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61 articles
Book Review
The Transformation of Athens: Painted Pottery and the Creation of Classical Greece. By Robin Osborne
06/2019 | 1395 | 161
Pages: 519-520
related names
Rodriguez Perez, Diana (Rodriguez Perez, Diana)
Reviewed Items
The Transformation of Athens: Painted Pottery and the Creation of Classical Greece By Robin Osborne. | :
Book Review
Lords of Creation. The Origins of Sacred Maya Kingship
12/2006 | 1245 | 148
Pages: 850-851
Book Review
The Art of Vase-Painting in Classical Athens
02/1994 | 1091 | 136
Pages: 113
related names
Boardman, John (Boardman, John; Boardman, J.)
Reviewed Items
The Art of Vase-Painting in Classical Athens | author: Robertson, Martin
Publication Received
Greek, Etruscan and Roman Vases in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight
09/1990 | 1050 | 132
Pages: 646
related names
Jenkins, Ian (Jenkins, Ian; J., I.)
Reviewed Items
Greek, Etruscan and Roman Vases in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight | author: Robertson, Martin
Book Review
Greek Vases. Lectures by J. D. Beazley [Beazley addenda. Additional references to ABV ARV and paralipomena; Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Classical Peiod. A Handbook]
07/1990 | 1048 | 132
Pages: 495-496
related names
Gill, David W. J. (Gill, David W. J.)
art literature:
Reviewed Items
Greek Vases. Lectures by J. D. Beazley; Beazley addenda. Additional references to ABV ARV and paralipomena; Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Classical Peiod. A Handbook | author: Beazley, J. D. , author: Boardman, John , author: Burn, Lucilla , author: Carpenter, Thomas H. , author: Glynn, Ruth , author: Kurtz, Donna Carol , author: Mannack, Thomas , author: Mendonça, Melanie
Book Review
The Berlin Painter
06/1984 | 975 | 126
Pages: 352
related names
Williams, Dyfri (Williams, Dyfri)
Reviewed Items
The Berlin Painter | author: Beazley, J. D. , author: Kurtz, Donna Carol
Book Review
Bollettino d'Arte. Serie speciale, 1. Materiali per servire alla storia del Vaso Francois
07/1982 | 952 | 124
Pages: 451
related names
Robertson, Martin (Robertson, Martin; Robertson, C. M.; Robertson, Charles Martin)
Reviewed Items
Bollettino d'Arte. Serie speciale, 1. Materiali per servire alla storia del Vaso Francois | author: Cristofani, Mauro , author: Marzi, Maria Grazia
Notable Works of Art Now on the Market: Supplement
12/1979 | 921 | 121
Pages: ii
Attributed works:
Plate III. The Lace-Maker, by Michiel van Musscher. (1645-1705) Canvas, 62.5 by 53.5 cm. Signed with Monogram and Dated 1669. (The Property of Friederike Pallamar Gallery, Dorotheergasse 7, Vienna 1)
Attributed works:
Plate IV. Landscape with a River near Haarlem, by Salomon Rombouts. (1650 before 1702). Signed with Monogram. Panel, 34.5 by 47 cm. (The Property of Friederike Pallamar Gallery, Dorotheergasse 7, Vienna 1)
Attributed works:
Plate V. Madonna and Child, by Domenico Ghirlandaio. (1449-1494). Fresco. 73.5 by 55.5 cm. (The Property of Gilberto Zabert. Piazza Cavour 10, Turin)
Attributed works:
Plate VI. Prince James Frances Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender, by Alexis-Simon Belle. Canvas, 80 by 65 cm. (The Property of P. & D. Colnaghi and Co. Ltd., 14 Old Bond Street, London W.1).
Attributed works:
Plate VII. A Brazilian Landscape, by Frans Post. Panel, 22 by 26.5 cm. (The Property of S. Nystad oude Kunst b. v., Ruychrocklaan 442, The Hague).
Western art unattributed:
Plate I & II. Attic Red-Figured Kalpis (Water-Jug). c.450 B. C. Height 39.5 cm. (The Property of Münzen und Medaillen A. G., Malzgasse 25, Postfach 875, 4002 Basle)
02/1977 | 887 | 119
Pages: 78+81-88
related names
Robertson, Martin (Robertson, Martin; Robertson, C. M.; Robertson, Charles Martin)
museums and institutions:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Attic Red-Figure Pelike, Here Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Detail Showing Jumpers from Picture on Front of Vase. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts).
Attributed works:
10. Side View of Vase in Fig.1. [Attic Red-Figure Pelike, Here Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Detail Showing Jumpers from Picture on Front of Vase. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts).]
Attributed works:
11. Piper from Front of Vase in Fig.1. [Attic Red-Figure Pelike, Here Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Detail Showing Jumpers from Picture on Front of Vase. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts).]
Attributed works:
12. Jumpers from Back of Vase in Fig.1. [Attic Red-Figure Pelike, Here Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Detail Showing Jumpers from Picture on Front of Vase. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts).]
Attributed works:
13. Piper from Back of Vase in Fig.1. [Attic Red-Figure Pelike, Here Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Detail Showing Jumpers from Picture on Front of Vase. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts).]
Attributed works:
14. Detail from Back of Vase in Fig.1, [Attic Red-Figure Pelike, Here Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Detail Showing Jumpers from Picture on Front of Vase. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts).] before Restoration.
Attributed works:
15. Picture on Attic Red-Figure Calyx-Krater, Attributed to Euphronios. Late Sixth Century B. C. Athletes Relaxing. (Berlin Museums).
Attributed works:
16. Underside of Foot of Vase in Fig.1, Showing Rivets.
Attributed works:
17. Detail of Fig.16. Showing Graffiti.
Attributed works:
19. Detail from Attic Red-Figure Amphora Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Theseus Carrying off a Girl. (Glyptothek, Munich).
Attributed works:
20. Detail from Attic Red-Figure Neck-Amphora Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Youth Pouring Wine from a Jar. (Warsaw Museum).
Attributed works:
8. Front View of Vase in Fig.1. [Attic Red-Figure Pelike, Here Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Detail Showing Jumpers from Picture on Front of Vase. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts).]
Attributed works:
9. Back View of Vase in Fig. 1. [Attic Red-Figure Pelike, Here Attributed to Euthymides. Late Sixth Century B. C. Detail Showing Jumpers from Picture on Front of Vase. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts).]
Attributed works:
A. Inscription on Front of Jumpers Vase, Illustrated in Fig.8.
Attributed works:
B Inscription on Back of Jumpers Vase, Illustrated in Fig.9.
Western art unattributed:
18. Engraved Bronze Mirror. Etruscan, Early Fifth Century B. C. Athlete with Strigil (Oil-Scraper); Jumper and Piper. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts).
Western art unattributed:
21. Attic Red-Figure Pelike. Late Sixth Century B. C. Front: The First Swallow; Back: Wrestlers. (Hermitage, Leningrad).
Book Review
Etruscan Red-Figured Vase-Painting at Caere
10/1976 | 883 | 118
Pages: 708
related names
Robertson, Martin (Robertson, Martin; Robertson, C. M.; Robertson, Charles Martin)
Reviewed Items
Etruscan Red-Figured Vase-Painting at Caere | author: Chiaro, Mario A. del
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