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6 articles
Ferrarese Painting about 1450: Some New Arguments
06/1978 | 903 | 120
Pages: 370+372-385
related names
Boskovits, Miklós (Boskovits, Miklós; Boskovits, M.)
Attributed works:
16. Crucifixion, Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Formerly Collection F. M. Perkins, Lastra a Signa, Florence).
Attributed works:
17. A Muse, by Cosmè Tura. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
18. Thalia, by Michele Pannonio. (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest).
Attributed works:
19. Madonna with Child and Saints, by Cosmè Tura. (Musée Fesch, Ajaccio).
Attributed works:
20. Terpsychore, Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).
Attributed works:
21. Detail from St Christopher, by Cosmè Tura. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin-Dahlem).
Attributed works:
22. Detail from Terpsychore Illustrated in Fig.20. [Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).]
Attributed works:
23. Detail from Madonna and Child Illustrated in Fig.19. [by Cosmè Tura. (Musée Fesch, Ajaccio).]
Attributed works:
24. St Sebastian, by Cosmè Tura. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin-Dahlem).
Attributed works:
25. Detail from Crucifixion, by Cosmè Tura. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
26. Detail from Crucifixion Illustrated in Fig.16. [Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Formerly Collection F. M. Perkins, Lastra a Signa, Florence).]
Attributed works:
27. Detail from Crucifixion illustrated in Fig.16. [Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Formerly Collection F. M. Perkins, Lastra a Signa, Florence).]
Attributed works:
28. Detail from Crucifixion, by Cosmè Tura. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
29. Detail from St George and the Dragon, by Cosmè Tura. (Museo del Duomo, Ferrara).
Attributed works:
30. Detail from St Sebastian Illustrated in Fig.24. [by Cosmè Tura. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin-Dahlem).]
Attributed works:
31. Detail from Crucifixion Illustrated in Fig.16. [Here Attributed to Cosmè Tura. (Formerly Collection F. M. Perkins, Lastra a Signa, Florence).]
Attributed works:
32. Crucifixion, Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).
Attributed works:
33. Trinity, Detail from a Cut-Out Miniature, Here Attributed to Taddeo Crivelli. (Formerly Drey Collection, Munich).
Attributed works:
34. Madonna and Child with Saints, Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection Count Cini, Venice).
Attributed works:
35. St Louis of Toulouse, by Michele Pannonio. (Pinacoteca, Ferrara).
Attributed works:
36. St Anthony of Padua, by Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).
Attributed works:
37. St Bernardino, by Michele Pannonio. (Pinacoteca, Ferrara).
Attributed works:
38. St George and the Dragon, Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection The Earl of Oxford, Manor House, Mells, Frome, Somerset).
Attributed works:
39. Detail from Madonna and Child with Saints Illustrated in Fig.34. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection Count Cini, Venice).]
Attributed works:
40. Detail from Thalia Illustrated in Fig.18. [by Michele Pannonio. (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest).]
Attributed works:
41. Detail of St Anthony Illustrated in Fig.36. [by Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).]
Attributed works:
42. Detail from Madonna with Child and Saints Illustrated in Fig.34. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection Count Cini, Venice).]
Attributed works:
43. Detail of St Louis of Toulouse Illustrated in Fig.35. [by Michele Pannonio. (Pinacoteca, Ferrara).]
Attributed works:
44. Detail from Crucifixion Illustrated in Fig.32. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).]
Attributed works:
45. Detail from Crucifixion Illustrated in Fig.32. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Formerly Private Collection, Milan).]
Attributed works:
46. Detail of Madonna with Child and Saints Illustrated in Fig.34. [Here Attributed to Michele Pannonio. (Collection Count Cini, Venice).]
Attributed works:
47. Detail of Thalia Illustrated in Fig.18. [by Michele Pannonio. (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest).]
