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2 articles
From building to print: Giovanni Giacomo de’ Rossi and the making of architectural books
09/2017 | 1374 | 159
Pages: 697-705
related names
Aceto, Angelamaria (Aceto, Angelamaria)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
10. St Peter's. Rome, interior of the portico, east wall, here attributed to Francesco Antonio Bufalini (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
11. SS. Luca e Martina, Rome, elevation of the high altar, here attributed to an anonymous hand after an original design by Pietro da Cortona, Ciro Ferri and others, c. 1688 (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
12. Detail of Fig. 13, showing indentations around the architectural elements
Attributed works:
13. Altar of S. Francesco Saverio, plan and elevation, Chiesa del Gesu, Rome, here attributed to Carlo Fontana's studio, c. 1688 (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
14. Altar of S. Francesco Saverio, plan and elevation, Chiesa del Gesù, Rome, by an anonymous printmaker after the drawing in Fig. 13, 1688-89 (Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute, Rome)
Attributed works:
15. St. Peter's Rome, Facade, here attributed to Francesco Antonio Bufalini, c. 1680-83 (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
16. Verso of Fig. 15, showing the red chalk coating
Attributed works:
17. S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome, section, here attributed to Lorenzo Nuvolone after a design by Francesco Borromini, c. 1680-83 (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
18. S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome, section, by Giovanni Francesco Venturini, after Lorenzo Nuvolone, 1683 (Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute, Rome)
Attributed works:
19. Chiesa del Gesù, Rome, longitudinal section, attributed to Francesco Antonio Bufalini, c. 1680-83 (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
20. SS. Luca e Martina, Rome, transverse section, by Francesco Antonio Bufalini, after a design by Pietro da Cortona, 1680-83 (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
21. Choir of S. Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi, Florence, elevation, here attributed to an anonymous draughtsman after a drawing by Ciro Ferri, c. 1688-89 (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
22. Choir of S. Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi, Florence, elevation looking towards the altar, here attributed to an anonymous draughtsman after a drawing by Ciro Ferri, c. 1688 (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
9. St Peter's, Rome, interior of the portico, west wall, here attributed to Francesco Bufalini (Gabinetto di Stampe e Disegni degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
Detail of Fig. 10, showing the geometrical indications in blind stylus and some indented outlines and blind outlines
Attributed works:
St Peter's, Rome, interior of the portico, west and east walls, by Jean Colin, after Francesco Antonio Bufalini, 1683 (Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute, Rome)
Book Review
Roman Baroque Architecture
11/1971 | 824 | 113
Pages: 670-674
related names
Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B) (Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B); Blunt, Anthony Frederick; Blunt, Professor; Blunt, A. F.; A. F. B.; B., A.)
Reviewed Items
Borromini | author: Noehles, Karl , author: Portoghesi, Paolo
La Chiesa dei SS. Luca e Martina nell'opera di Pietro da Cortona | author: Noehles, Karl
Pietro da Cortona. Mostra documentaria (Archivio di Stato, Rome) | :
Ragguagli Borrominiani. Mostra documentaria (Archivio di Stato, Rome) | :
Studi sul Borromini, Atti del Convegno promosso dall'Accademia di san Luca | :
Attributed works:
40. Plan for S. Carlino, by Borromini. (Albertina, Vienna No. 171.)
Attributed works:
41. Plan for S. Carlino, by Borromini. (Albertina, Vienna No. 186.)
Attributed works:
42. Plan for S. Carlino, by Borromini. (Albertina, Vienna No. 173.)
Attributed works:
43. Section of the Façade of S. Carlino.
Attributed works:
44. Façade of S. Carlino.
Attributed works:
45. High Altar of Church of S. Tommaso da Villanova, Castel Gandolfo, by Bernini.