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5 articles
Days with Velázquez: when Charles Lewis Hind bought the ‘Rokeby Venus’ for Lockett Agnew
05/2016 | 1358 | 158
Pages: 358–367
related names
Pezzini, Barbara (Pezzini, Barbara)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
30. The toilet of Venus ('The Rokeby Venus'), by Diego Velázquez. 1647-51 (National Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
31. Portrait of Gerolamo (?) Barbarigo, by Titian. c.1510 (National Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
33. Agnew's daybook, opened to show the entry on 'Venus and Cupid', dated 14th March 1906, with the stock number of the painting (1714) noted and initialled W.L.A. [William Lockett Agnew]. (National Gallery Archive, London)
Attributed works:
34. Charles Lewis Hind, by Emil Otto Hoppé. c.1920. Photograph in C.L. Hind: Naphtali, London, 1926
Attributed works:
36. Agnew's stock book entry for the sale of the Rokeby Venus, in which purchase price and 'service charges' are given in code ('melee' = £30,000, 'ueee' = £2,000). (National Gallery Archive, London)
Western art unattributed:
32. 'Venus and Cupid. Foreign bids for the famous picture', newspaper cutting from the Evening Standard of 7th December 1905 (National Gallery Archive, London)
Western art unattributed:
35. The sitting room at Rokeby Park, Yorkshire, showing the Venus, 1905. Photograph reproduced from The Pall Mall Magazine (October 1905), p.421
Western art unattributed:
37. Lockett Agnew, c.1912 (National Gallery Archive, London)
Western art unattributed:
38. The Rokeby Venus in an advertisement in The Burlington Magazine 8 (March 1906), p.ix
Western art unattributed:
39. 'The Rokeby Velasquez Official Announcement'. Newspaper cutting from The Westminster Gazette of 24th January 1906 (National Gallery Archive, London)
‘Blown into glittering by the popular breath’: the ­relationship between George Romney’s critical reputation and the art market
07/2015 | 1348 | 157
Pages: 465-473
related names
Mitchell, Alycen (Mitchell, Alycen)
Pezzini, Barbara (Pezzini, Barbara)
Attributed works:
24. The Vernon children, by George Romney. 1785 (Present location unknown)
Attributed works:
25. Lady Hamilton as a bacchante, by George Romney. 1782-84 (Tate, London)
Attributed works:
26. Richard Cumberland, by George Romney. 1776 (National Portrait Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
27. Emma, Lady Hamilton, by George Romney. c.1785 (National Portrait Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
28. The parson's daughter, by George Romney. c.1785 (Tate, London)
Attributed works:
29. The Beaumont family, by George Romney. 1777-79 (Tate, London)
Attributed works:
30. Charles Lewis Hind: Masterpieces in Colour, London 1907. Cover image Mrs Mary Robinson, by George Romney. 1780-81 (Wallace Collection, London)
Attributed works:
33. Lady Anne de la Pole, by George Romney. c.1786 (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
Attributed works:
35. The Horsley children, by George Romney (Date, dimensions and present location unknown)
Attributed works:
36. Mrs Davies Davenport, by George Romney. 1782-84 (National Gallery of Art, Washington)
Attributed works:
37. The Gower family: The children of Granville, 2nd Earl Gower, by George Romney. c.1776-77 (Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendal)
Western art unattributed:
31. "At the pictures" - in the Law Courts?, The Daily Mirror (Wednesday 23rd May 1917)
Western art unattributed:
32. Lady Hamilton as 'Nature', The Connoisseur 7 (October 1903), p.61
Western art unattributed:
34. Lord Michaelham's collection sale at Hampton & Sons, illustrated with photographs of Pinkie, by Thomas Lawrence and Lady Anne de la Pole, by George Romney, as advertised in The Burlington Magazine 49 (September 1926), p.xi
Eye-witness accounts and silent dissent: The Burlington Magazine during the First World War
09/2014 | 1338 | 156
Pages: 580-589
related names
Pezzini, Barbara (Pezzini, Barbara)
art literature:
Attributed works:
13. Despair, by William Strang. 1889. Etching, drypoint and sandpaper tone, 25 by 20 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
14. Forward the guns!, by Lucy Kemp-Welch. 1917. Canvas, 152 by 306 cm. (Tate, London).
Attributed works:
15. The soldiers of King Albert at the Ready, by Walter Sickert. 1914. Canvas, 211.5 by 166.4 cm. (Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield).
