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3 articles
A painting ‘without a history’: new light on a hitherto ‘Unidentified miracle’ in the National Gallery of Ireland
05/2016 | 1358 | 158
Pages: 336-344
related names
O'Donnell, Jessica (O'Donnell, Jessica)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
10. The fountain of life, from the circle of Giovan Bernardo Lama. Late sixteenth century (Chiesa di S. Giovanni Evangelista a Porta S. Gennaro, Naples)
Attributed works:
12. Drawing of Fig.5 when in the collection of James Whatman at 6 Carlton Gardens, London, in a sketchbook by George Scharf. 1857 (Heinz Archive and Library, National Portrait Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
13. The arrangement of the paintings by 'Ancient Masters' in the Manchester Art Treasures exhibition, in a sketchbook by George Scharf. 1857 (Heinz Archive and Library, National Portrait Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
14. S. Francesco di Paola, by Pietro Novelli. c.1635 (Museo Diocesano, Palermo)
Attributed works:
15. A miracle of St Francis Xavier, by Pietro Novelli. c.1631-32 (Gesù Nuovo, Casa Professa, Naples)
Attributed works:
5. A miracle of S. Francesco di Paola, here attributed to Pietro Novelli. c.1630-35? (National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin)
Attributed works:
6. St Francis of Paola, by Luca Giordano. c.1692 (Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli, Hospital Tavera, Toledo)
Attributed works:
7. The vision of St Francis of Paola, by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. c.1670 (J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles)
Attributed works:
8. Plate 14/1 from A. Baratta: La vita e miracoli del gloriosissimo Padre Santo Francesco di Paola fondatore dell'ordine dei Minimi. Con le Rimi di Don Orazio Nardino Cosentino, Naples 1622 (Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli 'Vittorio Emanuele III')
Attributed works:
9. Plate 49/1 from A. Baratta: La vita e miracoli del gloriosissimo Padre Santo Francesco di Paola fondatore dell'ordine dei Minimi. Con le Rimi di Don Orazio Nardino Cosentino, Naples 1622 (Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli 'Vittorio Emanuele III')
Western art unattributed:
11. Plans of walls showing positions of paintings at the Whatman house, Vinters, Kent. c.1845 (Kent History & Library Centre, Maidstone, Whatman MSS, U289/F29)
Exhibition Review
Papermaking and watercolour. New Haven
06/2006 | 1239 | 148
Pages: 444-445
related names
Feather, Jessica (Feather, Jessica)
Reviewed Items
Papermaking and the Art of Watercolours in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Paul Sandby and the Whatman Paper Mill | institution: Yale Center for British Art
Attributed works:
85. Approach to Belle Grange Park, by John ‘Warwick’ Smith. 1789. Watercolour over graphite on wove paper, 34.3 by 51.3 cm. (Yale Center for British Art, New Haven).
Attributed works:
86. A view of Vinters at Boxley, Kent, with Mr Whatman’s Turkey Paper Mills, by Paul Sandby. 1794. Gouache, watercolour and pencil on wove paper, laid down on canvas, 67.3 by 101.6 cm. (Yale Center for British Art, New Haven).
Attributed works:
87. Ullswater, looking towards Patterdale, by John ‘Warwick’ Smith. 1792. Watercolour over graphite on laid paper, 34.6 by 51.1 cm. (Yale Center for British Art, New Haven).
Book Review
James Whatman, Father and Son
12/1958 | 669 | 100
Pages: 448-449
related names
Harthan, John P. (Harthan, John P.)
Reviewed Items
James Whatman, Father and Son | author: Balston, Thomas