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8 articles
Book Review
Al servei de l’altar: Tresors d’orfebreria de les esglésies Catalanes (segles IX–XIII)
04/2019 | 1393 | 161
Pages: 346-348
related names
O'Donnell, Maeve (O'Donnell, Maeve)
Reviewed Items
Al servei de l’altar: Tresors d’orfebreria de les esglésies Catalanes (segles IX–XIII) By Lourdes de Sanjosé i Llongueras. | :
Attributed works:
3. The second Horseman of the Apocalypse riding a red horse and holding a chalice, from the Girona Beatus. c.975. Parchment, 40 by 26 cm. (Cathedral of Girona, inv. no.7(11), f.63r).
'Scribe faber lima': A crozier in Florence Reconsidered
06/1979 | 915 | 121
Pages: 364-369+371
related names
Campbell, M. L. (Campbell, M. L.)
Western art unattributed:
37. Head of a crozier. English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel, 22.7 by 9 cm. (Bargello, Florence).
Western art unattributed:
38. Virtues and Vices on the Bargello crozier. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel, 22.7 by 9 cm. (Bargello, Florence).]
Western art unattributed:
39. Grotesques on the Bargello crozier. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel, 22.7 by 9 cm. (Bargello, Florence).]
Western art unattributed:
40. Grotesques on the Bargello crozier. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel, 22.7 by 9 cm. (Bargello, Florence).]
Western art unattributed:
41. Grotesques on the Bargello crozier. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel, 22.7 by 9 cm. (Bargello, Florence).]
Western art unattributed:
42. Detail of the Whithorn crozier. English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt and Champlevé Enamel, 20 by 9 cm. (On Loan to the National Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh).
Western art unattributed:
43. Detail of the Stem of the St David's crozier. English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper, Gilt and Engraved, Length of Stem 11 cm. (St David's Cathedral, Wales).
Western art unattributed:
44. Detail of the Stem of the St David's crozier. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper, Gilt and Engraved, Length of Stem 11 cm. (St David's Cathedral, Wales).]
Western art unattributed:
45. Samuel Anointing David. Detail of Fig. 37. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel, 22.7 by 9 cm. (Bargello, Florence).]
Western art unattributed:
46. David and Goliath. Detail of Fig. 37. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel, 22.7 by 9 cm. (Bargello, Florence).]
Western art unattributed:
47. David Beheading Goliath. Detail of Fig. 37. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel, 22.7 by 9 cm. (Bargello, Florence).]
Western art unattributed:
48. Casket, English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt and Champlevé Enamel, 5 by 7.9 by 10.8 cm. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston).
Western art unattributed:
49. Eton College Ms. 177. f6vr. English, Thirteenth Century. (Library, Eton College).
Western art unattributed:
50. B. L. Arundel Ms. 157, f. 19. English, c.1200. (British Library).
Western art unattributed:
51. Pierpont Morgan Library Ms. 619 Verso. English, 1160-80. (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York).
Western art unattributed:
52. Effigy of Bishop Roger of Salisbury (1107-50). (Nave South Arcade, Salisbury Cathedral).
Western art unattributed:
53. Dover Bible. English, c.1150. (Corpus Christi College, Cambridge).
Short Notice
The Whithorn Crozier, a Newly Discovered English Enamel
05/1967 | 770 | 109
Pages: 298-301
related names
Oman, Charles (Oman, Charles; Oman, Charles Chichele; O., C. C.; Oman, C. C.; Oman, Charles C.)
Western art unattributed:
36. The Whithorn Crozier (See Figs.38-9), before Restoration. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel; Height, 20 cm.; Width, 9 cm.]
Western art unattributed:
37. Prophets on the Whithorn Crozier (See Figs.38-9) [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel; Height, 20 cm.; Width, 9 cm.]
Western art unattributed:
38. Head of the Whithorn Crozier. English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel; Height, 20 cm.; Width, 9 cm.
Western art unattributed:
39. Head of a Crozier. English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel; Height, 20 cm.; Width, 9 cm. (Formerly Cathedral of Whithorn, Galloway.)