Attributed works:
16. His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, KG, Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Scots Greys, by Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov. 1902. Canvas, 115 by 88 cm. (Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Museum, Edinburgh), as the frontispiece to Studio 66 (1915).
Attributed works:
17. 'Impressions of Brittany in War Time', by Francine Almond and William Douglas Almond, Studio 65 (1915), p.221.
Attributed works:
20. Martin Conway (second from the left) and the committee of the National War Museum, established in March 1917. Photograph. (Imperial War Museums, London).
Attributed works:
23. Three men in long military cloaks (German General Staff), by Roger Fry. 1915. Papier collé. (Present whereabouts unknown).
Attributed works:
24. The old houses at Mechelen after the fire, 1914. Photograph, from H. Kervyn de Lettenhove: 1914-1916. La guerre et les oeuvres d'art en Belgique, Brussels, 1917, no.64.
Western art unattributed:
18. 'French Military Medals', Connoisseur 52 (1918), p.117.
Western art unattributed:
19. 'The Oldest National War Museum in Europe', Connoisseur 49 (1917), p.93.
Western art unattributed:
21. 'Special Notice', The Burlington Magazine 25 (1914), p.325.
Western art unattributed:
22. The Burlington Magazine Consultative Committee, The Burlington Magazine 25 (1914), p.iv.
The 1912 Futurist exhibition at the Sackville Gallery, London: an avant-garde show within the old-master trade
07/2013 | 1324 | 155
Pages: 471-479
related names
Pezzini, Barbara (Pezzini, Barbara)
Attributed works:
25. Abstract rhythm of Mrs. M.S., by Gino Severini (Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, on loan from the Ayala and Sam Zacks Collection)
Attributed works:
26. Portrait of Mrs George Sibley-Braithwaite and her son Thomas Gracchus, by William Armfield Hobday (Whereabouts unknown)
Attributed works:
29. Women swimming, by Carlo Carrà (Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh)
Attributed works:
31. Leaving the theatre, by Carlo Carrà (Estorick Collection, London)
Western art unattributed:
22. Catalogue for Exhibition of works by the Italian Futurist Painters, The Sackville Gallery, London, 1912
Western art unattributed:
23. Advertisement for the Marlborough Gallery, London, from American Art News (10th May 1913)
Western art unattributed:
24. Gino Severini on the opening day of his exhibition at the Marlborough Gallery, London, 7th April 1913
Western art unattributed:
27. Advertisement for the Futurist exhibition at the Sackville Gallery, London, from The Burlington Magazine 20 (March 1912)
Western art unattributed:
28. Advertisement for the Sackville Gallery, London, from The Burlington Magazine 20 (January 1912)
Western art unattributed:
30. Advertisement from The Sackville Gallery catalogue, 1912
More Adey, the Carfax Gallery and ‘The Burlington Magazine’
12/2011 | 1305 | 153
Pages: 806-814
related names
Pezzini, Barbara (Pezzini, Barbara)
art literature:
art literature:
Attributed works:
32. Photograph of More Adey, by Vyvyan Holland, taken at Wotton-Under-Edge, c.1920. (Merlin Holland collection).
Attributed works:
33. The landslide, by Aubrey Beardsley. 1893. Frontispiece to B. Bjørnson: Pastor Sang, London 1893. (British Library, London).
Attributed works:
36. The marriage of the Virgin, known as the ‘Colibrant Triptych’, by Goswijn van der Weyden. c.1515–17. Panel. (St Gommarus Church, Lier).
Attributed works:
37. The rest on the flight into Egypt, by William Blake. 1806. Watercolour, pen and black ink over graphite, 35.1 by 37 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
38. The Crucifixion, attributed to Bernardo Daddi. c.1335–40. Gold and tempera on panel, 74.3 by 33.3 cm. (Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice).
Attributed works:
39. St Catherine of Alexandria, attributed to Bartolomeo di Giovanni. c.1490. Panel, 88.1 by 38 cm. (Present whereabouts unknown).
Attributed works:
40. The unknown god (Roger Fry preaching the new faith), by Henry Tonks. c.1912. Canvas, 41.5 by 56 cm. (Sale, Christie’s, London, 22nd November 1994, lot 184).
Western art unattributed:
34. Advertisement for Carfax & Co. (lower right). From the burlington magazine 7 (June 1905).
Western art unattributed:
35. Editors and Consultative Committee. From The Burlington Magazine 18 (November 1910).