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7 articles
Book Review
Valerio Belli Vicentino 1468c.-1546
12/2001 | 1185 | 143
Pages: 763-764
related names
Warren, Jeremy (Warren, Jeremy)
Reviewed Items
Valerio Belli Vicentino 1468c.-1546 | author: Burns, Howard , author: Collareta, Marco , author: Gasparotto, Davide
Aspects of Gem Collecting in the Early Seventeenth Century, Nicolas-Claude Peiresc and Lelio Pasqualini
02/1993 | 1079 | 135
Pages: 103-120
related names
Jaffé, David (Jaffé, David)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
40. Page from Rascas de Bagarris's Copy of Alphonse Chacon's MS Compilation of Antiquities, Including Signed Gems of Diana and Mercury from the Orsini Collection. Pen and Brown Ink. (Bibliothèque Nationale, NAL, Vol.4232, p.75, Paris).
Attributed works:
42. Seventeenth-Century Engraving after Red Jasper Intaglio, Triumph of Silenus, by Valerio Belli, in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. (From J. J. Scaliger: Opuscula varia antehac non edita, Paris [1610], p.580; in Peiresc's MS, Bibliothèque Nationale, Manuscrits Fonds français, Vol.9530, fol.1, Paris).
Attributed works:
44. Eighteenth-Century Engraving after Cornelian Intaglio, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars, in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. (From P. J. Mariette: Traité des Pierres gravées, Paris [1750], I, no. 1).
Attributed works:
46. Seventeenth-Century Engraving after Sard Intaglio, 'Barberini Bees' Pulling a Plough (Fig.45). 1.3 by 1.6 cm. (From G. P. Bellori: Notae in numismata tum Ephesia, tum aliarum urbium Apibus insignata, Rome [1657], p.81).
Attributed works:
48. Seventeenth-Century Woodcut after Cornelian Intaglio, Supposed Cassandra. (From V. Cartari: Le Vere e nove Imagini, Padua [1615], p.560).
Attributed works:
49. Seventeenth-Century Woodcut after Cornelian Intaglio, Cassandra, Once in Augustin's Collection. (From V. Cartari: Le Vere e nove Imagini, Padua [1615], p.520).
Attributed works:
50. Cornelian Intaglio, Achilles, by Dioskourides. 2.3 by 1.6 cm. (Museo Archeologico, Naples).
Attributed works:
51. Amethyst Intaglio, Diana, by Apollonius. 2.7 by 1.4 cm. (Museo Archeologico, Naples).
Attributed works:
52. Amethyst Intaglio, Demosthenes, by Dioskourides. 2.5 by 2 cm. (Whereabouts Unknown).
Attributed works:
53. Copy by Peiresc of the Signature on Pasqualini's Dioskurides (Fig.52). (Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum, Vol.10C, fol.161 (Detail), The Hague).
Attributed works:
55. Aquamarine Intaglio, Hercules and Bull, by Anteros. 2.3 by 1.5 cm. (Duke of Devonshire collection, Chatsworth).
Attributed works:
57. Water-Colour by Jean Saillant? after Cornelian Intaglio, 'Aetion', Portrait of a satrap (Fig.56). (Bibliothèque Nationale, Department des Manuscripts, Paris).
Attributed works:
58. Eighteenth-Century Engraving after Cornelian Intaglio, 'Aetion', Portrait of a satrap (Fig.56). (From B. Picart, P. Stosch: Gemmae celatae, Amsterdam [1724], pl.III).
Attributed works:
60. Eighteenth-Century Engraving after Cornelian Intaglio, Hercules, in the Museo Archeologico, Florence. (From B. Picart, P. Stosch: Gemmae celatae, Amsterdam [1724], pl.XLVI).
Attributed works:
62. Eighteenth-Century Engraving after Cornelian Intaglio of Cato, in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Cabinet des Médailles, Paris. (From Mariette: Traité des Pierres gravées, Paris [1750], II, no.44).
Attributed works:
63. Eighteenth-Century Engraving after Amethyst Intaglio, Hercules and Iole by Teucer, in the Museo Archeologico, Florence. (From B. Picart, P. Stosch: Gemmae celatae, Amsterdam [1724], pl.LXVIII).
Attributed works:
65. Amethyst Intaglio and Plaster Cast of 'Solon', Inscribed 'Dioscurides'. 2 by 1.5 cm. (Bibliothèque Nationale Cabinet des Médailles, Paris).
Attributed works:
68. Page from Rascas de Bagarris's Copy of Alphonse Chacon's MS Compilation of Antiquities, Showing Magic and Early Christian Gems. (Bibliothèque Nationale, NAL, Vol.4232, Paris).
Attributed works:
69. Cast from Hyacinth Garnet Intaglio, Apollo by Aulos, Present Whereabouts Unknown.
Western art unattributed:
41. Twentieth-Century Cast from Red Jasper Intaglio, Triumph of Silenus, by Valerio Belli, in the Cabinet des Médailles, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. 3.3 by 3.9 cm.
Western art unattributed:
43. Red Wax Impression after Plasma Intaglio, Mother Holding a Child and a Dove. 1.4 by 1.1 cm. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Manuscrits Fonds français, Vol.9530, fol.223r, Paris). 45. Sard Intaglio, Flies Pulling a Plough. 1.3 by 1.6 cm. (British Museum, Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities no.2548, London).
Western art unattributed:
47. Twentieth-Century Cast from the Cornelian Intaglio, Supposed Cassandra, 2.6 by 2 cm., in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.
Western art unattributed:
54. Nineteenth-Century Plaster Cast after Aquamarine Intaglio, Hercules and Bull, by Anteros (Fig.55). 2.3 by 1.5 cm.
Western art unattributed:
56. Cornelian Intaglio, 'Aetion', Portrait of a Satrap. 2.5 by 1.8 cm. (Duke of Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth).
