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5 articles
Exhibition Review
Rome: The Apartments of Paul III at the Castel S. Angelo
04/1982 | 949 | 124
Pages: 256-257
related names
Elam, Caroline (Elam, Caroline; E., C.; E., C. M.)
Book Review
Papst Paul III. als Alexander der Grosse. Das Freskenprogramm der Sala Paolina in der Engelsburg
02/1981 | 935 | 123
Pages: 104-105
related names
Hope, Charles (Hope, Charles)
Reviewed Items
Papst Paul III. als Alexander der Grosse. Das Freskenprogramm der Sala Paolina in der Engelsburg | author: Harprath, Richard
Book Review
Tibaldi around Perino
11/1965 | 752 | 107
Pages: 568-571
related names
Hirst, Michael (Hirst, Michael)
Attributed works:
27. Study for a Cartouche, by Pellegrino Tibaldi. Black Chalk, Pen and Bistre, Heightened with White, 18.4 by 26 cm. (Uffizi.)
Attributed works:
28. Neptune calming the Waves, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Bistre with Sepia Wash and White Heightening, Diameter 22.3 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
29. Perseus Showing the Head of the Medusa, by Cherubino Alberti after Polidoro da Caravaggio.
Attributed works:
30. Cartouche Beneath Prudence, by Pellegrino Tibaldi. (Sala Paolina, Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome.)
Attributed works:
31. Perseus Showing the Head of the Medusa, by Perino del Vaga after Polidoro da Caravaggio. Pen and Bistre over Black Chalk, 14.1 by 21.2 cm. (Prado, Madrid.)
Two late fresco cycles by Perino del Vaga: the Massimi Chapel and the Sala Paolina
01/1960 | 682 | 102
Pages: 8-17+19
related names
Gere, John (Gere, John; Gere, J. A.; G., J. A.; G., J.)
Attributed works:
10. The Feeding of the Five Thousand, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Wash, Heightened with White. (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.)
Attributed works:
11. The Banquet of Herod, by Perino del Vaga. Pen. Detail from verso of Drawing Illustrated in Fig.17. (National Museum, Budapest.)
Attributed works:
12. The Pool of Bethesda, by Perino del Vaga. Pen. (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.)
Attributed works:
13. The Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Temple, by Perino del Vaga. Pen, Detail of Drawing. (Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich.)
Attributed works:
14. The Transfiguration, by Perino del Vaga. Pen, 22.7 by 17.4 cm. (Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich.)
Attributed works:
15. The Raising of Lazarus, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Wash, Diameter 21.3 cm. (Louvre.)
Attributed works:
16. Design for the Side-Walls of the Massimi Chapel in S. Trinità dei Monti, Rome, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Wash, 39.7 by 25.7 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum.) Crown Copyright.
Attributed works:
17. Design for the Side-Wall of a Chapel, Probably for the Massimi Chapel, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Wash. (National Museum, Budapest.)
Attributed works:
18. Alexander the Great Placing in Safety the Writings of Homer, Designed (And Perhaps Executed?) by Perino del Vaga. Fresco. (Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome.)
Attributed works:
19. Alexander the Great Cutting the Gordian Knot, Designed by Perino del Vaga (Perhaps Executed by Pellegrino Tibaldi?) Fresco. (Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome.)
Attributed works:
20. The Family of Darius before Alexander the Great, Here Attributed to Pellegrino Tibaldi. Fresco. (Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome.)
Attributed works:
21. Design for Mural Decoration, by Pellegrino Tibaldi. Pen and Wash, 26.1 by 18.2 cm. (Louvre.)
Attributed works:
22. Solon Giving Laws to the Athenians, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Wash, Heightened with White, 18 by 21.8 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H.M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
23. Tobias and the Angel, Here Identified as by Pellegrino Tibaldi. Brush Drawing over Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 33.6 by 23.1 cm. (Uffizi.)
Attributed works:
24. Two Figures on a Staircase, by Pellegrino Tibaldi. Pen and Wash, Heightened with White, 31 by 14.2 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H.M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
25. Alexander the Great Placing in Safety the Writings of Homer, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Wash, 35 by 25.9 cm. (Private Collection, London.)
Attributed works:
7. The Pool of Bethesda, Here Identified as Being after a Fresco by Perino del Vaga Formerly in the Massimi Chapel. Woodcut.
Attributed works:
8. The Raising of Lazarus, by Perino del Vaga. Fresco Transferred to Canvas, Here Identified as Being from the Massimi Chapel. (Victoria and Albert Museum.) Crown Copyright.
Attributed works:
9. The Raising of Lazarus, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Wash, 28.7 by 21.7 cm. (Collection Mr and Mrs Hugh Squire, London.)
Three Views of Rome in the Flemish Exhibition
06/1927 | 291 | 50
Pages: 325-327+330-332
related names
Tombu, Jeanne (Tombu, Jeanne)
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Part of a Map of Rome (Mantua); B-St. Peter's Square, Rome, by Jan Brueghel the Elder (?) (The Duke of Devonshire). Three Views of Rome in the Flemish Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Part of the View of Rome in Schedel's "Liber Chronicorum". Three Views of Rome in the Flemish Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-Part of a Map of Rome (Mantua). Three Views of Rome in the Flemish Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. C-St. Romold Taking Leave of Pope Stephen II, by Colijn de Coter. Panel, 1.11 by 0.73 m. (Church of St. Rombaut, Malines). Three Views of Rome in the Flemish Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. D-St. Romold Renounces His Bishopric, by an Unknown Flemish Artist (Church of St. Rombaut, Malines). Three Views of Rome in the Flemish Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-St. Roch Kneeling before the Pope. Flemish School, 1517. Panel, 1.06 by 0.66 m. (Church of St. Jacques, Antwerp). Three Views of Rome in the Flemish Exhibition