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4 articles
Short Notice
A 'Madonna with Child and Angels' of 1607 by Hendrick Goltzius
04/1970 | 805 | 112
Pages: 232-233+235
related names
Müller Hofstede, Justus (Müller Hofstede, Justus; Hofstede, Justus Müller)
Attributed works:
44. Monogram and date on the Madonna by Goltzius reproduced in Fig.47. 45. Head of a Seraph, by Hendrik Goltzius. Chalk, 30 by 22.5 cm. (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Besançon.).47. Madonna and Child with Angels, by Hendrik Goltzius. Signed and dated 1607. Canvas, 132 by 100 cm. (Private Collection, Munich.)
A New Rubens Cartoon?
12/1964 | 741 | 106
Pages: 575+581
related names
Bean, Jacob (Bean, Jacob; Bean, J.)
Müller Hofstede, Justus (Müller Hofstede, Justus; Hofstede, Justus Müller)
Western art unattributed:
30. Fragment of a Battle Scene, Here Attributed to the School of Raphael, Retouched by Rubens. Pen and Brush with Bistre on Brown-Toned Paper, 39.5 by 24.6 cm. (Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam.)
Rubens's First Bozzetto for Sta. Maria in Vallicella
10/1964 | 739 | 106
Pages: 440+442-451
related names
Müller Hofstede, Justus (Müller Hofstede, Justus; Hofstede, Justus Müller)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. SS. Gregory, Domitilla, Maurus and Papianus, by Peter Paul Rubens. Canvas, 148 by 118 cm. (Private Collection, Switzerland.)
Attributed works:
10. I sei Santi, by Niccolò Boldrini after Titian. Woodcut. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.)
Attributed works:
11. SS. Gregory, Maurus and Papianus, Domitilla, Nereus and Achilleus, by Peter Paul Rubens. Brush and Brown Ink over Black Chalk, 73.5 by 43.5 cm. (Musée Fabre, Montpellier.)
Attributed works:
12. St Domitilla, by Peter Paul Rubens. Oil on Paper Mounted on Panel, 75 by 56 cm. (Accademia Carrara, Bergamo.)
Attributed works:
13. SS. Gregory, Maurus and Papianus, Domitilla, Nereus and Achilleus, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 61.5 by 46.5 cm. (Collection Count Seilern, London.)
Attributed works:
14. SS. Gregory, Domitilla, Maurus and Papianus, Nereus and Achilleus, by Peter Paul Rubens. Canvas, 474 by 286 cm. (Musée de Peintre et de Sculpture, Grenoble.)
Attributed works:
2. Detail from Bozzetto Reproduced in Fig.1, Showing Head of St Gregory.
Attributed works:
3. Detail from Bozzetto Reproduced in Fig.1, Showing Head of St Domitilla.
Attributed works:
4. SS. Gregory, Domitilla, Maurus and Papianus, by Peter Paul Rubens. Canvas, 146 by 119 cm. (In the Care of the Oberfinanzdirektion, Munich.)
Attributed works:
5. Cardinal Baronius in His 'Studiolo', by Philipp Galle after Francesco Villamena. 1602-3. Engraving. (Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam.)
Attributed works:
6. SS. Gregory, Maurus and Papianus, Domitilla and Petronilla (?), by Peter Paul Rubens. Pen and Brown Ink, 21 by 37 cm. (Burchard Collection, London.)
Attributed works:
7. St Domitilla, by Peter Paul Rubens. Brush and Pen with Brown Ink, 47 by 31.5 cm. (Burchard Collection, London.)
Attributed works:
8. Detail from Engraving Reproduced in Fig.5, Showing Devotional Picture on Cardinal Baronius's Desk.
Attributed works:
9. SS. Gregory, Maurus, Papianus and an Unknown Legionary, Domitilla, Nereus and Achilleus, by J.-B. de Wit, after Peter Paul Rubens. Etching (Reproduced in Reverse.) (Albertina, Vienna.)
An Early Rubens Conversion of St Paul. The Beginning of His Preoccupation with Leonardo's Battle of Anghiari
03/1964 | 732 | 106
Pages: 94-103+105-106
related names
Müller Hofstede, Justus (Müller Hofstede, Justus; Hofstede, Justus Müller)
Attributed works:
1. Conversion of St Paul, Here Attributed to Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 72 by 103 cm. (House of the Burgomaster Rockox, Antwerp.)
Attributed works:
10. Battle of the Amazons, by Peter Paul Rubens. Pen, 25.2 by 43 cm. (British Museum.)
Attributed works:
11. Fight for the Standard, by Peter Paul Rubens. Black and Red Chalk with Wash, 41.5 by 52.2 cm. (British Museum.)
Attributed works:
12. The Battle of Anghiari, by Lorenzo Zacchia after Leonardo da Vinci. Engraving. 1558. (Albertina, Vienna.)
Attributed works:
13. The Battle of Anghiari, by Peter Paul Rubens. Black and White Chalk, Pen and Point of the Brush, Wash, and Gouache, 45.2 by 63.7 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Musée du Louvre.)
Attributed works:
14. The Battle of Anghiari, by an Unknown Artist after Peter Paul Rubens. Pencil, 43.5 by 56.5 cm. (Collection Queen of the Netherlands, Loo Castle.)
Attributed works:
15. The Battle of Anghiari, by Peter Paul Rubens. Canvas, 82.5 by 117 cm. (Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna.)
Attributed works:
2. Entombment, by Peter Paul Rubens. Canvas, 180 by 137 cm. (Galleria Borghese, Rome.)
Attributed works:
3. Left half of Plate in Equile Joannis Austriaci Caroli V Imperatoris Filii, by Hendrick Goltzius after Stradanus. (Staatliche Graphische Sammlungen, Munich.)
Attributed works:
4. Lamentation, by Peter Paul Rubens. Copper, 27.7 by 24.1 cm. (Formerly Collection Harry Sperling, New York.)
Attributed works:
5. Detail from Conversion of St Paul, by Peter Paul Rubens Reproduced in Fig. 1.
Attributed works:
6. Conversion of St Paul. Engraving by Enea Vico after Francesco Salviati. 1545. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.)
Attributed works:
7. Conversion of St Paul, by Peter Paul Rubens. Pen and Wash, with White Body Colour, 22.2 by 32.9 cm. (Collection Count Seilern, London.)
Attributed works:
8. Detail from Conversion of St Paul, by Peter Paul Rubens Reproduced in Fig. 1.
Attributed works:
9. Standard-Bearer, after Leonardo's Battle of Anghiari, by an Unknown Artist. Pen and Black Ink on Red Brown Tinted Paper, Heightened with White, 24.5 by 23.9 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Musée du Louvre.)