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14 articles
Exhibition Review
VKhUTEMAS 100: School of Avant-garde
10/2021 | 1423 | 163
Pages: 961-963
related names
Akinsha, Konstantin (Akinsha, Konstantin)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
VKhUTEMAS 100: School of Avant-garde Edited by Ksenia Guseva and Aleksandra Selivanova. 326 pp. incl. numerous col. + b. & w. ills. (Museum of Moscow and ABC Design, Moscow, 2021), $159. ISBN 978–5–4330–0163–3. | :
Attributed works:
33. Still life for the painting class, by Aleksandr Rodchenko. 1924. Photograph. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
34. Exhibition on the subject ‘Colour’ in VKhUTEMAS. Photograph, 1926. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
35. Composition of geometrical shapes sequentially drawn in one, two, three, four, five mutually crossed shapes, by Anastasia Akhtyrko. 1921. Pencil on paper. (Private collection).
El Lissitzky as a furniture designer, 1925–30
02/2021 | 1415 | 163
Pages: 144-151
related names
Tucker, Bennett (Tucker, Bennett)
Attributed works:
1. Proun 4 B, by El Lissitzky. 1919–20. Oil on canvas, 70 by 55.5 cm. (Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid; Scala).
Attributed works:
10. Interior of the Double House (Houses 14 and 15) for the Weißenhof exhibition, Stuttgart 1927, by Le Corbusier. (From W. Gräff, ed.: Innenräume: Räume und Inneneinrichtungsgegenstände aus der Werkbundausstellung ‘Die Wohnung’ insbesondere aus den Bauten der städtischen Weißenhofsiedlung in Stuttgart, Stuttgart 1928).
Attributed works:
11. Interior for F-Type Dwelling, by El Lissitzky. 1928. (Photograph © The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow).
Attributed works:
12. Chair, by El Lissitzky. 1930. (From S. Küppers-Lissitzky: El Lissitzky: Life, Letters, Text, London 1968).
Attributed works:
13. Seats for the International Fur Trade Exhibition, by El Lissitzky. 1930. (From S. Küppers-Lissitzky: El Lissitzky: Life, Letters, Text, London 1968).
Attributed works:
14. Model of an apartment in a commune for the Soviet Pavilion for the International Hygiene Exhibition in Dresden, by El Lissitzky. 1930. (From S. Küppers-Lissitzky: El Lissitzky: Life, Letters, Text, London 1968).
Attributed works:
15. Installation of seating in accordance with El Lissitzky’s project for international exhibitions. 1930. (Photograph © The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow).
Attributed works:
2. Mart Stam, Gerrit Rietveld and El Lissitzky. (From S. Küppers- Lissitzky: El Lissitzky: Life, Letters, Text, London 1968).
Attributed works:
3. The Rietveld Schröder House, Utrecht, showing the upstairs seating area from the girls’ room. (From M. Küper and I. van Zijl: Gerrit Th. Rietveld: 1888–1964: het volledige werk, Utrecht 1992; Photograph © Centraal Museum, Utrecht).
Attributed works:
4. Red blue chair, by Gerrit Rietveld. c.1918. Painted wood, 86.7 by 66 by 83.8 cm. (The Museum of Modern Art, New York; © The Museum of Modern Art; Scala).
Attributed works:
5 and 6. Furniture for the Club of Building Workers, by M. Arutchian. 1929. Wood. (Catherine Cooke Archive, University Library, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
7. VKhUTEMAS furniture projects in wood, by A. Damskii. Late 1920s. (From Salim O. Khan-Magomedov: VHUTEMAS: Moscou, 1920–1930, Paris 1990).
Attributed works:
8. Die Wohnung, Werkbundausstellung Stuttgart (The Apartment, Werkbund Exhibition, Stuttgart), by Willi Baumeister. 1927. Poster, 115 by 82 cm. (Scala).
Attributed works:
9. Stroitelstvo Moskvy 10 (1929). Front cover. Published by The Moscow Council. (British Library, London).
Book Review
Lazar Khidekel and Suprematism, edited by Regina Khidekel
01/2017 | 1366 | 159
Pages: 50
related names
Lodder, Christina (Lodder, Christina; L., C.; Lodder, Christina A.)
Exhibition Review
New Art from Russia. London
03/2013 | 1320 | 155
Pages: 190-191
related names
Blood, Anne (Blood, Anne)
Attributed works:
38. Detail of Case history, by Boris Mikhailov (Saatchi Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
39. Grand Opera, Paris, by Valery Koshlyakov (Saatchi Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
40. Russian criminal tatto encyclopedia, by Sergei Vasiliev (Saatchi Gallery, London)
The Russian section of the ‘Machine-Age Exposition’ (1927)
10/2012 | 1315 | 154
Pages: 694-700
related names
Blood, Anne (Blood, Anne)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
22. Cover of The Little Review, Supplement: Machine-Age Exposition, by Fernand Léger. 1927. (Archives of the Museum of Modern Art, New York).