Western art unattributed:
59. Nineteenth-Century Plaster Cast after Cornelian Intaglio, Hercules, by Onesas, in the Museo Archeologico, Florence. 2.3 by 1.7 cm.
Western art unattributed:
61. Eighteenth-Century Plaster Cast of Marius, in the Vatican Medagliere, Chigi, Vol.a III 67, Rome.
Western art unattributed:
64. Plaster Cast of Sard Intaglio, Scylla, Whereabouts Unknown. 1.8 by 1.5 cm.
Western art unattributed:
66. Twentieth-Century Cast from Cornelian intaglio, Miltiades, in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. 2.1 by 1.6 cm.
Western art unattributed:
67. Plaster Casts of Boncompagni Gems. (Vatican Medagliere, Chigi, Vol.a III 67, Rome).
Short Notice
Raphael's Portrait of Valerio Belli: Some New Evidence
10/1987 | 1015 | 129
Pages: 663-666
related names
Teuffel, Christa Gardner von (Teuffel, Christa Gardner von; Gardner von Teuffel, Christa)
Attributed works:
10. Melanchthon Box, Partially Opened, by Hans Holbein the Younger. (Niedersächsische Landesgalerie, Hanover).
Attributed works:
11. Reverse of Portrait of Valerio Belli, by Raphael. Diameter c.10 cm. (Formerly Clark Collection).
Attributed works:
12. Portrait of Valerio Belli, Attributed to Parmigianino. 15.5 by 9.3 cm. (Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam).
Attributed works:
13. Medal of Valerio Belli, by Valerio Belli. Lead, Diameter 4.8 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Attributed works:
8. Portrait of Philip Melanchthon, by Hans Holbein the Younger. Diameter 9 cm. (Niedersächsische Landesgalerie, Hanover).
Attributed works:
9. Lid of Portrait of Philip Melanchthon, by Hans Holbein the Younger. Diameter 12 cm. (Niedersächsische Landesgalerie, Hanover).
Attributed works:
Portrait of Valerio Belli, by Raphael. Diameter c. 10 cm. (Formerly Clarke Collection).
Western art unattributed:
14. Portrait of Valerio Belli, Italian, Mid Sixteenth Century. Marble Relief, 54.1 by 44.8 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Advertisements January 1953 (Front)
01/1953 | 598 | 95
Pages: i-iv
Attributed works:
[Abels, Hohenstaufenring 57, Cologne] Claude Monet (1881)
Attributed works:
[C.G. Boerner, Kasernenstrasse 13, Dusseldorf] Lot 36 of Our New List (No.6) by Albrecht Dürer
Attributed works:
[Newhouse Galleries, 15 East 57th Street, New York] Piece d'Eau Dans un Parc by Louis Gabriel Moreau 1740-1806. 9½ by$11¾ Inches
Attributed works:
[P. & D. Colnaghi & Co Ltd] A Polish Ambassador by Ferdinand Bol 1616-1680. Canvas, 50 by 40 in.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby & Co, 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale 27th January. A Chelsea White Group of Hercules and Omphale, 9 in.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby & Co, 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale in February. A Parisian Calf Binding of about 1545, Decorated with a Medallion after Valerio Belli, Octavo.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby & Co, 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale in February. A Worcester Leaf Dish, Dr Wall Period, 7¼ in. Long.
Attributed works:
[The Leicester Galleries, Leicester Square, London] Augustus John
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co, 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale in February. An Elizabethan Silver-Gilt Standing Salt and Cover, 1589, 12 in. High.
Two Unknown Crystal Engravings
11/1926 | 284 | 49
Pages: 239-241
related names
Kris, Ernst (Kris, Ernst; Kris, E.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
A-Crystal Engraving, Here Identified as by Giovanni Bernardi. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna); B-Entombment. Crystal Engraving by Valerio Belli. (Private Collection, Vienna); C-Plaquette by Giovanni Bernardi. (Berlin); D-Entombment. Bronze Plaquette from a Crystal Engraving by Valerio Belli in the Vatican (Berlin). Two Unknown Crystal Engravings. St. John. Nottingham Alabaster, 1420-30. (Royal Collection, Sigmaringen). The Literature of Art: Die Bildwerke der füerstlich Hohenzollernschen Sammlung Sigmartngen
The Cross and Candlesticks by Valerio Belli at South Kensington
02/1921 | 215 | 38
Pages: 100-101
related names
Mitchell, H. P. (Mitchell, H. P.; M., H. P.; Mitchell, Mr.)
art literature:
An Altar Cross and Candlesticks Said to Have Been Made by Valerio Belli for King Francis I
05/1906 | 38 | 9
Pages: 124-125+127-129
related names
Mitchell, H. P. (Mitchell, H. P.; M., H. P.; Mitchell, Mr.)
Attributed works:
1. 1A. An Altar Cross and Candlesticks. Plate I.
Attributed works:
2. 2A. An Altar Cross and Candlesticks. Plate I.
Attributed works:
5. An Altar Cross and Candlesticks. Plate I.
Attributed works:
5A. An Altar Cross and Candlesticks. Plate I.
Attributed works:
5B. An Altar Cross and Candlesticks. Plate I.
Attributed works:
Plate II. 3. Altar-Cross of Rock Crystal and Silver-Gilt, in the Victoria and Albert Museum (Actual Height 2 ft. 8¼ in. = 82 cm.)
Attributed works:
Plate II. 4. One of a Pair of Altar Candlesticks, in the Collection of Mr Leopold de Rothschild (Actual Height 1 ft. 8 in. = 51 cm. Nearly)