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3 articles
François Boucher and the art of conchology
04/2016 | 1357 | 158
Pages: 254-263
related names
Mulherron, Jamie (Mulherron, Jamie)
Attributed works:
14. Perseus and Andromeda, etched by François Boucher and finished in burin by Pierre Aveline. 1734 (British Museum, London)
Attributed works:
15. Frontispiece by Claude Duflos after François Boucher to E.-F. Gersaint: Catalogue raisonné de Coquilles et autres Curiosités Naturelles, Paris 1736 (Courtesy Ader, Paris)
Attributed works:
16. Frontispiece to A.-J. Dezallier d'Argenville: L'Histoire Naturelle Eclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, La Lithologie et la Conchyliologie, dont l'une traite de pierres et l'autre des coquillages, Paris 1742, by Pierre Quentin Chedel after François Boucher (Private collection)
Attributed works:
17. Vis, plate 14 in A.-J. Dezallier d'Argenville: L'Histoire Naturelle Eclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, La Lithologie et la Conchyliologie, dont l'une traite de pierres et l'autre des coquillages, Paris 1742 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
18. Pourpres, plate 19 in A.-J. Dezallier d'Argenville: L'Histoire Naturelle Eclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, La Lithologie et la Conchyliologie, dont l'une traite de pierres et l'autre des coquillages, Paris 1742 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
19. Oreilles de Mer, plate 7 in A.-J. Dezallier d'Argenville: L'Histoire Naturelle Eclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, La Lithologie et la Conchyliologie, dont l'une traite de pierres et l'autre des coquillages, Paris 1742 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
20. Murex ou Rochers, plate 17 in A.-J. Dezallier d'Argenville: L'Histoire Naturelle Eclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, La Lithologie et la Conchyliologie, dont l'une traite de pierres et l'autre des coquillages, Paris 1742 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
21. Murex ou Rochers, plate 18 in A.-J. Dezallier d'Argenville: L'Histoire Naturelle Eclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, La Lithologie et la Conchyliologie, dont l'une traite de pierres et l'autre des coquillages, Paris 1742 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
22. Triton and nereid holding up a shell and a triton blowing a conch, plate 5 from the Premier Livre de Fontaines, by Gabriel Huquier after François Boucher. 1736 (Victoria and Albert Museum, London)
Attributed works:
23. Detail of Three putti sitting on dolphins and two tritons, plate 7 from the Second Livre de Fontaines, by Pierre Aveline after François Boucher. 1736 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
24. Rocaille, by Claude Duflos after François Boucher. Arabesque from a set of five designs for leaves of a folding screen. 1737 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Attributed works:
25. Frontispiece to F. Bonanni: Recreatio Mentis et Oculis In Observatione Animalium Testaceorum, Curiosis Naturae Inspectoribus, Rome 1684 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
26. Murex senis appendicibus canaliculatis decorus, from F. Bonanni: Recreatio Mentis et Oculis In Observatione Animalium Testaceorum, Curiosis Naturae Inspectoribus, Rome 1684 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
27. Detail of The birth of Venus, by François Boucher. 1741 (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm)
Attributed works:
28. Study for a triton holding a shell, by François Boucher. 1752 (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Weimar)
Attributed works:
29. Detail of The setting of the sun, by François Boucher. 1752 (Wallace Collection, London)
Attributed works:
30. Detail of the frontispiece, by Antonio Pazzi after Giovanni Domenico Campiglia, to N. Gualtieri: Index Testarum Conchyliorum, Florence 1742 (Private collection)
Attributed works:
31. Detail of The setting of the sun, by François Boucher. 1752 (Wallace Collection, London)
Attributed works:
32. Holy water stoup formed of a giant clam shell and a base made by Jean-Baptiste Pigalle. 1745 (Saint-Sulpice, Paris)
Attributed works:
33. Detail of The rising of the sun, by François Boucher. 1753 (Wallace Collection, London)
Attributed works:
34. Study for a triton, by François Boucher. 1752 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Attributed works:
35. Detail of Juno commands Aeolus to unleash the winds, by François Boucher (Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth)
Attributed works:
36. Detail of Venus on the waves, by François Boucher. 1769 (J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles)
Attributed works:
37. Murex maximus, by Teresa Mogalli, plate 34 in N. Gualtieri: Index Testarum Conchyliorum, Florence 1742 (Private collection)
Newly Identified Drawings by Watteau
02/1967 | 767 | 109
Pages: 56-63
related names
Cailleux, Jean (Cailleux, Jean; Cailleaux, Jean; Cailleux, J.)
Attributed works:
10. Study for a Looking Glass Frame, Here Attributed to G. M. Oppenort. Red Chalk, 36 by 23.5 cm. (Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.)
Attributed works:
11. Fountain with the Pan-Like Flute-Player. Etching by Gabriel Huquier 'After Oppenort', in 'Nouveau Livre des Fontaines...'
Attributed works:
12. Fountain with the Pan-Like Flute-Player, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau or His Circle. Red Chalk, 22.5 by 19 cm. (Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.)
Attributed works:
13. Fountain with the Pan-Like Flute-Player, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau or His Circle. Red Chalk, 28 by 21.5 cm. (National-Museum, Stockholm.)
Attributed works:
14. Fountain with a Triton Testing the Water, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau or His Circle. Red Chalk, 31.2 by 19.4 cm. (Paris Art Market.)
Attributed works:
15. Fountain with a Triton Testing the Water. Etching by Gabriel Huquier 'after Oppenort', in 'Nouveau Livre de Fontaines...'
Attributed works:
16. Fountain with a Triton Testing the Water, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau or His Circle. Red Chalk, 31.2 by 13.4 cm. (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm.)
