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18 articles
Publication Received
Santa Maria di Scolca, Abbazia Olivetana di Rimini, Fonti e Documenti. Cronotassi Olivetana a cura di Roberto Donghi. By Andrea Donati and Gian Lodovico Masetti Zannini.
12/2013 | 1329 | 155
Pages: 841
related names
Teuffel, Christa Gardner von (Teuffel, Christa Gardner von; Gardner von Teuffel, Christa)
Exhibition Review
Paolo Veneziano. Rimini
11/2002 | 1196 | 144
Pages: 712-713
related names
Strehlke, Carl Brandon (Strehlke, Carl Brandon; S., C. B.; Strehlke, C. B.; Strehlke, Carl Brandos)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
78. St Peter, by Lorenzo Veneziano. 1371. Panel, 114 by 44 cm. (Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice; exh. Castel Sismondo, Rimini).
Attributed works:
79. St Matthew, by the Master of Caorle. c. 1350. Panel, 98 by 67 cm. (Cathedral, Caorle; exh. Castel Sismondo, Rimini).
Western art unattributed:
76. Icon of Sts Peter and Paul, by a Balkan artist. c. 1282. Panel, 72.5 by 51 cm. (Treasury of St Peter's, Vatican City; exh. Castel Sismondo, Rimini).
Western art unattributed:
77. The Magi, by a Venetian or Dalmatian artist, c. 1343-53. Mosaic, 77 by 85.5 cm. (Museo Marciano, Venice; exh. Castel Sismondo, Rimini).
Exhibition Review
Guido Cagnacci. Rimini
11/1993 | 1088 | 135
Pages: 783-784
related names
Vertova, Luisa (Vertova, Luisa; Vertova, Luisa Felicita)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
58. Vision of the Three Carmelite Saints, by Guido Cagnacci. 333 by 208 cm. (Chiesa di S. Giovanni Battista, Rimini; Exh. Museo della Città, Rimini).
Attributed works:
59. Detail of the Apotheosis of S. Valeriano, by Guido Cagnacci. 230 by 411 cm. (Whole). (Pinacoteca Civica, Forli'; Exh. Museo della Città, Rimini).
Attributed works:
60. Lucretia, by Guido Cagnacci. 87 by 66 cm. (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon; Exh. Museo della Città, Rimini).
A Dossal by Giotto and His Workshop: Some Problems of Attribution, Provenance and Patronage
08/1989 | 1037 | 131
Pages: 524-531
related names
Gordon, Dillian (Gordon, Dillian)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Epiphany, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 44.9 by 43.7 cm. (Metropolitan Museum, New York).
Attributed works:
10. X-Radiograph of Fig. 9. [Entombment, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 44.5 by 43 cm. (Berenson Collection, Villa I Tatti, Florence).]
Attributed works:
11. Descent into Limbo, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45.5 by 44 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich).
Attributed works:
12. X-Radiograph of Fig. 11. [Descent into Limbo, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45.5 by 44 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich).]
Attributed works:
13. Pentecost, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45.5 by 44 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
14. X-Radiograph of Fig. 13. [Pentecost, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45.5 by 44 cm. (National Gallery, London).]
Attributed works:
15. Back of the Panel of Fig. 13. [Pentecost, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45.5 by 44 cm. (National Gallery, London).]
Attributed works:
16. Detail of Fig. 7. [Crucifixion, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45 by 43.5 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich).]
Attributed works:
2. X-Radiograph of Fig. 1. [Epiphany, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 44.9 by 43.7 cm. (Metropolitan Museum, New York).]
Attributed works:
3. Presentation, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45.2 by 43.6 cm. (Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston).
Attributed works:
4. X-Radiograph of Fig. 3. [Presentation, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45.2 by 43.6 cm. (Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston).]
Attributed works:
5. Last Supper, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 42.5 by 43 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich).
Attributed works:
6. X-Radiograph of Fig.5. [Last Supper, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 42.5 by 43 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich).]
Attributed works:
7. Crucifixion, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45 by 43.5 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich).
Attributed works:
8. X-Radiograph of Fig. 7. [Crucifixion, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 45 by 43.5 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich).]
Attributed works:
9. Entombment, by Giotto and Workshop. Tempera on Panel. 44.5 by 43 cm. (Berenson Collection, Villa I Tatti, Florence).
The Beginnings of Fra Bartolommeo
09/1966 | 762 | 108
Pages: 456-463
related names
Fahy, Everett (Fahy, Everett)
Attributed works:
10. The St Vincent Altar-Piece, by Domenico Ghirlandaio and Assistants. (Pinacoteca Comunale, Rimini.)
Attributed works:
11. Annunciation, by Fra Bartolommeo. Panel, 176 by 170 cm. (Cathedral, Volterra.)
Attributed works:
12. Madonna of Humility and Woman Kneeling in Profile to the Right, Here Identified as a Study for a Portrait of Elisabetta Aldovrandini by Fra Bartolommeo. Metalpoint with White High-Lighting, 26.5 by 18.5 cm. (Gabinetto dei Disegni, Galleria Degli Uffizi).
Attributed works:
13. Kneeling Boy, Madonna and Child, and Drapery Study, Here Identified as a Study for a Portrait of Carlo Malatesta by Fra Bartolommeo. Pen and Ink over Metalpoint with White High-Lighting, 19.5 by 23.5 cm. (Formerly Collection A. S. Drey, Munich.)
Attributed works:
14. Woman Kneeling in Profile toward the Right, Here Identified as a Study for a Portrait of Violante Aldovrandini by Fra Bartolommeo. Metalpoint Heightened with White, 21.4 by 21.6 cm. (Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Mass.)