The Ariosto Exhibition at Ferrara
05/1933 | 362 | 62
Pages: 232-233+236-237
related names
Venturi, Adolfo (Venturi, Adolfo)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-The Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Saints, by Leonardo Scaletti (Faenza Gallery). The Ariosto Exhibition at Ferrara
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-St. Jerome, by Cosmè Tura. Panel, 100 by 43 cm. (Ferrara Gallery). The Ariosto Exhibition at Ferrara
Attributed works:
Plate I. C-St. John, by Francesco Cossa. Panel, 112 by 55 cm. (Brera, Milan). The Ariosto Exhibition at Ferrara
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-The Crucifixion, by Francesco Bianchi (R. Galleria Estense, Modena). The Ariosto Exhibition at Ferrara
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Apollo and Daphne, by Dosso Dossi (Borghese Gallery, Rome). The Ariosto Exhibition at Ferrara
A Ferrarese Pupil of Piero della Francesca
02/1933 | 359 | 62
Pages: 66+70-73+76-78
related names
Gombosi, György (Gombosi, György; Gombosi, George; Gombosi, Georg)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Goddess Enthroned, by Cosimo Tura. Panel, 114 by 71 cm. (National Gallery, London). A Ferrarese Pupil of Piero della Francesca
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-Ceres, by Michele Pannonio. Panel, 137 by 83 cm. (Budapest Gallery). A Ferrarese Pupil of Piero della Francesca
Attributed works:
Plate II. A and B-Goddesses Enthroned, Here Given to Angelo Parrasio. (Formerly in the Strozzi Collection, Florence). A Ferrarese Pupil of Piero della Francesca
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-Autumn, Here Given to Galasso Galassi. Panel, 115 by 71 cm. (Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin). A Ferrarese Pupil of Piero della Francesca
Attributed works:
Plate III. B and C-Muses Playing on Musical Instruments, Here Given to Angelo Parrasio. Panel, 105 by 39 cm. (Budapest Gallery). A Ferrarese Pupil of Piero della Francesca
Pisanello Studies-I
08/1929 | 317 | 55
Pages: 58-61+64-66
related names
Richter, George Martin (Richter, George Martin; Richter, G. M.; Richter, Georg Martin; Richter, G.M.; R., G. M.; Richter, George M.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. Madonna and Child, Here Identified as by Pisanello. Panel, 90 by 70 cm. (The Paolini Collection, Rome). Pisanello Studies-I
Attributed works:
Plate II. St. Jerome, Here Identified as by Pisanello. Panel, 44.5 by 34.5 cm. (Mr. H. M. Clark). Pisanello Studies-I
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-St. Jerome, Attributed to Pisanello. (Villardi Collection, Louvre). Pisanello Studies-I
Attributed works:
Plate III. B-Two Hermits; School of Pisanello. (Albertina, Vienna). Pisanello Studies-I
Attributed works:
Plate III. C-A Pilgrim, by Pisanello. (Sta. Anastasia, Verona). Pisanello Studies-I
Attributed works:
Plate III. D-Detail of Plate II. Pisanello Studies-I
Attributed works:
Plate III. E-Detail of Group of Horsemen, by Pisanello. (Sta. Anastasia, Verona). Pisanello Studies-I
A Portrait of Leonello d'Este by Roger van der Weyden
01/1911 | 94 | 18
Pages: 198+200-203
related names
Fry, Roger E. (Fry, Roger E.; Fry, Roger (R. F.; R. E. F.); F., R. E.; Fry, R. E.; F., R.; F.)
Attributed works:
Coat of Arms on Reverse Side of Portrait of Leonello d'Este by Roger van der Weyden. A Portrait of Leonello d'Este by Roger van der Weyden
Attributed works:
Portrait of Leonello d'Este, by Roger van der Weyden, in the Possession of Messrs. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co.
Short Notice
Additional Note on the Coat of Arms of Leonello d'Este
01/1911 | 94 | 18
Pages: 235-236
related names
Put, Albert van de (Put, Albert van de; P., A. V. de; Put, A. van de; P., A. V. D.)