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15 articles
A Triptych by Cristoforo Scacco
06/1924 | 255 | 44
Pages: 284-285+288-289
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Attributed works:
Plate I. The Nativity, Madonna and Child, and the Visitation. Triptych Here Identified as by Cristoforo Scacco. Panel (Mr. Kleinberger, New York). A Triptych by Cristoforo Scacco
Attributed works:
Plate II. Altarpiece, by Cristoforo Scacco. Panel (Museo Campano, Capua). A Triptych by Cristoforo Scacco
A Recently Discovered Madonna by Luca Della Robbia
08/1919 | 197 | 35
Pages: 48-51+55
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Attributed works:
Madonna and Child, by Luca Della Robbia. c. 1440. (S. Michele, Lucca)
Attributed works:
Plate II. A Madonna with Child, Luca della Robbia (Musee Jacquemart-André, Paris). A Recently-Discovered Madonna by Luca Della Robbia
Attributed works:
Plate II. B Madonna with Child, Luca della Robbia (Altman Collection, New York). A Recently-Discovered Madonna by Luca Della Robbia
The Masterpiece of Giovanni di Paolo
08/1918 | 185 | 33
Pages: 45-47+50-51+53-54
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
Plate I. Suggested Reconstruction of a Polyptich of S. John the Baptist, by Giovanni di Paolo. (1) "Annunciation to Zaccharias" (Lehman Collection, New York); (2) "Naming of John"; (5) "S. John Rebuking Herod" (Provinzialmuseum, Münster); (3) (?) "S. John the Baptist" (Lost); (4) (?) The "Baptism of Christ" (Lost); (Lower Series) (Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, Chicago)
Attributed works:
Plate II. Panels by Giovanni di Paolo in the Collection of Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, Chicago. The Baptist's Entry into the Desert. The Baptist's Testimony to Christ. The Baptist in Prison Visited by His Disciples
Attributed works:
Plate III. Panels by Giovanni di Paolo, in the Collection of Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, Chicago. Salome Demanding the Head of the Baptist. The Decollation. The Presentation of the Head to Herod.
Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-VII. Two Florentine Cassoni - (2) The Feast of S. John in Florence at the Beginning of the 15th Century
06/1918 | 183 | 32
Pages: 218+220-221+224-226
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Western art unattributed:
Plan of the scene of the Festa di San Giovanni.-1, Duomo. 2, San Giovanni. 3. Porphyry columns. 4, Via della Fondamenta. 5, Via degli Spadai. 6, Case Martelli. 7, Case Vivarini. 8, Case Lorini. 9, Workshops of the cofanai. 10, Loggia del Bigallo.
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. Florentine Cassoni. (2) The Festival of S. John. Left Half of the Cassone-Front, Illustrating the Procession of the Palii, with the Baptistery. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-VII
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. Florentine Cassoni. (2) The Festival of S. John. Right Half of the Cassone Front, Illustrating the Procession of the Palii, with the Doorway of the Duomo on the Extreme Right (The Bargello, Florence). Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-VII
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. Florentine Cassoni. (2) The Festival of S. John (C) Cassone, with Front Illustrating the Procession of the Palii (The Bargello, Florence). (D) The Front of the Fellow Cassone, Illustrating the Race of the Palio; From a Drawing by Cav. Andrea da Varrazzano in the Collection of the Società Colombaria, Florence. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-VII
Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-VI. Two Florentine Cassoni
05/1918 | 182 | 32
Pages: 168-171
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. Florentine Cassoni in the Bargello-(1), The Oldest Illustration of the Decameron Cassone with Front Illustrating Boccaccio's Ninety-Ninth "Novella", the Story of Saladin and Messer Torello D'Istria; Painted by an Artist of the School of Lorenzo di Niccolò and Niccolò of Pietro Gerini, End of 14th-Beginning of 15th Century. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-VI
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. Scenes from Boccaccio's Ninety-ninth "Novella" Messer Torello D'Istria Receiving Saladin and His Companions The Wife of Torello Presenting Saladin with Changes of Garments The Wife of Torello Presenting Him with the Ring. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-VI
Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-V. Fragments of Two Series of Renaissance Representations of Greek and Roman Heroes
12/1917 | 177 | 31
Pages: 224-225+227-228
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Attributed works:
(A) "Scipio Africanus"; By Francesco di Giorgio Martini (The Bargello). Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-V
Attributed works:
(B) "Alexander the Great"; Sienese, End of 15th C. (Sir Frederick Cook, Bart.) Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-V
Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-IV. Fragments of Two Series of Renaissance Representations of Greek and Roman Heroes
11/1917 | 176 | 31
Pages: 174+176-177
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Attributed works:
Marbles by Antonio Lombardi. (A) "Antony and Cleopatra" (Sir Frederick Cook, Bart.). (B) "Mucius Scævola" (The Bargello). (C) "Achilles" (?) (The Bargello). Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-IV
Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-III: Three "Crete" by Donatello
03/1917 | 168 | 30
Pages: 87-89+92-95
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Attributed works:
Plate I. Crete, Here First Ascribed to Donatello. (A) the Crowning with Thorns. (B) Christ before Pilate. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-III
Attributed works:
Plate II. Creta, Here First Ascribed to Donatello. (C) the Way of the Cross. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-III
Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II. A Series of Small Bronzes by Pietro da Barga
12/1916 | 165 | 29
Pages: 362-365+368-370+373
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Attributed works:
Plate I. (A) Christ, after Michelangelo. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate I. (B) Laocoon, after the 16th-Century Sculpture. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate I. (C) Bacchus. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate I. (D) Pan. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate I. (E) Olympian Apollo. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate I. (F) After the Farnese Hercules. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate I. (G) Hercules and Telephus. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate II. (H) Pan. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-
Attributed works:
Plate II. (J) Hermes. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-
Attributed works:
Plate II. (K) Bacchus, after Michelangelo. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-
Attributed works:
Plate II. (L) Bacchus. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-
Attributed works:
Plate II. (M) The Dancing Satyr. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-
Attributed works:
Plate II. (N) Silenus and Bacchus. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-
Attributed works:
Plate II. (O) Andromeda. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-
Attributed works:
Plate III. (P) After the Farnese Flora. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate III. (Q) The Rape of Proserpine. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate III. (R) After the Mars by John of Bologna. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate III. (S) After the Farnese Bull. Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Attributed works:
Plate III. (T) Wounded Gaul (Collection of Signora Finaly, Florence). Bronze Statuettes by Pietro da Barga, in the Bargello. Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-II
Notes on the Museo Nazionale of Florence-I. Gianfrancesco Rustici
02/1916 | 155 | 28
Pages: 171-173+176-178
related names
Cust, Robert H. Hobart (R. H. C.) (Cust, Robert H. Hobart (R. H. C.); Cust, R. H. Hobart; C., R. H. H.; Cust, Robert)
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Attributed works:
Plate I. The Terra-Cottas of the Altar-Piece of the Nuns of Sta. Lucia; Here First Ascribed to Gianfrancesco Rustici (The Bargello, Florence). (A) "S. Augustine." (B) "Noli me Tangere". Notes on the Museo Nazionale, Florence-I
Attributed works:
Plate II. Gianfrancesco Rustici. (C) "The Madonna and Child with S. John the Baptist"; Marble Tondo of the Arte Della Seta, Here First Ascribed to G-F. Rustici (The Bargello, Florence). (D) "The Preaching of S. John the Baptist"; By G-F. Rustici; Bronze; Over the North Door of the Baptistery, Florence. Notes on the Museo Nazionale, Florence-I
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