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21 articles
Royal ceremonies in the missal of Abbot Nicholas Litlyngton
01/2019 | 1390 | 161
Pages: 18-25
related names
Wackett, Jayne (Wackett, Jayne)
museums and institutions:
Western art unattributed:
1. Folio 206r of the Litlyngton Missal. 1383–84. Illumination on parchment, 52.5 by 36 cm. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
2. Detail of Fig.1, showing the coronation of a king.
Western art unattributed:
3. Detail of folio 221v of the Litlyngton Missal, showing the coronation of a queen. 1383–84. Illumination on parchment. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
4. Detail of p.65 of the Liber Regalis, showing the coronation of a queen. c.1382. Illumination on vellum. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
5. Folio 224r of the Litlyngton Missal. 1383–84. Illumination on parchment, 52.5 by 36 cm. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
6. Detail of folio 33v of the Liber Regalis, showing a royal tomb. c.1382. Illumination on vellum. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
7. Detail of folio 326r of the Litlyngton Missal, showing a monk’s funeral. 1383–84. Illumination on parchment. (Westminster Abbey, London; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Western art unattributed:
8. Detail of Fig.5, showing the exequies for a king.
Book Review
Illuminated Prophet Books. A Study of Byzantine Manuscripts of the Major and Minor Prophets
12/1989 | 1041 | 131
Pages: 852-853
related names
Mango, Cyril (Mango, Cyril)
Reviewed Items
Illuminated Prophet Books. A Study of Byzantine Manuscripts of the Major and Minor Prophets | author: Lowden, John
The Iconography of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling
08/1988 | 1025 | 130
Pages: 597-605
related names
Bull, Malcolm (Bull, Malcolm)
Attributed works:
28. The Concords of Persons, Liber Figurarum. [by Joachim of Fiore] MS Oxford C. C. C. 255A fol. 13v. [Oxford Bodleian Library]
Attributed works:
29. The Pavimentum Figure, Liber Concordiae. [Joachim of Fiore] MS Corsini 41, fol.26v. [Rome Biblioteca Vaticana]
Attributed works:
30. Figure of the Seven Estates, Liber Figurarum [by Joachim of Fiore]. MS Oxford C. C. C. 255A, fol.8v. [Oxford, Bodleian Library]
Attributed works:
31. Circles, Liber Concordiae. [by Joachim of Fiore] MS Corsini 41, fol.22xa. [Rome, Biblioteca Vaticana]
Attributed works:
31a. [transcription in current alphabet of Circles, Liber Concordiae. by Joachim of Fiore, MS Corsini 41, fol.22xa., Rome, Biblioteca Vaticana]
Western art unattributed:
26. Diagram of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling; The Subjects of the Medallions Are: 1. The Sacrifice of Abraham 2. The Ascension of Elijah 3. The Death of Absalom 4. Blank 5. Alexander Kneels before the High Priest. 6. The Punishment of Nicanor 7. The Chastisement of Heliodorus 8. The Destruction of the Idol. 9. Joab Murders Abner. 10. Joram Thrown from Naboth's Vineyard.
Short Notice
A Short Note on Baciccio's Pendentives in the Gesù à propos a New Bozzetto in Cleveland
03/1972 | 828 | 114
Pages: 167-168+170-173
related names
Lurie, Ann Tzeutschler (Lurie, Ann Tzeutschler; Lurie, Ann T.)
Attributed works:
36. Bozzetto for the Pendentive of The Four Prophets of Israel, by Gian Battista Gaulli, Called Il Baciccio. Canvas, 67.3 by 54.9 cm. (Cleveland Museum of Art.)
Attributed works:
37. Bozzetto for the Pendentive of The Four Evangelists, by Baciccio. Canvas, 74.5 by 62 cm. (Pinacoteca Comunale, Deruta.)
Attributed works:
38. Bozzetto for the Pendentive of The Four Doctors of the Latin Church, by Baciccio. Canvas, 75 by 66 cm. (Ponce Art Museum, Ponce, Puerto Rico.)
Attributed works:
39. Bozzetto for the Pendentive of The Four Doctors of the Latin Church, by Baciccio. Canvas, 75 by 61 cm. (Museo di Capodimonte, Naples.)
Attributed works:
40. Bozzetto for the Pendentive of The Four Doctors of the Latin Church, by Baciccio. Canvas, 63 by 52.5 cm. (Heim Gallery (London) Ltd., London.)
Attributed works:
41. Bozzetto for the Pendentive of The Four Lawgivers and Leaders of Israel, by Baciccio. Canvas, 75 by 61 cm. (Museo di Capodimonte, Naples.)
