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
6. Supplicant in prayer, excised leaf of the Collins Hours, by the Master of the Collins Hours. c.1445–50. Tempera and ink on parchment, 18.5 by 12.5 cm. (Musée de Cluny–Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris, MS Cl.23945).
Attributed works:
7. Detail of the central panel of the Aix Triptych showing the books on the Virgin’s lectern, by Barthélemy d’Eyck. 1443–44. Oil on panel. (Sainte-Madeleine, Aix-en-Provence; photograph the author).
Exhibition Review
Saul Leiter: An Unfinished World
05/2024 | 1454 | 166
Pages: 504–507
related names
Stein, Lisa (Stein, Lisa)
Reviewed Items
Saul Leiter: An Unfinished World MK Gallery, Milton Keynes 17th February–2nd JuneSaul Leiter: An Unfinished World MK Gallery, Milton Keynes 17th February–2nd June | :
Attributed works:
10. Canopy, by Saul Leiter. 1958. Cibachrome print, 35.6 by 27.9 cm. (Saul Leiter Foundation; exh. MK Gallery, Milton Keynes).
Attributed works:
11. Mirrors, by Saul Leiter. c.1962. Chromogenic print, 35.6 by 27.9 cm. (Saul Leiter Foundation; exh. MK Gallery, Milton Keynes).
Attributed works:
12. Jay, by Saul Leiter. c.1958, printed 1970s. Gelatin silver print, 25 by 20 cm. (Saul Leiter Foundation; exh. MK Gallery, Milton Keynes).
Attributed works:
13. Through boards, by Saul Leiter. 1957. Cibachrome print, 35.6 by 27.9 cm. (Saul Leiter Foundation; exh. MK Gallery, Milton Keynes).
Book Review
The Hub of the World: Art in Eighteenth-Century Rome
05/2024 | 1454 | 166
Pages: 515–518
related names
Zafran, Eric (Zafran, Eric)
art literature:
art literature:
Reviewed Items
The Hub of the World: Art in Eighteenth-Century Rome Edited by Alan P. Wintermute, with contributions by Edgar Peters Bowron, Alvar González-Palacios, J. Patrice Marandel and Melissa Beck Lemke. 360 pp. incl. numerous col. + b. & w. ills. (Nicholas Hall, New York, 2023), $65. ISBN 978–1–7326492–5–5. | :
Attributed works:
10. Study for St Louis Gonzago, by Pompeo Batoni. 1744. Red and white chalk on paper, 19.3 by 7.1 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
11. Two English gentlemen before the Arch of Constantine, by Anton von Maron. 1767. Oil on canvas, 137 by 100.5 cm. (Private collection)
Attributed works:
9. Caricature of Pompeo Batoni, by Giuseppe Cades. c.1780. Pen and ink on paper, 11.3 by 8.3 cm. (Philadelphia Museum of Art).
Book Review
The Touch of Pygmalion: Rubens and Sculpture in Rome
05/2024 | 1454 | 166
Pages: 512–515
related names
Pierguidi, Stefano (Pierguidi, Stefano)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Touch of Pygmalion: Rubens and Sculpture in Rome Edited by Francesca Cappelletti and Lucia Simonato. 232 pp. incl. numerous col. + b. & w. ills. (Electa, Milan, 2023), €42. 978–88–928–2478–2. | :
Attributed works:
6. Two studies after the Spinario, by Peter Paul Rubens. 1602. Red chalk, heightened with white, with later grey background wash, on paper. 26.1 by 36 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
7. Death of Adonis, by Peter Paul Rubens. c.1614. Oil on canvas, 212 by 325 cm. (Israel Museum, Jerusalem).
Attributed works:
8. Agrippina and Germanicus, by Peter Paul Rubens. c.1614. Oil on panel, 66.4 by 57 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Exhibition Review
John Craxton: A Modern Odyssey
04/2024 | 1453 | 166
Pages: 405–408
related names
Spalding, Frances (Spalding, Frances)
Reviewed Items
John Craxton: A Modern Odyssey Pallant House Gallery, Chichester 28th October 2023–21st April 2024 | :
Attributed works:
17. Hare on a table, by John Craxton. 1944–46. Oil on board, 51 by 63.4 cm. (© Estate of John Craxton and DACS, London; Pallant House Gallery, Chichester).
Attributed works:
18. Galatas, by John Craxton. 1947. Oil on canvas on hardboard, 76 by 101.5 cm. (British Council Collection; exh. Pallant House Gallery, Chichester)
Attributed works:
19. Cover for ‘A Time of Gifts’, by John Craxton. 1977. Original work of art for book cover illustration. (© Estate of John Craxton and DACS, London; private collection; exh. Pallant House Gallery, Chichester).
Exhibition Review
European Paintings 1300–1800 galleries Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
04/2024 | 1453 | 166
Pages: 392–395
related names
Pergam, Elizabeth (Pergam, Elizabeth)
Reviewed Items
European Paintings 1300–1800 galleries Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York From 20th November 2023 | :
Attributed works:
1. Esther before Ahasuerus, by Artemisia Gentileschi. 1620s. Oil on canvas, 273.7 by 208.3 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
2. Installation view of gallery 600 of European Paintings: 1300–1800 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 2023.
Attributed works:
4. Don Andrés de Andrade y la Cal, by Bartolomé Estebán Murillo. c.1665–72. Oil on canvas, 119.4 by 200.7 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Western art unattributed:
3. Installation view of gallery 626 of European Paintings 1300–1800 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2023, showing Our Lady of Valvanera. Cuzco, c.1770–80. Oil and gold on canvas, 243.5 by 203.4 cm.
Book Review
London’s South Bank: The History
04/2024 | 1453 | 166
Pages: 431–432
related names
Newman, Jon (Newman, Jon)
Reviewed Items
8. Thames Arachnid, by John Bryce. 2009. Engraving, 25 by 25 cm. (© John Bryce). | :
Book Review
Luca Giordano: Maestro barocco a Firenze
03/2024 | 1452 | 166
Pages: 306–309
related names
Volpi, Caterina (Volpi, Caterina)
Reviewed Items
Luca Giordano: Maestro barocco a Firenze Edited by Riccardo Lattuada, Giuseppe Scavizzi and Valentina Zucchi. 192 pp. incl. 105 col. + b. & w. ills. (Officina Libraria, Rome, 2023), €30. ISBN 978–88–336–7236–6. | :
Attributed works:
1. Installation view of Luca Giordano: Maestro barocco a Firenze at the Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence, 2023.
Attributed works:
2. Triumph of the Riccardi, detail of the Apotheosis of the Medici in the Galleria degli Specchi, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, by Luca Giordano. 1682–85. Fresco. (Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence).
Attributed works:
3. Apotheosis of the Medici, by Luca Giordano. 1682–85. Oil on canvas, 139 by 65.2 cm. (National Gallery London).
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