Attributed works:
23. Front and back cover of The Little Review, Special Theatre Number: International Theatre Exposition, by Frederick Kiesler. 1926. 20.3 by 25.4 cm. (National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
28. Electro-Physical Laboratory, Lefortovo, Moscow, by Ivan Sergeevich Nicolaev and Anatoly Stepanovich Fisenko. 1927. Photograph from H.R. Hitchcock and P. Johnson: The International Style, New York 1932, p. 237.
Attributed works:
29. First version of a Garage for 1,000 automobiles, by Konstantin Melnikov. 1925. Drawings. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
30. Machine-Age Exposition catalogue, 1927, pp. 34-35, showing Constructed torso, by Naum Gabo (top right), and a costume design by Alexandra Exter (bottom left).
Attributed works:
32b. S.O. Khan-Magomedov: Pioneers of Soviet Architecture: The Search for New Solutions in the 1920s and 1930s, London, 1987, p. 229.
Western art unattributed:
24. Installation view of the International Theatre Exposition, Steinway Hall, New York, 1926.
Western art unattributed:
25. Installation view of the Internationale Ausstellung neuer Theatertechnik, Vienna. 1924. (Courtesy of Frederick and Lilian Kiesler Foundation, Vienna).
Western art unattributed:
26. Installation view of the Russian section at the International Theatre Exposition, Steinway Hall, New York, 1926.
Western art unattributed:
27. Installation view of the Russian section at the International Theatre Exposition, Steinway Hall, New York, 1926.
Western art unattributed:
31. Installation view of the 'Constructivist Room' from the First Exhibition of Modern Architecture, Moscow, 1927.
Western art unattributed:
32a. Machine-Age Exposition catalogue, 1927, pp. 32-33.
Exhibition Review
Russian architecture. Barcelona, Madrid and London
01/2012 | 1306 | 154
Pages: 52-54
related names
Blood, Anne (Blood, Anne)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Building the Revolution: Soviet Art and Architecture 1915–1935 | institution: Fundación 'La Caixa' , institution: Fundación 'La Caixa' , institution: Royal Academy of Arts
Attributed works:
65. Spatial force construction, by Liubov Popova. 1921. Oil and marble dust on plywood, 71 by 63.9 cm. (State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Attributed works:
67. Gosprom building, Karkhov, detail with covered skywalk, by Richard Pare. 1999. Photograph, 121.9 by 120.1 cm. (Courtesy of the photographer; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Western art unattributed:
66. MoGES under construction, by an unknown photographer. c.1924? Photograph, 22.8 by 16.4 cm. (Shchusev State Museum of Architecture, Moscow; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Publication Received
Russian Architecture and the West
09/2009 | 1278 | 151
Pages: 628
related names
Blood, Anne (Blood, Anne)
Reviewed Items
Russian Architecture and the West | author: Shvidkovsky, Dmitry , translated by: Wood, Anthony
Publication Received
Wsluzbie Imperium Rosyjskiego 1721-1917. Funkcje i tresci ideowe rosyjskiej architektury sakralnej na zachodnich rubiezach cesarstwa i poza jego granicami [In the Service of the Russian Empire 1721-1917. Functions and Ideological Contents of Russian Sacral Architecture in the Western Borderlands of the Empire and beyond Its Confines]
11/2001 | 1184 | 143
Pages: 708
related names
Murawska-Muthesius, Katarzyna (Murawska-Muthesius, Katarzyna; Muthesius, Katarzyna)
Reviewed Items
Wsluzbie Imperium Rosyjskiego 1721-1917. Funkcje i tresci ideowe rosyjskiej architektury sakralnej na zachodnich rubiezach cesarstwa i poza jego granicami [In the Service of the Russian Empire 1721-1917. Functions and Ideological Contents of Russian Sacral Architecture in the Western Borderlands of the Empire and beyond Its Confines] | author: Paszkiewicz, Piotr
Book Review
Pioneers of Soviet Architecture: The Search for New Solutions in the 1920s and 1930s
02/1989 | 1031 | 131
Pages: 157
related names
Lodder, Christina (Lodder, Christina; L., C.; Lodder, Christina A.)
Reviewed Items
Pioneers of Soviet Architecture: The Search for New Solutions in the 1920s and 1930s | author: Khan-Magomedov, Selim O.
Book Review
Alexander Vesnin and Russian Constructivism
08/1988 | 1025 | 130
Pages: 640-641
related names
Bowlt, John E. (Bowlt, John E.)
Reviewed Items
Alexander Vesnin and Russian Constructivism | author: Khan-Magomedov, Selim O.
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