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3 articles
Short Notice
A Drawing of 'The Rape of Ganymede' by Michelangelo
03/1975 | 864 | 117
Pages: 166
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Hirst, Michael (Hirst, Michael)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. The Rape of Ganymede, Here Attributed to Michelangelo. Black chalk, 36.1 by 27.5 cm. (Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge (Mass.)). Reproduced by Courtesy of the Fogg Art Museum
Mola's Designs for the Stanza dell'Aria at Valmontone
10/1968 | 787 | 110
Pages: 558+560-565
related names
Cocke, Richard (Cocke, Richard)
Attributed works:
25. Study for the Ceiling Frescoes in the Stanza dell'Aria, Valmontone, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen and Ink, 24.8 by 19.9 cm. (Museo Nazionale, Naples, Inv. No.743.)
Attributed works:
26. Study for Frame of the Ceiling Fresco in the Stanza dell'Aria, Valmontone, by Pier Francesco Mola. Red Chalk and Sepia Wash with Pen and Ink, 23.1 by 18.5 cm. (Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin-Dahlem, Inv. No. 18147.)
Attributed works:
27. Study for the Ceiling Frescoes in the Stanza dell'Aria, Valmontone, by Pier Francesco Mola. Oil on Paper, 39.3 by 32 cm. (Uffizi, Florence, Inv. No.16158.)
Attributed works:
28. Study for the Frame of the Ceiling Fresco in the Stanza dell'Aria, Valmontone, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen and Ink over Grey Chalk, Touches of White Heightening and Blue Chalk (The Figures on the Left in Red Chalk.) (Uffizi, Florence, Inv. No.6821s.)
Attributed works:
29. Study for a Figure on the Frame of the Ceiling Fresco in the Stanza dell'Aria, Valmontone, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen and Ink Wash. (Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge (Mass.), Charles A. Loeser Bequest.)
Attributed works:
30. Forge of Vulcan, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen, Ink and Wash on Blue Paper, 26 by 40.5 cm. (Collection Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth, Inv. No.511.) Reproduced by Permission of the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement.
Attributed works:
32. Iris Appearing to Turnus, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen, Ink and Wash over Traces of Grey Chalk and Point of the Brush. (Collection Mr John Gere.)
Attributed works:
33. Iris Appearing to Turnus, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen and Bistre Wash Touched with Charcoal. (Collection Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth, Inv. No. 556). Reproduced by Permission of the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement.
Attributed works:
34. Rape of Ganymede, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen, Ink and Wash, 10.8 by 19.8 cm. (Museum, Besançon, Inv. No.1174.)
Attributed works:
35. Boreas and Oreithyia, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen, Ink and Wash over Black Chalk. (Museum, Besançon; Inv. No.1186a.)
Attributed works:
36. Unidentified Subject, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen and Ink, 15 by 17 cm. (Uffizi, Florence, Inv. No.6824s.)
Attributed works:
37. Four Principal Rivers of the World, by Pier Francesco Mola. Pen and Ink with White Heightening over Traces of Grey Chalk, 24 by 18 cm. (Uffizi, Florence, Inv. No. 6825s.)
Rock-Crystals by Giovanni Bernardi
01/1926 | 274 | 48
Pages: 9-11+13-15+18-20+23
related names
Slomann, Vilhelm (Slomann, Vilhelm; Slomann, V.; Slomann, Vilhelm)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Tityos. Cast iron stove plate. (Kaiser Friedrich Museum); B and C-Ganymede and Tityos. Drawings by Michael Angelo. (Windsor Castle); D-Ganymede. Composition on an embroidered altar frontal. Portuguese East Indies; 16th Century. (National Museum, Lisbon); E and F-Ganymede and Tityos. Impressions from the crystals by Giovanni Bernardi; G-Bowl with rock-crystal of The Entry into the Ark, here attributed to Giovanni Bernardi. (Bargello, Florence). Rock-Crystals by Giovanni Bernardi
Attributed works:
Plate II. H and J-Plaquettes from crystals of The Fall of Phaethon, by Giovanni Bernardi; K-The Fall of Phaethon. Drawing by Michael Angelo. (Windsor Castle); L-Ganymede. Bronze by an unknown artist. (Wallace Collection); M-The Battle of Tunis. Crystal by Giovanni Bernardi, originally intended for the Farnese Casket. (Metropolitan Museum, New York); N, O-Silver medal showing on the obverse a portrait of Charles V, and on the reverse a replica of the crystal illustrated above. (Cabinet, Vienna). Rock-Crystals by Giovanni Bernardi
Attributed works:
Plate III. P, Q-Transfiguration; Cleansing of the Temple. Candelabrum crystals by Giovanni Bernardi. (Copenhagen Museum); R-Silver casket set with crystals by Giovanni Bernardi. (National Museum, Copenhagen); S-The Raising of Lazarus. Drawing by Pierino del Vaga for Giovanni's candelabrum crystals. (Louvre); T, U-The Road to Calvary; The Resurrection. Crystals by Giovanni Bernardi set in the casket shown on Plate III, R. (National Museum, Copenhagen). Rock-Crystals by Giovanni Bernardi