Attributed works:
42. Bozzetto for the Pendentive of The Four Lawgiver, and Leaders of Israel, by Baciccio. Canvas, 74 by 61.5 cm. (Pinacoteca Comunale, Deruta.)
Attributed works:
43. Drawing for The Four Evangelists, by Baciccio. Pen and Black Ink, Grey Wash, Heightened with White, on Grey Paper, 40.9 by 22.5 cm. (Stadtische Kunstsammlungen, Düsseldorf.)
Attributed works:
44. Drawing for The Four Prophets, by Baciccio. Pen and Black Ink, Grey Wash, Heightened with White, on Grey Paper, 39.5 by 46 cm. (Städtische Kunstsammlungen, Düsseldorf.)
Attributed works:
45. Evangelist St Mark, by Domenichino. Fresco of a Pendentive. (S. Andrea Della Valle, Rome.) Photo. Alinari.
Attributed works:
46. Study for a Father of the Church, by Baciccio. Chalk, Ink and Wash on Paper, 29.4 by 18.7 cm. (Städtische Kunstsammlungen, Düsseldorf.)
Attributed works:
47. Four Studies of Figures for Pendentives, by Baciccio. Black Chalk, Brown Ink, Brown Wash, 29 by 43 cm. (Städtische Kunstsammlungen, Düsseldorf.)
Attributed works:
48. Detail from Fig. 42.
Attributed works:
49. Detail from Evangelist St Luke, by Domenichino. Fresco of a Pendentive. (S. Andrea Della Valle, Rome.)
Attributed works:
50. Detail from Catalogue of Charles Natoire's Collection, 14th December 1778, Illustrated by Gabriel de Saint-Aubin.
Attributed works:
51. Bozzetto for the Apsidal Fresco Representing the Adoration of the Lamb (Detail of Angels and Elders), by Baciccio. Canvas, Diameter, 185.4 cm. (Galleria dei Marmi, Rome.) Photo G. F. N., Rome.
Attributed works:
52. Drawing for an Engraving Representing Four Evangelists, by Johannes Esaias Nilson (After J. E. Holzer). Pencil and Red Chalk, 21.3 by 16.5 cm. (Tiroler Landesmuseum, Innsbruck.)
The Reliquary of Saint Germain
06/1970 | 807 | 112
Pages: 359-365
related names
Egbert, Virginia Wylie (Egbert, Virginia Wylie)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
16. Reliquary of Saint Germain. Engraving by Jean Chaufourier (from Bouillart).
Attributed works:
18. Chapel of the Virgin and Refectory at Saint-Germain-des-Prés, by Pierre de Montreuil (from Louis Courajod, Le monasticon Gallicanum, Paris, 1869, Detail of Plate 75).
Attributed works:
20. Statuette. Gilt Bronze. (Cleveland Museum of Art, Inv. No. 64.360, Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Bequest.) [by Jean de Clichy, Gautier Dufour and Guillaume Boey]
Attributed works:
21. Rear View of Statuette Reproduced in Fig.20. [Gilt Bronze. (Cleveland Museum of Art, Inv. No. 64.360, Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Bequest.) by Jean de Clichy, Gautier Dufour and Guillaume Boey]
Attributed works:
22. Side View of Statuette Reproduced in Fig.20. [Gilt Bronze. (Cleveland Museum of Art, Inv. No. 64.360, Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Bequest.), by Jean de Clichy, Gautier Dufour and Guillaume Boey]
Attributed works:
23. Psalter of Jean de Berry, Attributed to André Beauneveu. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, MS. fr.13091, fol.23v.)
Attributed works:
24. Statuette. Gilt Bronze. (Musée du Louvre, Inv. No. O A 5917.) [by Jean de Clichy, Gautier Dufour and Guillaume Boey]
Attributed works:
25. Rear View of Statuette Reproduced in Fig.24. [Gilt Bronze. (Musée du Louvre, Inv. No. O A 5917.), by Jean de Clichy, Gautier Dufour and Guillaume Boey]
Attributed works:
26. Reconstruction of the Reliquary of Saint Germain, Including Cleveland and Louvre Statuettes (Figs. 20, 24). Photomontage E. G. C. Menzies.
Western art unattributed:
15. Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux. c.1325-28. (Cloisters Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Inv. No.54, 1.2. fol. 173v.)
Western art unattributed:
17. Chroniques de France. Early Fifteenth Century. (British Museum, MS. Cotton Nero E II, Vol. II, fol.36r.) Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum
Western art unattributed:
19. Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, fol.182v. (Cloisters Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.)
Michelino da Besozzo and the 'Vecchioni' of the Stained-Glass Window of S. Giulitta
02/1969 | 791 | 111
Pages: 64-70
related names
Gilli Pirina, Caterina (Gilli Pirina, Caterina)
Attributed works:
10. Prophet with Scroll, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
11. David, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
12. Solomon, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
13. Prophet with Book, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
14. Ezekiel, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
15. Detail Showing St. Joseph, from Nativity, by Michelino da Besozzo. From p.21 of the Avignon Book of Hours.
Attributed works:
16. Detail Showing Prophet Blessing, by Michelino da Besozzo. Drawing. (Albertina, Vienna.)
Attributed works:
9. Prophet with Scroll, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
New Works by Giovanni Pisano - I
12/1963 | 729 | 105
Pages: 528-533
related names
Pope-Hennessy, John (Pope-Hennessy, John; Hennessy, John Wyndham Pope-; Pope-Hennessy, J.; P.-H., J.)
Attributed works:
1. The Prophet Haggai, by Giovanni Pisano. Marble; Height, 63.8 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)
Attributed works:
2. Head of the Prophet Isaiah, by Giovanni Pisano. Marble. (Museo dell' Opera del Duomo, Siena.)
Attributed works:
3. Head of the Prophet Haggai, by Giovanni Pisano. Marble. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)
Attributed works:
4. Mary, Sister of Moses, by Giovanni Pisano. Marble. (Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena.)
Attributed works:
5. The Prophet Daniel (?), by Giovanni Pisano. Marble. (Magazine of the Opera del Duomo, Siena.)
Attributed works:
6. The Prophet Haggai, by Giovanni Pisano. Marble. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)
Attributed works:
7. The Prophet Isaiah, by Giovanni Pisano. Marble. (Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena.)
Four Panels by Lorenzo Monaco
10/1958 | 667 | 100
Pages: 359
related names
Meiss, Millard (Meiss, Millard; Meiss, Professor; Meiss, M.)
Four Panels by Lorenzo Monaco
06/1958 | 663 | 100
Pages: 191-192+194-198
related names
Meiss, Millard (Meiss, Millard; Meiss, Professor; Meiss, M.)
Attributed works:
1. Head of Moses, by Lorenzo Monaco (See Fig.5). Panel. (Messrs Wildenstein & Co. Ltd, New York.)
Attributed works:
10. St Peter, by a Follower of Lorenzo Monaco. Panel, 52 by 38 cm. (Lotzbeck Collection, Schloss Nannhofen, near Munich.)
Attributed works:
11. David, from the Workshop of Fra Angelico. Pen and Brown Ink and Purple Wash on Parchment, 19.7 by 17.9 cm. (British Museum.)
Attributed works:
12. Moses, by Andrea da Firenze. Detail from Fresco. (Spanish Chapel, S.M. Novella, Florence.)
Attributed works:
13. Moses, Abraham, Noah and David, by Cosimo Rosselli. Panels. (Accademia, Florence.)
Attributed works:
15. St Gregory, by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Bronze. (Baptistery, Florence.)
Attributed works:
16. Detail from the Judgment of Herod, by the Limburg Brothers. Belles Heures, f. 215v. (The Cloisters, New York.)
Attributed works:
5. Moses, by Lorenzo Monaco. Panel, 62.2 by 44.7 cm. (Messrs Wildenstein & Co. Ltd, New York.)
Attributed works:
6. Abraham and Isaac, by Lorenzo Monaco. Panel, 65.4 by 42.9 cm. (Messrs Wildenstein & Co. Ltd, New York.)
Attributed works:
7. Noah, by Lorenzo Monaco. Panel, 65.7 by 44.1 cm. (Messrs Wildenstein & Co. Ltd, New York.)
Attributed works:
8. David, by Lorenzo Monaco. Panel, c.58 by 37 cm. (Whereabouts Unknown.)
Attributed works:
9. Head of Abraham, by Lorenzo Monaco (See Fig.6). Panel. (Messrs Wildenstein & Co. Ltd, New York.)
Western art unattributed:
14. Moses. Lorraine School, Twelfth Century. Bronze. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.)
Western art unattributed:
17. Noah. Lorraine School, Twelfth Century. Bronze. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.)
Short Notice
A Drawing of a Prophet by Signorelli
07/1955 | 628 | 97
Pages: 220-221
related names
Pouncey, Philip (Pouncey, Philip; Pouncey, P. M. R.)
Attributed works:
57. Detail from the Circumcision, by Signorelli. (National Gallery.) 58. A Prophet, Here Attributed to Signorelli. Black Chalk Heightened with White, Partly Pricked, 29.4 by 21 cm. (Private Collection.)
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