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8 articles
Book Review
Meister um das "mittelalterliche Hausbuch". Studien zur Hausbuchmeisterfrage
07/1995 | 1108 | 137
Pages: 464-465
related names
Filedt Kok, Jan Piet (Filedt Kok, Jan Piet; Kok, J. P. Filedt)
Reviewed Items
Meister um das "mittelalterliche Hausbuch". Studien zur Hausbuchmeisterfrage | author: Hess, Daniel
Exhibition Review
The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet
06/1985 | 987 | 127
Pages: 348+401-405
related names
Husband, Timothy (Husband, Timothy; Husband, Timothy B.)
Attributed works:
1. Madonna and Child on a Crescent Moon, Attributed to the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. White Glass with Grisaille and Silver Stain, 35 by 22 cm. (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters, New York; Exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
69. Young Man and Death, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Drypoint, 14.1 × 8.7 cm. (Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam; Exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
70. Luna, fol. 17 from The Children of the Planet, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Pen and Ink on Parchment, approx. 29 by 18.6 cm. (Private Collection, Germany; Exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
71. Adoration of the Magi, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Drypoint, 16.6 by 10.9 cm. (Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam; Exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
72. Resurrection of Christ, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Panel, 131 by 75.6 cm. (Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main; Exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
75. Heraldic Shield with a Peasant Standing on His Head, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Drypoint, 13.7 by 8.5 cm. (Rijksprentenkabinet; Exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam). 77. Standing Pair of Lovers, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Silverpoint, 19.5 by 13.5 cm. (Staatliche Museen Preussicher Kulturbesitz, Kupferstichkabinet, Berlin; Exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Astrology and Jerome Bosch
05/1950 | 566 | 92
Pages: 132-136
related names
Pigler, Andrew (Pigler, Andrew; Pigler, A.)
Attributed works:
17. A 'Child' of Saturn, by Jerome Bosch. Panel, Diameter, 71 cm. (Boymans Museum, Rotterdam.)
Attributed works:
18. 'Children' of Saturn, by Jerome Bosch. Back of the Shutters of The Hay Wain. Panel, Overall Measurements, 125 by 100 cm. (Prado, Madrid.)
Attributed works:
19. The Hay Wain, by Jerome Bosch. Detail. (Prado, Madrid.)
Attributed works:
20. 'Children' of Luna. Version of a Composition by Jerome Bosch. Panel, 53 by 65 cm. (Musée Municipal, Saint-Germain-en-Laye.)
Attributed works:
23. Saturn, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Drawing in the Medieval House-Book, Wolfegg.
Attributed works:
24. Luna, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Drawing in the Medieval House-Book, Wolfegg.
Attributed works:
Fig. A. Woodcut from A. Alciati: Emblemata, Paris [1602].
Western art unattributed:
21. Saturn, Florentine Engraving, c. 1460.
Western art unattributed:
22. Jupiter, Florentine Engraving, c. 1460.
Short Notice
The S. Goar Triptych
05/1911 | 98 | 19
Pages: 104-105
related names
Storck, Willy F. (Storck, Willy F.)
Attributed works:
Exterior of the Wings of the S. Goar Triptych. The S. Goar Triptych
Attributed works:
Interior of the Wings and Central Panel of the S. Goar Triptych. The S. Goar Triptych
Attributed works:
The Crucifixion. Freiburg. The S. Goar Triptych
Book Review
Die Holzschnitte des Meisters vom Amsterdamer Kabinett zum Spiegel Menschlicher Behaltnis
05/1911 | 98 | 19
Pages: 112-113
related names
Dodgson, Campbell (Dodgson, Campbell; D., C.)
Reviewed Items
Die Holzschnitte des Meisters vom Amsterdamer Kabinett zum Spiegel Menschlicher Behaltnis | author: Naumann, Hans
The Housebook Master
04/1911 | 97 | 19
Pages: 55-56
related names
Storck, Willy F. (Storck, Willy F.)
Dürer and the Housebook Master
03/1911 | 96 | 18
Pages: 316-319+322-324
related names
Conway, Martin (Conway, Martin; Allington, Lord Conway of; Conway of Allington, William Martin Conway; Conway, W. Martin; C., M.; Conway, William Martin)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A. [The large postboy, engraving, A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate I. B. [The young man and woman on one horse, pen and ink tinted drawing, by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate I. C.[The young rider, pen and ink drawing, A. Dürer, the British Museum]
Attributed works:
Plate I. D. [Self portrait by Albrecht Dürer ]
Attributed works:
Plate I. F. [Portrait sketch, drawing by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate I. [Portrait study, drawing by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate II. A. [A woman with a long train, pen and ink drawing by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate II. B. [The promenade, engraving by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate II. C. [The lovers, engraving by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate II. D. [The merry company, engraving by A. Durer]
Attributed works:
Plate II. E. Dürer and the Housebook Master [The lovers, engraving by the Housebook Master]
Attributed works:
Plate II. F. [The love bargain, engraving by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate III. A. Dürer and the Housebook Master [Virgin and Child, drawing by A. Durer]
Attributed works:
Plate III. B. [Holy family, engraving by A. Dürer ]
Attributed works:
Plate III. C. & A [Pen and ink drawing by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate III. D. [The Holy Family with a grasshopper, by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate III. E. & F Dürer and the Housebook Master [Studies for the Holy Family by A. Dürer]
Attributed works:
Plate III. F. Dürer and the Housebook Master[The Holy Family, drawing by A.Durer]
The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet and Two New Works by His Hand
12/1910 | 93 | 18
Pages: 184-185+188-192
related names
Storck, Willy F. (Storck, Willy F.)
Attributed works:
(A) Sr. Martin, Engraving. The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet and Two New Works by His Hand-Plate II
Attributed works:
(D) An Archer. University Library, Erlangen. The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet and Two New Works by His Hand-Plate II
Attributed works:
(E) The Exhortation. Kupferstichkabinet, Berlin. The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet and Two New Works by His Hand-Plate II
Attributed works:
A Young Cavalier and Lady, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. University Library, Erlangen. The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet and Two New Works by His Hand-Plate I
Western art unattributed:
(B and C) Ladies Walking. Drawings of the School of the Master. University Library, Erlangen. The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet and Two New Works by His Hand-Plate II