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5 articles
Poussin and opera: the subject of ‘Landscape with a man killed by a snake’
06/2023 | 1443 | 165
Pages: 590–600
related names
Jewitt, James R. (Jewitt, James R.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Landscape with a man killed by a snake, here identified as Landscape with Aristaeus and Python, by Nicolas Poussin. 1648. Oil on canvas, 118.2 by 197.8 cm. (National Gallery, London; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
10. Landscape with Polyphemus, by Nicolas Poussin. 1649. Oil on canvas, 148.5 by 197.5 cm. (State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg; photograph Vladimir Terebenin).
Attributed works:
2. Landscape with a man killed by a snake, by Étienne Baudet after Nicolas Poussin. 1701. Engraving with etching, 57.5 by 76.0 cm. (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris).
Attributed works:
3. Landscape with a man killed by a snake, by J.M.W. Turner after Nicolas Poussin. 1799. Ink and watercolour with scraping-out on white wove paper, 7.9 by 13 cm. (Tate Britain, London).
Attributed works:
4. Landscape with Orpheus and Eurydice, by Nicolas Poussin. c.1650. Oil on canvas, 124 by 200 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
5. The Arcadian shepherds, by Nicolas Poussin. c.1638–40. Oil on canvas, 85 by 121 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
6. Detail of Fig.1, showing the running figure.
Attributed works:
7. The death of Eurydice, by Nicolas Poussin. c.1626. Oil on canvas, 63 by 77 cm. (Private collection; courtesy Robilant+Voena).
Attributed works:
8. The death of Eurydice, by Niccolò dell’Abate. c.1552–71. Oil on canvas, 189.2 by 237.5 cm. (National Gallery, London; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
9. Aristaeus. Roman. c. AD 130–38. Marble, height 196 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris; Bridgeman Images).
Short Notice
Joséphine Bowes’s gift to Napoleon III: Antoine-Jean Gros’s ‘Napoleon distributing the cross of the Legion of Honour to artists during his visit to the Salon of 1808’
06/2023 | 1443 | 165
Pages: 626-629
related names
Phillips, Judith (Phillips, Judith)
Spier, Simon (Spier, Simon)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
7. Napoleon distributing the Cross of the Legion of Honour to artists during his visit to the Salon of 1808, by Antoine-Jean Gros. 1808. Oil on canvas, 350 by 640 cm. (Château de Versailles; Bridgeman Images).
Western art unattributed:
8. Writing desk. France, c.1750. Lacquer with gilded bronze mounts, 105 by 120 by 60 cm. (Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle).
Revisiting Titian’s ‘Flight into Egypt’ at Ca’ Loredan, Venice
01/2021 | 1414 | 163
Pages: 28-33
related names
Jewitt, James R. (Jewitt, James R.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Flight into Egypt, by Titian. c.1507. Oil on canvas, 204 by 324.5 cm. excluding eighteenth-century addition of ten centimetres to the righthand edge. (State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg).
Attributed works:
2. Allegorical figure (Diligence?), by Antonio Zanetti, after Titian. 1760. Etching with watercolour, 28.7 by 20.5 cm. (Biblioteca Hertziana, Rome).
Attributed works:
3. Façade of the Ca’ Vendramin Calergi (formerly Ca’ Loredan), by Mauro Codussi (completed by Domenico Codussi?). c.1502–09. (San Marcuola, Cannaregio, Venice).
Attributed works:
4. Judgment of Solomon, by Sebastiano del Piombo. c.1505–10. Oil on canvas, 208 by 315 cm. (Bankes Collection, The National Trust, Kingston Lacy, Dorset).
Attributed works:
5. The portego on the first piano nobile, Ca’ Vendramin Calergi (formerly Ca’ Loredan), San Marcuola, Cannaregio, Venice, with eighteenthcentury fittings. (Photograph courtesy Ca’ Vendramin Calergi).
Attributed works:
6. Virgin and Child with four saints, by Titian and studio. c.1517–20. Oil on panel, 139 by 191 cm. (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Gemäldegalerie, Dresden).
‘Eliza Fortuna’: reconsidering the Ditchley portrait of Elizabeth I
05/2014 | 1334 | 156
Pages: 293-298
related names
Jewitt, James R. (Jewitt, James R.)
Attributed works:
1. Allegory of Fortune, by Frans Francken II (Musée du Louvre, Paris)
Attributed works:
2. Queen Elizabeth I (the Ditchley portrait), by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger (National Portrait Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
3. Detail of John Farnham, gentleman pensioner to Elizabeth I, by Steven van Herwijck (Worcester Art Museum, Worcester MA)
Attributed works:
4. Fortuna, by Theodor de Bry. Engraving. Printed in T. de Bry: Emblemata Nobilitati, Fankfurt 1592, no.3 (Victoria and Albert Museum, London)
Western art unattributed:
5. Detail of Queen Elizabeth I, by an unknown artist (Elizabethan Club, Yale University, New Haven)
Weaving together an identity in Nicolas Poussin’s ‘Landscape with an anchorite saint’
05/2011 | 1298 | 153
Pages: 307-311
related names
Jewitt, James R. (Jewitt, James R.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
13. Landscape with an anchorite saint, here identified as Landscape with St Paul the Hermit, by Nicolas Poussin. c.1636–37. Canvas, 155 by 234 cm. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid).
Attributed works:
14. Sts Paul the Hermit and Anthony Abbot, by Andrea Sacchi. c.1630–40. Canvas, 141 by 141 cm. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid).
Attributed works:
15. St Paul the Hermit, by Jusepe de Ribera. 1640. Canvas, 143 by 143 cm. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid).