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5 articles
‘Fully armed in plate of war’: making the effigy of the Black Prince
11/2021 | 1424 | 163
Pages: 997-1009
related names
Barker, Jessica (Barker, Jessica)
Mcarthur, Graeme (Mcarthur, Graeme)
Pegues, Emily (Pegues, Emily)
Attributed works:
14. The soffit of the tester over the monument to the Black Prince. Late fourteenth century. 440 by 192 by 30 cm. Oak, polychromy and gilding. (© Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
15. Detail from La vie du Prince Noir, by the Chandos Herald, showing the Black Prince venerating the Trinity. c.1385. Illumination on parchment, octavo 23.5 by 14 cm. (Senate House, London, MS 1, fol.1; reproduced with the permission of Senate House Library, University of London).
Attributed works:
8. The Black Prince’s funeral achievements, clockwise from top left: sword, helmet, gauntlets. (Photographs by kind permission of Canterbury Cathedral).
Attributed works:
9. Endoscopic view of the interior of the effigy from the bascinet toward the chest cavity and legs. (© Waygate Technologies). a. Join of interlocking teeth connecting the torso piece with the underside of the eventail at the throat; b. Iron interlocking pins at the inside of the chest; c. Tailbone bolt; d. Pin holding the legs together at the thigh; e. Hollow legs; and f. Iron interlocking pins.
Western art unattributed:
1. The tomb of the Black Prince in its setting in the Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral. (Photograph the authors).
Western art unattributed:
10. Badge of the Black Prince venerating the Trinity. c.1376. Lead, 10.3 by 7.9 cm. (British Museum, London; © The Trustees of the British Museum).
Western art unattributed:
11. Impression of the seal of the Black Prince, affixed to a charter dated 19th July 1362. Wax, diameter 5 cm. (The National Archives, London, E/30/1106; © Lloyd de Beer, reproduced by kind permission from The National Archives, Kew).
Western art unattributed:
12. Tomb of Edward III. c.1386. Gilded brass effigy, Purbeck marble tomb chest and oak tester. (Confessor’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey, London; © Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
13. Detail of Fig.12, showing the face of Edward III. (© Dean and Chapter of Westminster; Alamy).
Western art unattributed:
2. The effigy of the Black Prince on his tomb. c.1386. Gilded brass, with silvered and enamel details. (Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral; photograph by kind permission of Canterbury Cathedral).
Western art unattributed:
3. Detail of champlevé enamels on the effigy’s sword belt. (Photograph the authors).
Western art unattributed:
4. Drawing of the effigy, indicating names for the armour. (© Matilde Grimaldi).
Western art unattributed:
5. Side view of the effigy and tomb chest of the Black Prince. Gilded brass, enamel and Purbeck marble. (© Michael Freeman; Alamy).
Western art unattributed:
6. Drawing of the effigy, indicating its construction. (© Matilde Grimaldi).
Western art unattributed:
7. The gauntlets on the Black Prince’s effigy. (Photograph the authors).
Royal ceremonies in the missal of Abbot Nicholas Litlyngton
01/2019 | 1390 | 161
Pages: 18-25
related names
Wackett, Jayne (Wackett, Jayne)
museums and institutions:
Western art unattributed:
1. Folio 206r of the Litlyngton Missal. 1383–84. Illumination on parchment, 52.5 by 36 cm. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
2. Detail of Fig.1, showing the coronation of a king.
Western art unattributed:
3. Detail of folio 221v of the Litlyngton Missal, showing the coronation of a queen. 1383–84. Illumination on parchment. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
4. Detail of p.65 of the Liber Regalis, showing the coronation of a queen. c.1382. Illumination on vellum. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
5. Folio 224r of the Litlyngton Missal. 1383–84. Illumination on parchment, 52.5 by 36 cm. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
6. Detail of folio 33v of the Liber Regalis, showing a royal tomb. c.1382. Illumination on vellum. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
7. Detail of folio 326r of the Litlyngton Missal, showing a monk’s funeral. 1383–84. Illumination on parchment. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
8. Detail of Fig.5, showing the exequies for a king.
A Manuscript Wedding Gift from Philippa of Hainault to Edward III
09/1985 | 990 | 127
Pages: 582+584-599
related names
Michael, Michael (Michael, Michael; Michael, Michael A.; Michael, M. A.)
Western art unattributed:
12. Paris Bibliothèque Nationale Fr 571, fol. 6: Philippa of Hainault and Edward III Are Depicted at Margin Left and Right.
Western art unattributed:
13. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 33v. Bottom Margin Framed by a Border Spray, with Initial Bearing the Arms of England; Illustrating the Statute 'de homage et fauté'.
Western art unattributed:
14. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 147v. Scenes from the Romance of Fauvain.
Western art unattributed:
15. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 124. Panel in Column 1, Illustrating the Opening to the Pseudo-Aristotle's Secretum Secretorum.
Western art unattributed:
16. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 17v (Trésor of Brunetto Latini). Panel in Column 2. Above, Synagogue and Ecclesia; Below; the Nativity; Left Margin, St Matthew.
Western art unattributed:
17. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 9. Initial in Column 2 Illustrating 'Le Statute de Westminster I'.
Western art unattributed:
18. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 14. Initial Illustrating the Statute of Gloucester.
Western art unattributed:
19. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 150v. Scenes from the Romance of Fauvain.
Western art unattributed:
20. London BL Additional 47680, the Secretum Secretorum of Edward III, fol. 6.
Western art unattributed:
21. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 32v. Initial Illustrating the Statute 'de Religion'.
Western art unattributed:
22. a. and b. Paris BN Fr 571. Size of page: 339 by 239 mm (± 5 mm). a. fols. 1-123; c. 44 lines; justification: 269 by 168 mm (± 5 mm); interval: 18 mm; ruled in grey silver point. b. fols. 124-143; c. 47 lines; justification: 264 by 178 (± 5 mm); interval: 14 mm; ruled in brown (silver point?). c. Harvard Law School Library Ms. 12. Size of page: 333 by 235 mm; fols. 1-36; c. 45 lines; justification: 249 by 169 mm interval: 12 mm; ruled in brown (silver point?); N. B. the upper and lower horizontal lines of this pattern only occur on a few folios. .
Western art unattributed:
23. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 19. a. Inner Margin, Martyrdom of St James; b. Bottom Margin, Martyrdom of St Peter; c. Top Right Margin, Martyrdom of St Paul; D. Bottom Right Margin, Martyrdom of St Andrew
Western art unattributed:
24. Paris BN Fr 571 fol. 20. Panel in Column 2, Showing the New Law: The Adoration of the Magi and the Massacre of the Innocents, Christ among the Doctors, the Baptism and the Crucifixion.
Western art unattributed:
25. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 28. Panel in Column 1, Depicting the Four Elements, Four Humours, and Four Seasons.
Western art unattributed:
26. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 36v. Panel in Column 1, Depicting the 'Mappemonde'.
Western art unattributed:
27. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 52. Panel in Column 1, Depicting the Four Stones: Ruby (Prudence), Sapphire (Temperance), Diamond (Fortitude) and Emerald (Justice).
Western art unattributed:
28. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 92. Panel in Column 2 Illustrating 'Bonne parlance'.
Western art unattributed:
29. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 66v. Panel in Column 2, Illustrating Aristotle's Virtues and Vices: Above, Blacksmith and Ploughman; Below, Carter with Barrel, Sailor, Builders.
Western art unattributed:
30. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 66v. Panel in Column 1, Illustrating Aristotle's Virtues and Vices.
Western art unattributed:
31. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 143. Bottom Margin, the Crucifixion with the Two Thieves, Longinus and Two Kneeling Donor Figures.
Western art unattributed:
32. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 143v. Panel in Column 1, with Identical Composition and Iconography to Fig. 36.
Western art unattributed:
33. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 67. Top Margin, a Man Seated Astride a Stool, above the Word 'Cordewanier'.
Western art unattributed:
34. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 80. Right Margin, a Woman Kneeling in Prayer, Symbolising 'Patience'.
Western art unattributed:
35. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 3v. Bottom Margin Illustration to 'La chartre de foreste', Showing a Stag and a Wild Boar.
Western art unattributed:
36. Paris BN Fr 571, fol. 54. Marginal Drawing Set in Frame at Right of Text, Illustrating the Three Most Desirable and Undesirable Things in Life.
Western art unattributed:
37. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol 5. Left Hand Margin Illustration to 'la chartre de foreste', Showing a Man Shooting a Stag; Right Hand Margin Illustration to 'Le Statute de Merton' Showing a Widow Wearing Black, with White Wimple.
Western art unattributed:
38. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 2. Initial to 'Magna Carta'.
Western art unattributed:
39. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 27. Initial Illustrating the Statute 'des marchants'.
Western art unattributed:
40. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 30v. Initial Illustrating the Statute of the Exchequer'.
Western art unattributed:
41. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 33. Initial Illustrating the Statute 'de Wardes et relief'.
Western art unattributed:
42. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 33v. Initial Illustrating the Statute 'des armes'.
Western art unattributed:
43. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 34. Initial Illustrating the Statute 'de monae'.
Western art unattributed:
44. Harvard Law School Ms. 12, fol. 35v. Initial Illustrating the 'assise du pain et du serveyse'. Two Loaves of Bread and a Keg of Ale.
A Tomb and Effigy by Hennequin of Liege
09/1931 | 342 | 59
Pages: 114+116-117
related names
Noppen, J. G. (Noppen, J. G.; Noppen, John George; N., J. G.)
Attributed works:
A-Figure of Weeper; c. 1375 (Westminster Abbey). A Tomb and Effigy by Hennequin of Liege
Attributed works:
B-Effigy in White Marble of Queen Philippa; c. 1375 (Westminster Abbey). A Tomb and Effigy by Hennequin of Liege
Attributed works:
C-Restoration of the Head of the Tomb of Philippa of Hainault (Victoria and Albert Museum). A Tomb and Effigy by Hennequin of Liege