Attributed works:
17. Fountain with a Cock Spitting Water, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau or His Circle. Red Chalk, 25.5 by 16.5 cm. (National-Museum. Stockholm.)
Attributed works:
18. Fountain with a Cock Spitting Water, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau. Red Chalk, 32 by 18 cm. (Private Collection, Paris.)
Attributed works:
2. Landscape with Figures and Mules, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau. Red Chalk on Vellum, 12.4 by 19.6 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
3. Landscape with a (?) Waterfall, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau. Red Chalk, 21.2 by 33.8 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Musée du Louvre.)
Attributed works:
4. Fountain with a Dragon. Etching by Gabriel Huquier 'After Oppenort', in 'Nouveau Livre de Fontaines...'
Attributed works:
5. Sketch in Reverse after Part of the Watteau Landscape with a (?) Waterfall Reproduced in Fig. 3.
Attributed works:
6. Fountain with a Dragon, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau or His Circle. Red Chalk, 35.5 by 24.8 cm. (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm.)
Attributed works:
7. Fountain in a Rustic Pavilion, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau. Red Chalk, 43.1 by 29.5 cm. (Collection Mr Christopher Loyd.)
Attributed works:
8. Fountain with a Dragon, Here Attributed to Antoine Watteau or His Circle. Red Chalk, 24.8 by 20.3 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
9. Title Page of the 'Septième Livre Contenant des Fontaines...' Engraving by Gabriel Huquier, after Oppenort.
Engravings and the French Eighteenth-Century Marqueteur - I
05/1965 | 746 | 107
Pages: 240-250
related names
Bellaigue, Geoffrey de (Bellaigue, Geoffrey de)
Attributed works:
22. Title-Page of a Book of Vases Engraved by M. Rousselet and F. Tardieu after M. Jacque (c.1712-1784). 22.7 by 14.9 cm.
Attributed works:
23. Trade Card of an Engraver, Allin (Possibly Alexis-Michel Allin, Active c.1782). 9.65 by 6.2 cm.
Attributed works:
25. Fashion Plate Engraved by E-C. Voysard after P-T. Leclerc. Published c.1778. 23.35 by 16.8 cm.
Attributed works:
26. Detail of a Chest of Drawers Stamped by J-G. Schlichtig (Master 1765-82). (Musée du Louvre.)
Attributed works:
27. Musical Trophy Engraved by G. Huquier after A. Watteau. Published c.1735. 22.4 by 16.1 cm.
Attributed works:
29. Musical Trophy Engraved by A. Benoist after F. Vivares. Published 7th June, 1769. 19 by 9.8 cm.
Attributed works:
30. Military Trophy Designed and Engraved by T. Bertren, c.1770. 3.75 by 6.8 cm.
Attributed works:
31. Drawing for the Design of a Roll-Top Desk, by A. Besse. Signed and Dated 1776. (Bibliothèque d'Art et d'Archéologie, Paris.)
Attributed works:
33. Trophy Emblematic of Love Designed and Engraved by T. Bertren, 1771. 3.25 by 3.4 cm.
Attributed works:
35. Hunting Scene, Engraved by N-C. Silvestre, after a Painting by J-B. Oudry, Dated 1723. 36 by 54.5 cm.
Attributed works:
37. Detail of a Drop-Front Secretaire Signed in the Marquetry 'fait par Le page' (Probably G-J. Lepage, Master 1777). (Private Collection.) Reproduced by Kind Permission of Madame Esmond. Photo. Dusinoy.
Attributed works:
38. Larrêt du Cigne. Engraved by G. Huquier after J-B. Oudry. 52.2 by 33 cm.
Attributed works:
39. Les Chiens en Arrêt. Engraved by G. Huquier after J-B. Oudry. 52.5 by 34 cm.
Attributed works:
40. L'Odorat. Engraved by (?) G. Huquier after F. Boucher. Published c.1740. Plate, 37.5 by 27 cm.
Attributed works:
41. One of a Pair of Sèvres Elephant Candelabra Vases Painted by Dodin, c.1760. (Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore.)
Attributed works:
42. Chest of Drawers Stamped by C. Wolff (Master 1755-95). (Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.)
Attributed works:
43. Chinoiserie Figure. Engraved by (?) P-C. Canot after J. Pillement, Published 2nd January, 1758. 16.7 by 13.1 cm.
Attributed works:
44. Detail of a Drop-Front Secretaire Stamped by C. Topino (Master 1773). (Present Whereabouts Unknown.) Photo. Dusinoy.
Attributed works:
45. La Balançoire. Engraved by P. Aveline after F. Boucher. Published 1740. 20.5 by 25.7 cm.
Attributed works:
45a. Detail from left-hand door of the secretaire reproduced in Fig.44. [Drop-Front Secretaire Stamped by C. Topino (Master 1773). (Present Whereabouts Unknown.) Photo. Dusinoy.]
Western art unattributed:
24. Detail of a jeu d'oie. 5.8 by 5.2 cm. Though Bearing a London Imprint It Was Probably Printed in Paris c.1779.
Western art unattributed:
28. Detail of an English Chest of Drawers in the French Style, c.1775. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)
Western art unattributed:
32. Detail from Page 145 of the 1777 Edition of the Almanach Historique et Raisonné des Architectes, Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs et Cizeleurs:..., Paris.
Western art unattributed:
34. Hunting Scene. Part of an Engraving Inscribed 'Roch Inv. Daumont Ex.' French, Eighteenth Century. 3 by 7.6 cm.
Western art unattributed:
36. Drawing for the Design of a Snuff-Box. French, Eighteenth Century. 6.5 by 9.2 cm. (Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.)