Western art unattributed:
40. Head of a Crozier. English, c. 1175. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel; Height, 22.7 cm.; Width, 9 cm. (Formerly St Pèreen-Vallée, Chartres; Carrand Collection, Museo Nazionale, Florence.)
Western art unattributed:
41-4. Bishops on the Whithorn Crozier Reproduced in Figs.38-39. [English, Late Twelfth Century. Copper-Gilt Decorated with Champlevé Enamel; Height, 20 cm.; Width, 9 cm.]
An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
11/1928 | 308 | 53
Pages: 215+218+220-221+224-226
related names
Watts, W. W. (W. W. W.) (Watts, W. W. (W. W. W.); Watts, William W.; Watts, William Walter)
museums and institutions:
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Mazer Bowl; Late Fifteenth Century. (Oriel College); B-Chalice and Paten; 1527. (Trinity College); C-Pair of Flagons, 1598, Communion Cup and Cover, 1612. (Wadham College). An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Salt-Cellar; 1490. (New College). An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Tankard; 1574. (Ashmolean Museum). An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Steeple Cup and Cover; 1610. (Brasenose College). An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. A-Two-Handled Cup; 1673. (University College); B-Two-Handled Beaker. (Exeter College). An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. C-Ewer and Dish; 1716. (Christ Church). An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. A-Two-Handled Cup and Cover; c. 1690. (All Souls College). An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. B-Two-Handled Loving Cup and Cover; 1736. (Brazenose College). An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. C-Jug and Cover; 1711. (Jesus College). An Exhibition of Silver Belonging to the Colleges of Oxford
The Reichenau Crosier
03/1918 | 180 | 32
Pages: 121
related names
Mitchell, H. P. (Mitchell, H. P.; M., H. P.; Mitchell, Mr.)
The Reichenau Crosier
02/1918 | 179 | 32
Pages: 65-67+70-73
related names
Mitchell, H. P. (Mitchell, H. P.; M., H. P.; Mitchell, Mr.)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. The Victoria and Albert Museum. The Reichenau Crosier
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. The Victoria and Albert Museum. Details of the Knop of the Reichenau Crosier. S. Mary Magdalen, Virgin and Child, S. Pirminius, the Three Magi. Rubbing of the Inscription. The Reichenau Crosier
The Crozier in Heraldry and Ornament
03/1914 | 132 | 24
Pages: 335-340
related names
Beck, Egerton (Beck, Egerton; B., E.; Beck, E.)
Attributed works:
Figure 1. The tau in the hands of a crowned king as found in Mathew Paris' 'Lives of the Offas'.
Attributed works:
Figure 2. The headpiece of a staff as seen in paintings by Hubert and John Van Eyck . A crescent in which are represented S Martin on horseback and the beggar by his side.
Attributed works:
Figure 8. An example of a crozier from the manuscript of Matthew Paris in the library of Corpus Christi College in Cambridge.
Western art unattributed:
Fig. 10. An example of a staff with abnormal shape from a bas relief at Monza.
Western art unattributed:
Figure 11. The staff of the Armenian archbishop in the monastery of San Lazzaro at Venice.
Western art unattributed:
Figure 3. An 11th century English crozier with a sculpted serpent.
Western art unattributed:
Figure 4. A crozier as seen in a 13th century Milanese manuscript with a dog-like appearance of the head.
Western art unattributed:
Figure 5. An example of a walking-stick crozier from a 12th century chronicle of S Sophia in Benevento in the Vatican library.
Western art unattributed:
Figure 6. An example of a crozier from the Cotton MS. Nero D 4 in the British Museum.
Western art unattributed:
Figure 7. A crozier of a more ornate character as found in the drawings of the 'Life of S. Guthlac' in the British Museum.
Western art unattributed:
Figure 9. The staff of Bishop William Elphinstone, of Aberdeen from his portrait in the possession of the University of Aberdeen.
Short Notice
An English Ivory of the Eleventh Century
10/1903 | 7 | 3
Pages: 99-101
related names
Read, C. Hercules (Read, C. Hercules; Read, Charles Hercules; Read, C. H.; Read, Charles H.; R., C. H.; Read, Hercules)
museums and institutions:
Western art unattributed:
English Tau Cross (Head of Crosier) in Ivory; Recently Presented to the British Museum. (Actual Size.)