Attributed works:
15. Drapery Study, Here Identified as a Preparatory Drawing for a Portrait of Pandolfo IV Malatesta by Fra Bartolommeo. Metalpoint with White High-Lighting, 28.8 by 10.5 cm. (Muséc Wicar, Lille.)
Attributed works:
16. Detail from Annunciation (Fig.11). [by Fra Bartolommeo. Panel, 176 by 170 cm. (Cathedral, Volterra.)] The Archangel Gabriel and a View of the Landscape.
Attributed works:
17. Detail from St Vincent Allar-Piece (Fig.10). [by Domenico Ghirlandaio and Assistants. (Pinacoteca Comunale, Rimini.)] Portraits of Elisabetta and Violante Aldovrandini.
Attributed works:
18. Detail from Annunciation (Fig.11). [by Fra Bartolommeo. Panel, 176 by 170 cm. (Cathedral, Volterra.)] The Virgin.
Attributed works:
19. Woman Standing with a Torch in Her Right Hand, Copied by Fra Bartolommeo after an Original Drawing by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Pen and Ink, 22.3 by 10.4 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
8. Detail from St Vincent Altar-Piece (Fig. 10). [by Domenico Ghirlandaio and Assistants. (Pinacoteca Comunale, Rimini.)] St. Sebastian.
Attributed works:
9. St Sebastian, by Fra Bartolommeo. Black Chalk Drawing on the Verso of the Drapery Study for Pandolfo's Portrait (Fig.15).
A Riminese Panel from Alnwick
05/1953 | 602 | 95
Pages: 170
related names
Egbert, Virginia Wylie (Egbert, Virginia Wylie)
collectors and dealers:
The Triptychs of the Beata Chiara of Rimini
09/1950 | 570 | 92
Pages: 247-249+251
related names
Zeri, Federico (Zeri, Federico; Zeri, Professor)
Attributed works:
1. The Vision of the Beata Chiara. By a Riminese Painter about 1340-5, Here Called the 'Beata Chiara Master'. Panel, 55.9 by 61 cm. (Lady Catherine Ashburnham, Ashburnham Place, Battle.)
Attributed works:
2. Adoration of the Magi. By a Riminese Painter about 1340-5, Here Called the 'Beata Chiara Master'. Panel, 61 by 61 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington D. C., Kress Collection.)
Attributed works:
Fig. A. Vision of the Beata Chiara. Engraving from G. Garampi: Memorie Ecclesiastiche... della Beata Chiara da Rimini, 1755.
Western art unattributed:
3. Adoration of the Magi. Riminese School, about 1330. Panel, 49 by 45 cm. (Musée Fesch, Ajaccio.)
Western art unattributed:
4. Crucifixion. Riminese School, about 1330. Panel, 49 by 52 cm. (Musée Fesch, Ajaccio.)
Western art unattributed:
5. The Vision of the Beata Chiara. Riminese School, about 1330. Panel, 49 by 45 cm. (Musée Fesch, Ajaccio.)
A Madonna by Giovanni Baronzio
02/1947 | 527 | 89
Pages: 28+30-32
related names
Vavalà, Evelyn Sandberg (Vavalà, Evelyn Sandberg; Sandberg-Vavalà, Evelyn; Vavala, E. Sandberg)
Attributed works:
Madonna and Child with Angels. Here Attributed to Giovanni Baronzio of Rimini. Panel, 86 by 66 cm. (M. Giovanni Salocchi, Florence)
The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
08/1935 | 389 | 67
Pages: 53-55+58-61+64-66
related names
Beenken, Hermann (Beenken, Hermann; Beenken, H.)
art literature:
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Madonna and Child with Angels, Here Attributed to the Master of the Last Judgment. Fresco. (S. Agostino, Rimini); B-Madonna and Child with Saints, by Giuliano da Rimini. Centre Panel from the Urbania Altarpiece. Dated 1307. (The Gardner Museum, Boston, U. S. A.); C-The Incredulity of St. Thomas. The Workshop of Pietro da Rimini. Fresco. (S. Maria in Porto Fuori, Ravenna). The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-The Last Judgment. Fresco from S. Agostino, Rimini (Palazzo Dell' Arengo, Rimini). The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-The Archangel Michael, Here Attributed to the Master of the Last Judgment. Fresco (S. Agostino, Rimini). The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
Attributed works:
Plate II. C-Three Apostles. Detail of Plate II, A. The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
Attributed works:
Plate II. D-Three Apostles, Detail from the Last Judgment, by Cavallini. Fresco (S. Cecilia, Rome). The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-Left, St. John Arresting the Earthquake at Ephesus; Right, St. John in a Vat of Boiling Oil in the Presence of Domitian, Here Attributed to an Assistant of the Master of the Last Judgment. Fresco (S. Agostino, Rimini). The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
Attributed works:
Plate III. B-Left, The Trial by Poison of St. John the Evangelist at Patmos; Right, St. Augustine Presenting the Rule to the Hermits, Here Attributed to the Master of the Last Judgment. Fresco (S. Agostino, Rimini). The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
Attributed works:
Plate IV. A, B-Angels, Details of Plate II, A. The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
Attributed works:
Plate IV. C, D-Two Apostles, Details of Plate II, A. The Master of the Last Judgment at Rimini
Book Review
Stones of Rimini
04/1934 | 373 | 64
Pages: 197-198
related names
Longhurst, Margaret H. (Longhurst, Margaret H.; Longhurst, M. H.; Longhurst, M.; Longhurst, Margaret)
Reviewed Items
Stones of Rimini | author: Stokes, Adrian
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